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When I read the sign, I groaned with discomfort and worry. Bathroom’s closed to the public due to COVID-19. We apologize for the inconvenience. ‘Very inconvenient’ I thought, but I also wasn’t too surprised to see that was the case. When I left to go to the wholesale grocery store, I didn’t need to go. I had just eaten some lunch, but I figured it would be fine. After a half-hour in line to get in and another hour trying to get through the store itself, I was about ready to burst. 

And, unfortunately for me, it wasn’t just one type of bursting. I had to pee, but not nearly as bad as I needed to poo. Something about my lunch either hadn’t agreed with me or accelerated through me fast and wanted out asap. Either way, the sign put me in a whole new state of panic. 

I crossed my legs and looked around. There were people everywhere, despite the pandemic. Most people were wearing masks, and those who weren’t stuck their noses up in self-superiority. For a moment I was grateful for the mask, for if I had an accident, maybe no one would recognize me. 

Through the crowd I saw an employee and tried to pursue them. When I got to them and got their attention, they already knew what I was going to ask. 

“Excuse me! I-” I started.

“The bathrooms are closed to the public, I’m sorry but for our safety and yours we are limiting the use of the toilets. I’m sorry!” The teenage answered in a rehearsed, fake customer service tone. 

“Please I really need it, I’m not infectious I promise!” I pleaded, crossing my legs.

“I’m sorry ma’am, there is nothing I can do.” They said, and walked away. I grabbed my cart and gripped it tightly, trying to resist the urge to scream. The bathrooms were too the right of the checkout lines, but with the way the store was laid out due to the pandemic, I was now forced to go all the way around the store before I could come back and pay. I rolled my eyes, kicking myself for leaving the checkout line in the first place to try and use the bathroom, then started on my way. 


I blushed under my mask as a toot escaped my tight jeans. I didn’t even look around to see if anyone smelt or heard, I just hung my head and continued. Every other step I took resulted in a little bit of gas making its way out. I blushed hard, knowing I was leaving a trail of smell behind me. Suddenly a pain grew in my stomach, and I felt the need to fart again. I pushed a little to encourage it out, but that was a mistake. I felt the head of the eager to escape mess poke out of my asshole and touch my panties. I clenched hard and stopped rolling. The lady behind me didn’t, and ended up pushing her cart into my ass...right into the mess.

“Oh I’m sorry!” she apologized. I didn’t respond. The feeling of the mess squishing inside my jeans against my skin made my nose cringe, and I felt the blood leave my head from panic. I prayed that the denim was enough to hide it, and that it wasn't wet enough to make a visible stain on the back of my ass. I wasn’t even halfway through the store yet. 

As if my bladder was jealous of all the attention my bowels were getting, it decided that it was also ready to be voided. The pressure built and I was tempted to undo my tight jeans to relieve it, but that was not an option in public. When I was finally halfway through the loop, as far away from the till as you could be, I felt a dribble. 

My eyes opened wide and I put a quick hand into my crotch before looking around and realized that wasn’t a good look. When I pulled back my hand, I noticed a wet feeling on my hands. The pee had soaked through. Casually, I looked down to try to assess the damage. There was a small wet spot, but only visible when I opened my legs. At least, from the front. 


“OW! Hey watch it!” The guy in front of me exclaimed as I ran into him. The train of people had stopped while I was assessing my crotch, and I jolted up when he yelled at me. 

“I’m sorry! I-” Another dribble, this time a spurt, of pee let out on impact. I stopped awkwardly and put my hand down to my crotch, but the man was still watching me. 

“What’s wrong with you?” He asked angrily. 

“Nothing I’m sorry…” I said with a shaky voice. Finally, he turned around. Another cramp swelled inside me, and I felt my asshole start to stretch. 

‘No no no no,’ I thought in a panic, trying desperately to hold on. I was about three quarters of the way to the line, but I couldn’t be sure I would even last to get there. 

My bladder winced and dribbled out some more pee. I felt this spurt travel down my leg and knew it was now visible to the woman behind me. I hoped her cart somewhat obstructed her view.

Finally, I made it to the front of the store where...the lines were massive. There were seven cashiers and each one was busy. I was ushered to one by an employee and assumed my position in line. 

My bowels pushed against my will. I felt another head of mess poke its way out and I tried desperately to stop the flow. All I could do was break off another smaller piece into my panties and hope that would be enough to stop the whole thing…

“Next!” The cashier called the old lady in front of me. My bowels pushed again, and my bladder weakened. Another spurt of pee hissed into my panties and I felt it trickle down to my knee. The old lady slowly pulled her items out. Eggs, milk, cheese, adult diapers...I couldn't help but smile and nearly laugh at the irony when she pulled those out. 

Suddenly, as if the sight of the adult diapers was some sort of queue, my whole body gave. I felt a drop in my abdomen, and a relaxing of my butt. I gripped the cart, but that was all I could do. A massive mess pushed its way out and filled my tight jeans, pushing them out at least an inch at the back. Then, with a loud hissing noise, my bladder voided and hot piss rushed out of me. My pants became soaked and my shoes became portable puddles. 

“Next!” The cashier called me. I was officially out of my body now. Completely embarrassed and totally numb, I walked up to the cashier and started placing items on the table. My mask hid my blushing, but my eyes read terror. I watched as she scanned in every item, feeling the smell of my massive mess swell into the air. I didn’t make eye contact, and I didn’t look around. 

“That’ll be $145.91” the cashier said, trying their best to act naturally despite their customer having fully wet themselves. 

“Debit” I said, and presented my card. I paid, and grabbed all my bags, putting them into my cart. I walked out, head straight, eyes forward, and a squish in every step. When I got to my car to load my purchases, I noticed there was something in my cart I had not bought: The old ladies adult diapers.

I looked around, trying to find her in the parking lot, but I didn’t see her. Examining the package, then looking down at myself, I said:

“Maybe it’s a sign…”

I put the diapers into my car, and drove home. 


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