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Hey! It’s great to finally meet you. Or...have we met before? Yeah I think we have...didn’t we go to high school together? Wow you were the top dog there, now look at you. Your girlfriend told me all about you over the phone but it’s nice to finally see what she was talking about. What did she tell me? Well...where to begin. 

She told me how after a long string of wetting the bed, she put you in nighttime diapers. When you started wetting your pants during the day, she put you in pull-ups. When the pull-ups started leaking and you started messing too, she finally put you in big thick adult diapers. I can see them under your pants right now! How cute.

Even with all that, at first I was a bit confused as to why she wanted me to babysit you seeing as, even though you wet yourself like a baby, you’re still an adult, but she told me all I needed to hear to take the job. You need someone looking after you, don’t you?

I don’t think you’ve looked up at me yet, what’s wrong, you shy? Or embarrassed...or both? She told me you were a bit of a pathetic person, but I hope you can be brave enough to look me in the eye. 

There you go. Awe you’re as red as a tomato! No need to be embarrassed little one, I’m here to take care of you. How’s that diaper of yours? Still dry? Let me check...hey hey hey, don’t scurry away. I’m in charge here and as long as I’m here, you have to do what I say. Especially when it comes to diaper checks; I don't want you sitting around in a wet diaper getting a rash! So come here. NOW!

Good. Now lets see...yep! Dry! 

What’s that? You don’t actually need the diapers? Oh don’t be silly. Your girlfriend was very clear. 

Oh you’re an adult are you? So she was lying? Really? Well, if you’re so sure, why don’t we play a game. Drop your pants. Don’t question me, just do it! Good. Now, take off your diaper. I said TAKE IT OFF! NOW! Unless, you’re not a big adult afterall… hehe, that’s what I thought. Don't be shy, doesn’t look like there is much to cover up there anyways. Now that that’s off, pull your pants back up. Bet it feels weird huh? Wearing no diapers. You’ve been 24/7 for how long now? A month? Hehe, I can tell you’re already worried. Well here’s the game.

You’re going to drink this big jug of water. Then, I’m going to start a timer on my phone. If you can last 30 minutes without so much as a dribble in your pants, you can be in charge the rest of the night and can do whatever you want to me..and I mean, whatever you want. Excited? I can tell. Let’s see if you can pull it off first. Here.

That’s good little one, suck it all the way back. Every last drop. Wow you were eager to chug that down! Let’s see how you fare, I’m starting the timer...now.

A few minutes later.

Wow, I can see you’ve already embraced the pee-pee stance and dance. That bladder of yours is pretty pathetic isn’t it? Not even ten minutes and you’re already going to lose the game. Oh? You can hold it? I’m starting to doubt…

You know what I love more than anything? A nice cold glass of water. Mmm. Especially after a long hike, the way it hits your mouth, wets everything down, so satisfying...Oh speaking of hikes! Last year I hiked to this gorgeous waterfall. The way the water flowed off the rock, it was so powerful and beautiful. All that water...rushing, flowing, pounding down. I lost myself in its beauty. 

Hey, what’s that behind your hand? Is that...a leak? Oh my god. Did you leak already?? It’s growing, you can’t hide it anymore. Every little move you make a little spurt soaks your pants. Okay. Game over. I knew you wouldn’t be able to last. Besides, even if you did, do you think I would really let your pathetic ass take charge of me? No way. I don’t even think you would know what to do anymore. The way your girlfriend talks about you, you haven’t worn the pant’s in this relationship...ever?

Oh wow. There it goes. Geez, you really needed to go! Look at that stain grow down your legs. I can hear the hissing of your piss from here. Reminds me about that waterfall I was talking about. Is that what put you over the edge? Sorry...not. Awe, there’s even a cute little pathetic puddle growing under your feet. How does it feel to piss your pants again, pretty embarrassing huh? 

Here, take this diaper back. Now use it to clean up all the piss that has pooled on the floor and on your legs. Good. Now put it on. You heard me! Put that diaper on. You’ve earned it. I’ll change you when it’s ready to leak, and given how much water I just made you drink, I think you’ll achieve that in no time. 

Oh I’m being mean? You’re going to tell on me? Please. I wouldn’t be surprised if your girlfriend pays me double for this. She said I can have my fun, she certainly is out having hers. Oh you didn’t know? She’s on a date. Yeah, she told me she needed to be satisfied. Said the only thing she’s been getting in bed lately is pissed sheets. I couldn’t imagine. 

I mean, can you even have sex? I saw what you’re working with...it wasn’t much. And I would be so worried you were going to pee everywhere! However, I do see the appeal in keeping you around. It’s fun you know, having someone so useless, so pathetic to play with. I think I’ll come babysit more often, maybe next time we’ll see how far we can walk without your diaper before we have to turn around and come back home....



Any chance we could get an alternate take on this, and the person being babysat manages the challenge and treats the babysitter accordingly?