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When you woke up, your head was heavy, and there was something in your mouth. Your body felt weak, and your thoughts were fuzzy. Where were you? How did you get here? Why is this rubber thing in my mouth? For a moment, you even questioned who you were, though you quickly remembered. But the other questions remained, and would remain, unanswered. 

You couldn’t move. On top of your severe exhaustion, your wrists and ankles were restrained to the side of a bed...or was it a cage? Your eyes were just beginning to open and there was so little light that you couldn’t tell. You had a pillow and a blanket and were laying on what seemed to be a mattress, but there were bars up the side of the bed. They didn’t quite go to the ceiling, but they were still tall enough for, if you were to muster the strength and manage to escape your restraints, you would be too short to reach the top. 

Your senses were starting to come to you, and your noise picked up a curious array of smells. For one, something sweet, like the smell of an air freshener. The next was something reminiscent of baby powder, which you quickly decided must be baby powder. It had been so long since you’d smelt it that it was strangely unfamiliar and familiar at the same time. Lastly was the least pleasant, the smell of pee. A dank, wet smell that wafted just below the mask of sweet and baby powder. When that smell started leading to other feelings, a door swung open, and the lights turned on.

“Well! There’s my boy!” A woman's voice cooed from the doorway. You turned to look at her. She was tall, slim, but with a perfect hourglass figure and heavy breasts that hung perfectly in your view. You felt a squirm of excitement from her cleavage that caused a wiggle between your legs. The response was confusing, considering you should have been panicking, but also accepted. Her hair was dark, and her eyes were hazel. The texture of her skin implied that maybe she was a bit older; maybe 40, not much passed that. She walked up to you and placed her slender hand through the bar to your chest. 

Her entrance was so captivating that you realized you hadn’t looked at the state of your capture. When you followed her hand onto your chest, you finally got to see, and that was when the panic set in. 

You were completely naked, par from the restraints which were strangely pink and fluffy, and a pink diaper which was snuggly strapped to your waist. Finally, you began to panic. You kicked and struggled, trying your best to say “what the fuck” though your mouth restraint, which now you could make out as a giant pacifier. The woman just put her warm hand on your head, and suddenly, you felt calm.

“Shh, don’t stress my baby. You must be coming to now. Don’t worry, I’ll explain again in a second. I just came in to check your diaper, looks like it’s soaked!”

You looked down at the padding between your legs to see that it was wet and heavy, which surprised you as you don’t remember needing to pee before this...or anything else for that matter. The woman pulled a lever and the bars fell, allowing her to have full access to you. When the bars fell, you finally realized what you were retrained in: a giant crib. 

“I may double you up this time, the process seems to be working better than I expected” the woman said as she grabbed the diapers and supplies from a dresser. “But then again, I don’t want to waste…”

You tried pulling the restraints again, but it was no use. Even though they seemed like play-things, and not actual restraints, you didn’t have enough strength to make them budge.  

“Okay little one, let's see the damage” she smiled. She pulled at the sticky tabs of the diaper and pulled the padding away. When your bare skin was revealed, the blood left your head, and your heart pounded. 

“Well look at that! Smaller than yesterday!” She pointed out proudly. But you weren’t so impressed. You were horrified. Your penis, which once was comfortably above-average, was now a nub. To describe it as grape-sized was the most accurate way, as in terms of length and girth it compared almost exactly. A small grape at that.

“Awe, you’re upset. Don’t worry, mommy will make you happy in a bit. Let’s just get through this change.”

She lifted the diaper out from under your butt then slid the other one under you, supporting your weight with just one arm. Next, she wiped all around your little bean and butt before powdering liberally, explaining the smell from earlier. Before she could finish though, you saw your penis spasm, and suddenly, completely without warning, you shot a stream of piss at her.

“Oh! At least let me get the diaper on there mister!” She toyed, but it didn’t make you feel better. You didn’t push or feel any need to pee, yet a stream just left you like you had. By the time she tapped you up, you were ready for answers.

“Okay okay stop stomping about,” she said. “One of these days I won’t have to explain it, but oh well. Here’s the thing. You were dating my daughter, and well, decided you didn’t want to date JUST my daughter. When she told me she caught you with that other girl, I was angry. No one, ever, hurts my baby like that. So I told her if she wanted revenge, I would happily do so on her behalf. She was hesitant at first, but eventually, she warmed up to the idea. When she sees you now, she sometimes has regrets, but then I show her your tiny little dick and remind her how you will never be able to cheat on anyone ever again, she is happy.”

Memories swarmed back into your head. Your girlfriend, her mom, the girl at the party, it all came back. You looked up at the woman in fear, and she continued.

“I’ve used a combination of methods to get the results I wanted. You’ll need to be diapered 24/7 for I’ve completely removed any bladder and bowel control that you once had. Don’t even try to potty train again too, it will only make things worse. But that wasn’t enough. I knew you had to be shrunk. So now, you have this,” she said, putting her hand on the front of your diaper.

“This is my proudest achievement. Every inch it shunk made it more and more useless. But the cherry on top...” she rubbed slowly, but you quickly felt the pleasure. It was surreal, for within seconds of sensation the need to orgasm bubbled up until-

“Mmmmmmph” you moaned through your pacifier as your tiny dick came with ferocity. 

“...is how quickly you pop.” She removed her hand and stood back, looking down on you in evil glee. While you breathed heavy through your nose, she grabbed a pair of headphones and hovered them over your ears.

“Well, that was fun. I look forward to doing it all over again when you wake up,” she said, and strapped on the headphones. You watched her round, perfect ass walk away before turning off the lights, and closing the door. 

The headphones started. “You are feeling very sleepy…”


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