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The rest of the school day went by uneventfully. Serina’s friends tried to talk to her, but she ignored them and focused on the teachers. When the final bell rang, and Serina walked to her car to go home, she found Tyler and Breanna leaning against the car flirting. Serina paused for a moment to watch them. Tyler was being typical, leaning in, smirking, laughing. Breanna loved every second of it, biting her lower lip and giving him eyes. When Serina had seen enough, she beeped the car open and walked to the driver’s door.

“I’ll see you tonight!” Tyler said. “See ya, Rina!”

Serina ignored him.

“Bye!” Breanna replied, then got into the passenger side. “Couldn’t leave without me today, huh?” She teased.

“Unfortunately,” Serina replied coldly, then pulled out of the parking lot. There was mostly silence on the way home. However, Serina could see Breanna’s smug smile in her peripheral and finally exploded.

“I can’t believe you fucking did that today,” she snapped.

“Did what? You admitted you piss yourself” Breanna was ready.

“Oh fuck off with that; you know I was just trying to save face. I know you poured water down the back of my pants.”

“I won’t admit to that, especially not after you confessed. Even if that was the case, how do you explain the leaking diaper?”

“It wasn’t a fucking diaper, you bitch!” Serina snapped, and Breanna smiled at her choice of wording.

“Oh? Then what was it then?”

“It was nothing; I wasn’t wearing anything. Just panties.”

“Uh-huh, so that soaked pad in the second-floor bathroom...that wasn't you?” Breanna smiled as she asked the question. Serina was getting sloppy in her rage, and she was ready to scrape the truth out.

“Fuck you” was all Serina could muster before pulling into the garage of their house. Both girls got out, and Serina stomped ahead of Breanna, slamming the door behind her in Breanna’s face. Robert and Jessica were already in the kitchen, doing preparations for dinner.

“Hey hun, where’s Breanna? You didn’t leave her again, did you?” Robert said, starting to get angry before Breanna came through the door.

“I’m here, don’t worry!” She said gleefully.

“Hi babe! We’re having a Mexican-themed night tonight, so I hope you girls are hungry!” Jessica called over a frying pan.

“Sure am! I’m going out later too, so hopefully nothing that will make me gassy,” Breanna joked and looked over at Serina.

“You guys enjoy; I’ll be in my room,” Serina said, stomping through the halls.

“Whoa whoa, no way, we’re having dinner as a family!” Robert said.

“Maybe go easy on her; she had another rough day,” Breanna started, and Serina stopped in her tracks.

“Oh? What happened Rina?” Robert asked. Serina stayed silent, her anger building and building.

“Well, she wet her pants this morning, so the nurse gave her a diaper, and she soaked through-” Breanna began explaining before Serina finally turned and screamed.

“I told you it wasn’t a fucking diaper, you bitch!”

“Whoa! Watch your language!” Robert scolded his daughter. “So you wet your pants again? What’s going on Rina?”

“And then she made the … incontinence pad the nurse gave her leak because she peed that too much too,” Breanna continued, leaving Serina speechless.

“I...it...you...UGH!” She screamed and ran into her room. After a beat of silence following the slamming of a door, Breanna’s mom chimed in.

“Honey, maybe you should’ve let Serina explain what happened on her own time… It’s clearly upsetting her. Bringing it up might not be the best thing.”

“I appreciate you telling me. She wouldn’t have said a thing if it were just her and I. It’s almost nice having an extra set of eyes to see what’s bothering her,” Robert confessed.

“Well we need to be delicate; there’s no sense in hurting feelings,” Jessica countered.

“Why? She was a bitch to me all day yesterday and has been cold to me ever since you two got together.” Breanna said, starting to get annoyed.

“Brea, you’re not a spiteful person. Just keep being your kind self, and eventually, she’ll come around. Right?” Jessica looked at Robert. He cleared his throat.

“Yeah. She’s had a lot of anger since her mother...well, no sense opening that can. But she’s shut people out a lot, and I can only hope she comes around soon.”

Breanna hung her head, sympathizing with Serina for the first time in a long time. After another silent break, Jessica asked Breanna about her plans.

“Oh...well...I kind of met this guy…” She explained shyly.

“A guy? Already? Sheesh. Kids these days moving way too fast.” Robert scoffed half-joking.

“Well be safe. Not too late; it’s still a school night. Do you need a lift?” Jessica asked.

“No, he’s picking me up.”

“Okay, well, before 11:30!”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Robert managed to get Serina down for dinner, and when she sat down at the table, she stared daggers into Breanna. They began to eat when Breanna cleared her throat.

“Mhm. Serina, I just wanted to say I’m sorry for not being as supportive as I should be” Breanna started, and everyone looked up from their food at her. Serina looked at her dad, making a face.

“Save your fake apology; I know they put you up to this.” She sneered.

“She didn't, at least I didn't,” Robert explained.

“I didn’t either,” Jessica confirmed.

Serina paused. “Well, it’s still fake. You caused all this mess anyway.”

“See, I can’t even say anything nice without her attitude coming out.” Breanna looked at Robert for support.

“Serina, accept her apology,” He demanded. Serina waited. “NOW!”

“Fine. Thanks for saying that,” she said, not meaning a word.

“Whatever. I gotta get ready,” Breanna said, looking at the time and getting up from the table.

“Your food!” Jessica exclaimed.

“Save me some; I’m okay for now,” she replied.

“Make sure you put underwear on, wouldn’t want to make it too easy for Tyler,” Serina mocked. Breanna just stopped, turned around, and snapped.

“True. Or maybe I should wear a diaper like you, that would surely give him a challenge,” she said, then stormed into her room. Robert was on the verge of snapping, but took a deep breath and ate his food.


Canadian Dirt

This is great! You’re an excellent storyteller.