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Serina watched from her window as Tyler’s car pulled into the driveway, hoping he wouldn’t see her glaring. Shortly after she heard Breanna run to the door, yell bye to her mom, and left. She kissed him on the cheek as she got in, which made Serina roll her eyes. Then they drove off, leaving Serina scowling.

Almost immediately after they pulled out of her view, Serina’s dad knocked on the slightly open door and let himself in without awaiting a response.

“Hey kiddo,” he started. Serina had calmed down since dinner, but she was still bitter from the day. “Did you eat enough? How’re you feeling?”

“I’m fine, thank you,” she responded quickly. Robert paused and cleared his throat.

“Look, I don’t always know what’s going on with you, and I usually don’t try to ask, but...I need to know what’s up, kiddo. You’re constant bickering with Breanna; you’re coldness to Jess, you’re having accidents at school-”

“The first one was an accident; the second one was sabotage.” Serina interrupted.

“What about the third one?” Robert asked, shutting her up. She looked back to the window.

“I know this has been hard for you since your mother’s passing and all… but I need you to try.”

“Try what? Pretend like Jessica is my mom? Like that bitch is my new sister and best friend? That everything is okay and not progressively worse and worse?” Serina’s tone held anger and sadness.

“No, no, of course not. I don’t want you to pretend. I just want you to try and be happy. Open up a little, for your sake and mine. I’m happy. Of course I’m still hurting but...your mother would want us to be happy and-”

“Of course you’re happy. It’s been all about you. You met Jessica; you wanted to move, you you you. What about me?”

“We kept you at your school for your last year? That’s something.”

“Oh please. That doesn’t even matter now that she goes there too.”

Robert sighed. He was exhausted with Serina and with this conversation. It was not the first time, nor would it be the last that they had it.

“I just want you to try and be nice to Breanna for a while. See what can come of it. You two are more alike than you want to admit. She’s a nice girl. Kind. She’s willing to start fresh, but if you keep giving her this attitude...well, she’s also the type to give it back, as we witnessed tonight. That cycle can't continue.”

Robert felt Serina’s attention drifting. She was over it; over Breanna and over talking about her. His anger bubbled until he made a decision.

“You know what? I’m done asking.”

“Finally.” Serina scoffed. That didn’t help.

“That’s it. You will be nice to Breanna for one week. If you can’t even handle that, then I’m cancelling that trip next summer and you can stay home your last summer before college.”

“What!? That’s not fair! You promised me-”

“I don’t care what I promised. If you can’t do one week of being nice to her, then you don't deserve it.”

Serina stuttered, trying to complain further, but the look on her father's face told her it was final. She hung her head.

“You say one week, I assume you mean further than that.”

“Let’s get through the week. Then we can talk again. Night sweetheart.” Robert finally left, closing the door behind him. Serina rolled her eyes, then walked over to the door to open it a crack. She hated closed doors. Physically exhausted and emotionally drained, Serina turned on her speakers and played her audiotape for sleep. She slumped into bed and closed her eyes, dreading tomorrow.

“Nice ride Tyler!” Breanna commented as the two drove off towards the city. He was driving a black, 2009 Audi A4 convertible. The top was down, and the wind was blowing in his hair, making him look extra hot to Breanna.

“Thanks! It was my dad’s before he got a new one. He left it to me as an 18th birthday present. Hey you’re 18, right?” Tyler asked. Breanna nodded. “Cool, well I thought we could skip the movie and just go somewhere for a drink, sit and talk for a while?”

Breanna smiled. “That sounds great!”

A few minutes later, Tyler pulled into a cute little cafe-looking place just off the main downtown strip. It had a wooden aesthetic and a cozy vibe that Breanna was drawn to immediately. The two showed their ID’s at the front and sat down in a booth.

“Nice place,” Breanna complimented.

“Thanks, my brother took me here just after my birthday. We come here pretty regularly now. What’re you drinking?”

Breanna thought for a moment. “A mojito would be nice!” she decided.

“Right on,” Tyler said before going to the bar to order.

Breanna watched him walk up. He walked with such confidence, yet wasn’t cocky. She liked that. Yes, he could be a bit dim for her liking sometimes, but he was sweet and caring. A few minutes later, he returned with the drinks—a mojito for her, and a Pepsi for him.

