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As the teacher explained the first topic of the new year, Serina tried her best to focus. Her bladder had gotten increasingly more full and painful as the minutes ticked by, and she started debating asking to leave. When she looked at the clock, she was thirty minutes into a 50-minute class. ‘I can wait. I can hold it,’ she thought, crossing her legs and trying her best to get comfortable.

When her eyes dropped from the clock, she saw Breanna texting under her desk, with the occasional look up to Tyler and a smile. He was also hiding his phone and smiling before responding to the message. Between that and the soft chatting between Breanna and Serina’s friends, Claire and Yana, Breanna was quickly making herself comfortable in the world of Serina’s friend group. This just angered Serina even more.

She looked away and back at the teacher, who was explaining something Serina did not understand. After a few more minutes of struggling to focus with her attention divided between the teacher, Breanna’s flirting, and her bladder, she had a moment of shock. A sharp pain twinged in her bladder, and she crossed her legs and pushed her hands in hard. The pad crinkled slightly under her pressure, and she blushed but didn’t look around. The padding was pushed as close to her bits as possible, desperately trying to block any pee trying to escape...but then she felt warmth. It wasn’t much, just a spurt, but it was something. That something was enough to freak out Serina, who shot her hand up to gather her teacher’s attention.

“So when you look at it like that, it doesn’t seem so-...Serina, do you have a question?” He asked.

“Could I go to the bathroom, please?” She asked, trying to mask her severe desperation. He looked up at the clock.

“There are only 10 minutes of class time left. Do you think you can hold for that long?”

Serina was sweating now. She bounced her leg up and down and fought off any waves of pee that tried to push out.

“I don’t-”

“Just use the diaper the nurse gave you this morning Serina!” A boy, Ryan,  called out in the class. There was an eruption of laughter.

“She didn’t give me a diaper prick!” Serina snapped.

“Oh, you better let her go than Mr. G; otherwise, you might have to call the janitor again,” Ryan toyed, feeding off the class's responses. Serina looked over and saw that even Tyler, Yana and Claire were laughing along. Of course, Breanna was enjoying it the most.

“Okay, okay, that’s enough. Ryan, another word, and you’re going to be visiting with the principal,” Mr. G tried to get control of the class. He looked back at Serina, now showing her desperation, and then back at the clock. “Alright, you know what, let's call it early. I think I’ve covered all I need to cover today. I’ll see you all tomorrow.”

With that, the whole class rose in satisfied unity. Serina sat for a few seconds, appreciating the outcome until she was reminded of the reason for this mess with a quick second spurt of piss into her pad. She stood up in a jolt, grabbed her bags, and rushed out.

“Hey, Serina, hold up!” Ryan called for her, but she didn’t stop for him. He ran to catch up to her, and just when she was about to open the doors to the bathroom, he blocked her. “Slow down! I just wanted to say, I’m sorry for messing with you like that back there,” Ryan started, sounding less-than genuine.

“Please just move Ryan; I have to-”

“Do you have, like, an issue or something? Like, with your bladder?”

“Oh my god, no! Just let me-” Serina tried to push past, but Ryan adjusted his stance to block her course. She fumed and cringed when another shot of pee hissed out into her pad.

“I’m concerned about you is all, you know, I care about you,” Ryan said with a smile, failing at acting the part of ‘caring gentleman.’

Another spurt and the pad was starting to get heavy. It had protected her for this long, but any more and she might be out of luck.

“Ryan, please let me go; I’ll do whatever you want,” Serina begged.

“Whatever I want?” Ryan said, liking where it was going.

“Yes. Name your price; I’ll do it.”

“Well...I’ve never done butt-stuff before…” Ryan bargained.

“Ew! Not that you fucker!” Serina yelled. In her panties, the spurts had stopped, and a steady dribble was now escaping her. She was running out of time.

“You said anything!” Ryan exclaimed.

“Oh my god, Ryan, let the lady pee” Yana came out of nowhere and pushed Ryan out of the way. With the path clear, Serina bolted in and found an empty stall. She pulled her pants down as fast as she could, still dribbling pee, and planted her ass on the toilet. The sound of pee hitting water filled the room as Serina finally got the release she needed.

“You okay in there?” Yana asked, now standing by the sinks with Claire and Breanna.

“Yeah, you came right in the nick of time,” Serina said with a sigh; however, when she looked between her legs at the state of her pad, she knew that was a lie. The pad was nearly doubled in size and soaked all the way through. It was yellowed, wet, and a sure sign of a serious accident. Serina hated that she was grateful for it since it stopped her pants from any serious damage. Any wetness to these pants would mean the rest of the day in booty shorts, and there is no way those would hide this thick a pad.

“Ryan was a dick; he shouldn’t have said that stuff in class,” Claire said. Serina raised an eyebrow.

“You guys seemed to think it was funny,” She commented while pulling some toilet paper off the roll.

“No, it wasn’t. I wasn’t even laughing,” Yara lied.

“Yes, you were; I saw you” Serina silenced them for a minute. She cleaned herself off within that time but now had to figure out what to do about the pad. She couldn’t throw it out; her friends would see it. Swallowing her pride, she pulled it up in her panties. When the wet padding hugged her crotch again, she closed her eyes and clenched up in disgust. Finally, she pulled up her sweatpants and left the stall.

“You know, it was just funny in the moment,” Claire tried to defend herself. Breanna just observed, keeping her thoughts to herself.

“Well, thank you for defending me at the door, would've been nice if someone other than Mr. G could stand up for me,” Serina snapped and walked out.

“What’s wrong with her?” Yana asked Breanna.

“I mean, she shit herself yesterday and pissed herself once already today, nearly a second time. Wouldn’t you be uptight?” Breanna explained, in more of a way to remind the girls of Serina’s accidents than defend her behaviour. The three girls left the bathroom, where Tyler was waiting outside.

“I guess, still,” Claire started.

“Plus, the Nurse made her wear a diaper,” Breanna fibbed.

“Wait, what’s going on?” Tyler asked, shocked.

“Yeah, didn’t you guys see it?” Breanna asked.

“See what? A diaper?” Yana asked.

“Not exactly; look at her butt. There’s a wet spot on her pants” Breanna pointed at Serina’s bum as the group walked behind her. Everyone looked down at Serina’s ass, where a wet spot was curiously off-centre.

“I’m confused; how does this prove she’s wearing a diaper?” Tyler asked, still staring at Serina’s ass.

“It’s the placement. Look at it; it’s on the side. If she were just in panties and leaked a little, she’d have a spot in the middle. But if she was wearing a diaper and it leaked…” Breanna explained.

“Ooooooh,” Yana, Claire and Tyler came to their realization together.

“So she peed so much, even her diaper leaked!” Claire whispered.

“Oh my god, I didn’t even know they gave out diapers here!” Tyler raved.

“They must’ve done it after she shit her pants; they bought them for her!”

“Yeah, and I bet you anything she’s going to stay in that diaper all day. There’s no way she’s going to go back to the nurse’s office...everyone would know!” Breanna smiled smugly, just as the bell ran for the next class.


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