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“Oh my god Kennedy I have to go or I’m going to piss in your car!” Isla exclaimed from the back seat. 

“You better fucking not! I have to go too, so I'm clearly trying to find somewhere but there hasn’t been anything for ages!” Kennedy replied with a snarky tone. 

“Jesus could you both shut up? I need to concentrate while holding it otherwise I leak” Heather complained from the passenger side.

“You can’t say leak right now hooooooly fuck!”

The three girls were 6 hours into a 13 hour road trip and were now on one of the longest and most boring stretches. There was no town for another hour either way, and the Venti iced coffees they all got on their last stop were finally doing their work. Isla, being the smallest, felt it first and kept it to herself, but once the need got bad, she brought it up to her travel companions who were realizing just how desperate they were too. 

“Wait look! There’s a stop up ahead!” Heather perked up in her seat and pointed out the window towards a small building in the distance. 

“What is it?” Kennedy wondered.

“Whatever it is, they better have a bathroom,” Isla whined. “I can't hold this much longer.”

As they pulled in closer to the building, they could make out its shape. It was an old-style wooden bar, right off the side of the highway. The type of place that should’ve been completely empty apart from a few travelers...but it was packed. Large groups inside and outside and motorcycles lined up outside.

“What is going on here…” Heather asked shakily. 

“No idea,” Kennedy replied, and pulled in to park. For a minute, no one got out of the car. All three girls just stared fearfully at the crowd of people surrounding the outside of the bar, who started staring back. They were all big, scary biker-type dudes. Large beards, bald heads, tattoos top to bottom, and all looking towards these three girls in their Honda Civic. 

“Should...we go it?” Isla suggested.

“I think it’s fine...usually these types of guys are nice right? Scary but nice?” Heather tried to calm the nerves of her friends, and herself. Slowly, Isla got out of the car. Her hands were trembling for the desperation and the fear. Kennedy and Heather followed. 

“Hey little girlies, what brings you here?” A big man with a booming voice asked them.

“Just...the bathroom?” Isla muttered.

“Ah, well, bathroom is only for paying customers...are you a paying customer?”

“We can buy something, sure! You have, like, snacks or something to go?” Kennedy reached for her wallet. The group of men laughed. 

“Hmm...I got something for you to snack on” The big man mocked, and his group responded with moans and laughter. Isla was struggling. Bouncing up and down with her hands firmly between her legs.

“I...think we should go,” Kennedy suggested.

“Oh c’mon girlies, come have a taste of what we offer here!” another man mocked.

Heather looked around at the group, and on the face of one man, saw a swastika tattooed.

“Okay we’re going now!” Heather said, grabbing Isla and turning. 

“Not so fast!” The big man grabbed Isla’s other arm. She yelped, and her eyes widened in fear. Suddenly, a hissing sound cut over the sound of the mummering and laughing men. Isla didn’t dare look down, but felt the warmth of her piss soaking her leggings. Pee pooled at her feet and the puddle reached the man’s boots. He recoiled his arm.

“Ah! Filthy fucking bitch!”

“Run!” Kennedy yelled, and the girls ran as fast as they could to the car. The men tried to catch up, but right as they reached the car doors, Kennedy took off, leaving them in the dust. 

“Holy FUCK!” Heather screamed.

“Guys...I’m sorry…” Isla said tearfully. 

“Oh sweetie it’s okay. It happens,” Kennedy comforted. “I just can’t believe what we walked into. Could you imagine what would've happened if we went in?”

“We would have been on the missing persons list for sure.”

“Fuck...I still need to pee too” Kennedy moaned.

“Uh...guys?” Isla said fearfully.

“What?” Heather asked, but then she heard it. The sound of engines roaring behind them. It was the bikers.

“Holy fuck! Go Kenny Go!” Isla yelled.

“I’m already going 100!” she replied. She could now see the three bikers in her rear view. 

“Go faster!” Heather yelled at her. 

Kennedy put her foot on the gas and took her right hand, which was firmly planted between her legs, onto the wheel. The world closed in around her as she became laser focused. Her focus on the driving however, took her focus off her bladder. It tested if she was paying attention; one spurt, then two, then a long stream, and then...release. Her bladder completely gave. The sound was masked behind the sound of acceleration and screaming, but the feeling of warm wetness under her was unmistakable. Finally, her focus managed to break a moment to realize what she had just done.

“Fuck I just peed my pants!” Kennedy screamed while checking her mirrors again. 

“Me too, fucking drive!” Heather replied, and when Kennedy looked at her crotch, she was sitting in a puddle of piss as well. 

No matter how much faster Kennedy went, they still gained on her. Gradually she could make out their angry faces, and then, right as they were about to overtake her, the sound of sirens wailed.

“Oh my god he got them!” Isla exclaimed.

“Who got them?” Kennedy asked.

“Highway patrol babyyy!” Isla laughed. Kennedy looked back and saw the bikers disappear behind her, and sighed. 

There was a moment of silence as the adrenaline wore off and the girls realized they were all sitting in puddles of their own piss. Then, they all started laughing. 

“Next time, I’m bringing a fucking diaper” Isla proclaimed. 

“Yeah make sure you bring enough for all of us!”



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