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“So, 8:30?” Breanna confirmed her movie date with Tyler. With Serina in the nurse's office, she had free reign to work her game. From behind Tyler, another two girls approached Breanna.

“Hey, is she in there again?” One of the girls asked; she was blonde and beautiful, with possibly the biggest tits in the whole school.

“She didn’t poop herself again, did she?” The other girl asked. She was the opposite in almost every way; while the one was pale and blonde, she was dark-skinned and tall. Where she lacked in the chest department, she more than made up for it with her massive, toned ass.

“Looks like she may have peed her pants this time,” Breanna responded, following their eyes to Serina inside the nurse’s office, arguing with Taylor.

“No fucking way. I’m Claire, by the way. I don’t think we met yesterday; you’re Breanna, right?” The blonde asked.

“Yeah, that’s me,” Breanna replied.

“I’m Yana,” the darker girl introduced herself. “Funny how Serina didn’t introduce you yesterday.”

“Well, she left me after her accident; I think she was angry,” Breanna recalled.

“Probably embarrassed. But then to post it on social and THEN wet yourself again first thing in the morning? So strange,” Yana pondered.

“Maybe she’s stressed; she’s been texting me about how stressful the move was,” Claire said.

“Aha, is that all she said?” Breanna asked.

“Well...she doesn’t seem all that fond of you; I have to say aha,” Claire remarked awkwardly. “But I can’t see why. You seem like a nice girl. And gorgeous too! Aren’t you half-Asian?”

“Yeah, my dad is Asian, and my mom is white.”

“That’s always a good mix. Same with blasians. Maybe I should find a nice Asian man to put a baby in me,” Yana jokes.

“I’m sure Chuck would gladly-” Tyler started, only to get cut off by Yana.

“Don’t...even mention that…”

“It’s funny, too; you almost look like a dark-Serina. You both are skinny; you have basically the same chest size-” Claire started.

“We have the exact same size actually; our bras keep getting mixed up,” Breanna interjected.

“See, it’s like your her half-Asian twin or something.”

“Don’t tell her that; she might just blow a fuse,” Breanna joked.

“Probably. Well hey, she’s probably going to be a minute; we can walk you to class,” Yana offered.

“That would be awesome! Thank you!” Breanna said and then followed the girls away from the nurse’s office.

Inside the nurse’s office, a totally different vibe was in the air.

“I didn’t fucking piss myself Taylor, that bitch poured water down my legs, I swear it!” Serina fumed.

“Look, I know this is probably upsetting for you, but using that tone and language with me isn’t going to get you anywhere. I’m just trying to help you!” Nurse Taylor tried to calm Serina.

“Help me? Help me!? You’re saying I pissed myself! I didn’t! I could pee right now and prove to you I didn’t pee. Is that what you want?” Serina continued.

“Serina, calm down. Let me just get you a new set of-”

“Oh my god! You don’t believe me! Give me a cup; I’ll pee in it right now and prove it.”


“Give me a cup!”

Serina held out her hand, but the nurse didn’t move. After an awkward silence, Serina broke.

“Fine. Is this what you want? You won’t believe me?” Serina spread her legs and pulled up her pants, looking down. She pushed, but nothing was coming out.

“Serina, class is going to start soon; let’s get you cleaned up.”

“It’s going to come, I swear it!” she said, pushing and pushing. Still, nothing was coming out. Her potty training ingrained into her brain that she couldn’t pee her pants if she tried.

“I think that says enough. Now come here before I have to call the principal,” Nurse Taylor threatened in the sweetest way possible.

Finally, Serina gave up pushing.

“Fine,” she said. “But this doesn’t prove I peed myself. It just proves I can’t pee my pants on command!”

“Sure. Okay, let me see…” Taylor searched through the cupboards until she found what she was looking for. A box with Tena across the top. From it, she pulled a thick square and handed it to Serina.

“What’s this?” She asked, grabbing it.

“It’s a pad. It’s for periods and...other leaks. It’s the thickest we have here; if we were a K to 12 school we might carry diapers, but since this is just a high school…”

“So...you’re saying you would put me in a diaper...but this is the next best thing?”

“No...not really. It is our policy for accidents like this to provide the student with protection.”

“Pr….Protection!?” Serina’s anger exploded again. “I’m not wearing this shit; I don’t need it!” she said, throwing the pad at Taylor. Taylor caught it, then stared at Serina before grabbing the phone.

“What’re you doing?” Serina asked, worried.

“I’m calling Principal Kent. He said if I ever have issues with a student to call him. Hello?” Taylor explained until the line picked up. Serina ran over and hit the button to hang up the phone.

“Fine. I’ll wear it, just...don’t call him.”

“Good. Here you are then. If those clothes you returned were clean, we could use those; otherwise, I only have these booty shorts…” Taylor offered. The shorts were tight and short, something, on any other day, Serina would relish wearing. Since her panties were about to be stuffed with a thick pad though, she opted for the sweats.

“Go change then. I’ll be here if you have any issues with the pad!” Taylor said, returning to her cheery tone.

Serina just hung her head and walked into the room to change. She dropped her wet pants and panties and examined the pad. When she unfolded it, she cringed at the thickness of it. It was about an inch of padding designed to lay across her panties. It may as well have been a diaper, for it had all the thickness without the waistbands. She removed the back piece and laid it into her thick, girly panties. It fit perfectly, as if the panties were made for these pads. ‘Probably were’ thought Serina, as she pulled them up and felt the thick padding wrap around her crotch. It was a strange feeling, but not as uncomfortable as she expected it to be. Not wanting to waste another minute, she pulled the sweatpants back up and left the changing room.

“All good?” Taylor asked. Serina just nodded. “If you need a new pad before the end of the day, come see me; otherwise, I’ll see you tomorrow!”

“What the fuck? Do you just assume I’m going to have another accident tomorrow or something? You know you have some nerve, Nurse-” Serina started accusing Taylor before she was cut off.

“To return the clothes, Serina.”

“Oh. Right. Sorry.” Serina blushed and ran out of the office. The bell had rung, and so she ran to her first class. When she got to the door, the whole class looked, and she heard snickers of laughter and quiet comments dance around the room. Then she saw the worst of it: Breanna was in her seat, sitting next to her friends, Yana and Claire, and her on-and-off boy-toy, Tyler. Breanna made eye contact and smiled at her.

“Take a seat Ms. Jane” the teacher demanded.

“She’s in my seat,” Serina replied.

“It’s not assigned, just find a seat and sit down, please. Now, where was I.”

Serina was red from anger and stared daggers into Breanna until she sat in a seat near the front and across the room from her usual spot. As she sat, she instantly noticed the padding and immediately needed to pee.


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