“Pepsi?” she questioned. “I thought we were having drinks!”

“Oh, you can; I don’t drink and drive,” He explained quickly.

“Hm, not even one?”

“Not even a sip. I don’t fuck around with that.” He sipped his Pepsi. Breanna noticed by the way he was avoiding eye contact that there was something more to that reasoning that was troubling him. She didn’t pry.

“So, tell me about Serina,” she asked playfully.

“Oh god. What do you wanna know?” He blushed.

“Well, you two dated, right? What was she like? Was she always this cold?”

“Eh, not always, but then she was never really a bubbly person if you know what I mean. She hates you, though,” Tyler laughed.

“What has she said about me?” Breanna inquired.

“When you guys were moving this summer, we would..uh....see each other sometimes. I sometimes had to literally tell her to shut up about you or risk killing the mood. So when you showed up as well...you, needless to say, I was expecting a lot worse.”

“Typical. Well I’m glad you weren’t disappointed with what I showed up as.”

“Not at all. In fact, you surprised me.”


“Like I said, Serina didn’t cast a good image, so when I saw you...fun, happy, gorgeous...I was surprised.”

The two sipped their drinks for a moment, smiling and staring at each other.

“So, tell me more about her. I wanna know dirty secrets…” Breanna pried.

“Aha, well, she has this audio she listens to-”

“Oh I know that. She can’t sleep without it, so annoying.”

“And she has to sleep with a door open. Even when we were...getting close…”

“No.” Breanna gasped.


“NO! The door open!?”

“Always open,” Tyler laughed.

“That’s crazy!”

“Yeah, and she sleeps crazy deep too. Like I swore she was dead sometimes. I would like, lift her up and push her around, and nothing would wake her but her alarm.”

“Really?” Breanna asked, suddenly curious.

“Yeah, that audio must really work.”

Breanna sipped her mojito and pondered for a second. An idea…

The two talked for hours until finally, Breanna had to go home. She got in a few mojitos and, as much as she wanted to bring him inside, knew it wasn’t a good idea on a school night. When they pulled into the driveway, Breanna leaned in and kissed him. He kissed back with hesitation, then pulled away.

“Get to bed now, okay? I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow. Get home safe!” She said and got out of the car. He waited and watched for her to get inside, then pulled off. Breanna quietly kicked off her shoes and tip-toed to her room. Across the hall, Serina was breathing slow and loud, and her audio track continued its loop.

Curious and a little daring from the booze, Breanna poked her head in and looked at Serina. She was, as Tyler explained, dead-looking, with her face turned to the door and her hand dangling over the edge.

Her hand was dangling over the edge.

Breanna went back to her idea from earlier and slowly crept into the room. She tapped Serina’s hand...nothing. She poked it and pulled her fingers…nothing. Breanna smiled and almost laughed before standing up and committing to her plan.

Breanna went to the kitchen, grabbed a bowl, and let the water run until it was warm. She filled the bowl with the warm water and carried it over to Serina’s room. Carefully, she placed the sleeping girl's hand into the water and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Nothing was happening.

Frustrated and a little bit desperate to pee herself, Breanna went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet. Before she peed, she had a sick, gross idea that only a drunk person would have. Breanna even said to herself out loud, “No way. No.”, but her brain decided, fuck it. She grabbed an empty water bottle and squatted over it, filling it with her drunken pee. When she filled it, she was surprised as to how much pee was in her, but also happy. She washed her hands and went back to Serina’s room with the bottle.

Serina hadn’t moved a muscle. Her hand was still perfectly placed in the warm water. Carefully, Breanna started pulling the blanket off her. When she saw what was underneath, she was pleasantly surprised. Serina was wetting herself. The slow trickle of pee soaked her sheets and PJ bottoms, and she was still going.

Breanna looked at the bottle of her pee and shrugged.

“A little more couldn’t hurt,” she whispered and began slowly pouring her pee between Serina’s sleeping legs. Breanna stood back once done and looked at her good work. A massive pee stain spread across her bed, and her PJ’s we suitably soaked. Breanna nodded, grabbed the bowl and the water bottle, and left the room, leaving the door open a crack. She hid both the bowl and the bottle in her closet, just in case she needed it later and went to bed.

“What a perfect night,” she whispered and closed her eyes.


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