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When he asked me to come along with him tonight, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Bryan and I had been dating for almost 4 months now and we were finally going to meet his family, albeit not in the way I expected. 

Before tonight, Bryan never spoke much about family except that they “were very important to him” and they “were different from other traditional families”. Me, thinking that was what everyone would say about their own family, didn’t raise too many flags, but now, at the end of the night, I see now what he meant. 

The first thing that was strange was the fact that, when he finally told me I was going to meet his family, we were meeting them at a party with a dress code. I was going to shop around for a new outfit but Bryan insisted he pick out my outfit as they “are very particular”. What I was given was one piece top and light grey, tight dress pants that were really hard to get in and out of.

Still, I was not worried. It was almost sweet that he decided to pick for me instead of having me risk embarrassment having picked the wrong attire. The second strange thing was the location. Bryan mentioned his family was well-off, but when he pulled into the driveway of the mansion we were to be staying in for the night, I nearly passed out from holding my breath. It was terrifyingly huge, and someone scary looking, especially in the pitch black of night. 

A man opened my door and assisted my out of the car, and Bryan handed him the keys. 

“This is crazy” I confessed to him, “what do they do for a living?” 

“You’ll see soon enough” he replied cryptically. When we got to the massive front door, he stopped me and held my shoulders. With his eyes staring directly into mine, he warned me. “Listen to me carefully Kate. These people, my parents included, are not easy-going folk. They’re hard, and I’ve been told they can be quite intimidating. So all I ask of you is if something happens tonight, something you think is strange or maybe someone asks you to do something, go along with it. I can’t protect you. Will you go along with it Kate? Whatever it is?”

This should’ve been the moment I walked away, but no. “Don’t worry Bryan. I won't embarrass you, I’ll do anything and everything they ask. No questions or complaints!” I said, and he kissed me.

“Thank you. If you can stick to that, I think they’re really going to see you as I do.”

Finally, we walked inside. 

“Hello darling how are you!” Hellena, Bryan’s mother, greeted her son with a hugging embrace and a kiss on the lips. She was wearing a sort of dark cloak, silky and shiny but completely drowning out her figure.

“Hi Ma. This is Katherine.”

“You can call me Kate Mrs. Lane, it’s a pleasure.” I reached out my hand for her to shake it. Instead, she embraced me, kissed both my cheeks, then gave one long kiss on my lips.

“Welcome Katherine. We’ve eagerly awaited your arrival.”

I was shaking with nerves and confusion, but kept smiling. 

“Right this way,” Mrs. Lane motioned,  “your father and the rest of the family awaits in the great room.”

Bryan took my hand and walked with me behind his mother's lead. Suddenly I felt the overwhelming need to pee, and pulled Bryan in to whisper.

“I need the little girls room, where is it?” I asked quietly.

“Just wait until we get inside, you’ll find relief there.” Bryan assured me. 

We opened another set of doors that revealed a large downward staircase. There were no lights on in it, and only a faint light at the end of the steps. I held tightly onto Bryan as we started stepping down into the darkness. His mother disappeared into the black, and I nearly slipped on a step. 

“Bryan, why are the lights out?” I asked, somewhat childishly. It was like I was a kid again, afraid of the monsters in the dark of my basement. Monsters might have been better. 

Finally, with my bladder now bursting and my heart racing, we stepped into the light and what I saw I will never forget. We were now standing on the ground floor of a massive concert hall. Surrounding Bryan and I were at least a hundred people sitting in cloaks staring down at me. 

“Bryan? What’s happening…” I said, quivering. 

“Like I said, just go with it” He said, and let go of me. I was too busy looking around at the people in the stands to realize he had disappeared into the dark, and I was alone. Suddenly, a spotlight came down on me. 

“Katherine Elizabeth Moore. We are blessed by your presence.” A voice boomed from the middle of the room where a man was standing above the rest. 

Suddenly the crowd repeated “We are blessed.” When they finished, you could hear my panicked breathing throughout the room. 

“I am John Kenneth Lane. Bryan James Lane is my son. Today we will determine if you are right for my son and the family, or if you are wronged. Let the ceremony begin!”

I could feel a small leak of pee saturate my panties as I trembled in fear. There was no way out, and no direction since every possible route was shrouded in darkness. Suddenly a group of women all walked out in unison and surrounded me. 

I looked around at all of them. They all varied in age and race, looking anywhere from 18 to 60 years old, yet they all wore the same cloaks Mrs. Lane who was among them. Once all 30 of them had closed a circle around me, they stopped. Then they all, again in unison, removed their cloaks, revealing what was underneath. 

All 30 women were nude, with the exception of one garment: A diaper. A big, thick, puffy adult diaper. The stark whiteness of the diapers contrasted the black of the rest of the room, and they were impossible to look at. Despite all manners and sizes of naked breasts in front of me, the only thing I could stare at were the diapers, which all of a sudden, all started yellowing. 

A sudden strike of pain hit my bladder and another leak spurted into my panties. The women started swaying and chanting. 

“She will wee.” 

“She will pee.”

“We will see her relief.”

“She will join us in the padding.”

“She must wee.”

“The pee must flow.”

Then, all in unison.

“She must pee. She must pee. She must pee.”

Even the audience started chanting. “She must pee. She must pee. She must pee.”

I looked around and saw Bryan’s face in the audience. Looking up to him with desperate eyes, I found no relief. All he did was nod.

“She must pee. She must pee. She must pee.”

I spiraled around, desperately holding on to every bit of liquid trying to escape.

“She must pee. She must pee. She must pee.”

I covered my ears, closed my eyes, and started crying.

“She must pee. She must pee. She must -”

Suddenly, they stopped. I opened my eyes cautiously, and when I looked up, I saw Bryan’s mother standing over me. She pointed a sharp nail at my bladder, and then...

Hisssssssssssss drip, drip drip.

I lost control, and I couldn’t stop it.

“She is blessed!” someone in the crowd yelled.

“She is blessed! She is blessed!” More people repeated. I didn’t feel blessed, I felt trapped, and wet. Mrs. Lane embraced me and whispered in my ear.

“This is your new home. Welcome my dear. However, there is one more thing.” She handed me a diaper, and when I grabbed it from her, there were cheers. 

It’s now a few hours later, and my bladder training starts in the morning. Bryan seems thrilled, but...I’m not sure what to think. I guess I’ll just go with it. 


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