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When Greta approached Jess at the end of the day, she was surprised to see a big, smug smile on the diapered girls face. 

“What’s up with you?” She asked, angry at Jess’s happiness.

“I’m wet!” Jess proclaimed proudly.

“Alright, weird thing to be happy about…do you want a change now or…”

“Let’s change at my house, I want to get our evening started as soon as possible.” Jess said and turned sharply to leave, giving Greta a full view of her soggy bum from her skirt flying up. Greta just rolled her eyes and followed Jess. Jess walked right up to Greta’s car and stood at the door for the back seat. 

“Shouldn’t you take your car home?” She asked, now started to get annoyed. 

“Why? I’m not going to need it with you around. Plus, don’t you think mommy’s should drive their little girls around?” Jess asked, loud enough for some of the girls nearby to turn their heads and look. Greta hung her head to hide. 

“Would you quiet down?” she asked.

“Sorry mommy, was I a bad girl?” Jess said, putting on her best toddler voice and pout. 

“Okay it’s more fun when you don’t like it, can we go back to that?” Greta snapped, and got into the car. She waited for a second to see if Jess would leave and go to her car, but she just stood at the back doors, waiting. With a disgruntled sigh, she let her in. 

Jess played the part of the “babygirl” the whole way home. She sucked her thumb, asked silly questions, and patted at her diaper off-beat to the music. When they finally pulled into Jess’s driveway, Greta was nearly at her breaking point. 

“Jesus what happened to you? Did McDonalds spike your happy meal?” She said while Jess fumbled to unlock her front door. 

“I just thought this would be what you want Mommy, I’m your little girl so it only makes sense I act like it!” 

The  girls walked in the door and Greta groaned. 

“So are you going to be like this all night?” Greta asked.

“Of course! Unless, I can’t be your babygirl anymore…” Jess offered. Greta contemplated, but then caught another glimpse of the diaper between her legs. 

“No, this continues...but I’m going to need a drink.”

“Oh I know just the thing!” Jess walked off to the kitchen and started working on a concoction. Greta slumped herself on the sofa, exhausted from the day and from Jess’s baby-talk. When Jess walked back in, she was holding a scotch glass with some green liquid in it. 

“Mommy juice, made special!” Jess gleamed. Greta took a sip. It was fruity and sour, but strong and exactly what she needed. She sighed, this time with relief. 

“That’s great babygirl, what is this?” she asked.

“Baby secret. Finish that one and I’ll make another!” Jess tempted, and Greta obliged. She downed the green liquid and swallowed. 

“Let’s change that dirty diaper first though!” She said, feeling more energized. 

Jess didn’t argue. She laid back in bed and let Greta remove the diaper, exposing her clean-shaven pussy to the girl. Greta was still hoping for a reaction, a grimace, a wince, anything, but got nothing. Jess was fully embracing the roll...and it made her nervous. 

After the change, Jess kept checking the clock. It was like she was waiting for something or someone, and Greta took notice.

“Why do you keep looking at the clock?” she asked.

“I like the way it ticks and tocks mommy!” She cooed.

“Okay Jess cut the shit, what’s going on here, really.”

“Ask me again in 5 minutes.” Jess said, losing her baby voice and talking very cryptically. Greta felt a chill down her spine. What’s in 5 minutes?

The two sat silently, now both watching the clock. When the clock struck 5:15, Jess turned to Greta and stood. 

She pulled out her phone and looked at it. Greta grew impatient.

“Okay tell me. It’s been five, now what’s up?” she said, standing to match Jess. Jess looked up at Greta for a moment, only to look down at her phone again. Then all of a sudden, Greta felt something down her legs. She looked down and when she saw it, she nearly collapsed. Piss was flooding down her tight jeans, soaking them and dripping to the floor. She looked up at Jess in horror. 

“What did you do?” she screamed.

Jess smiled smugly. “The same thing that was done to me, only I’m in control.”

“What? What was done to you Jess? What have you done to me?” 

Jess turned her phone to show Greta. 

“This is you. That drink I gave you was carrying hundreds of mircosensors. They can detect, and stimulate your body. Incredible really, but highly illegal right now. However, I made a deal to get a sprinkle of them to put into you. They needed time to settle into place, especially your bladder and urethra. Now I can make you pee whenever I want!”

“You little...give me your phone!” Greta shouted and leapt for her phone. 

“Uh uh! I wouldn’t do that if I were you. I have a program set where if this phone leaves me it automatically damages you, so take it if you want to say bye bye to bladder control forever!”

“That’s some bullshit” Greta spat. “There’s nothing in the world that can do that, you’re making this all up!”

“What about that puddle you’re standing in, is that made up?”

Greta looked down at her now completed accident. Her pants were nearly completely soaked, and the puddle underneath her was at least a meter round. 

“Please. Don’t do anything. I didn’t mean to-” 

“To what, humiliate me? Degrade me? Make me your personal little baby-pet? Just ordinary bullying? What didn’t you mean to do?”

“All of it!” 

“How can you not mean to do any of that? That is idiodic!” 

“It’s true! I like you, please Jessie…”

“You can beg all you want. I’m not having it.” Jess said, pushing another button. The back of Jess’s jeans begin to fill with a large mess, and Greta’s face turned bright red.

“You’ve done enough damage to me. I will never forgive you. Unlike you though, I don’t think it’s fair for me to string you along through your torture. So here.” Jess pushed one more button and Greta winced uncomfortable, grabbing her crotch. 

“OW! What was that?” Greta complained. 

“That was it. That was your bladder control gone. You’re incontinent now, and not just at the press of a button. Say goodbye to skimpy panties!” 

“Jess you didn’t…” Greta said on the brink of tears.

“Doesn't feel good does it? Now get the fuck out of my house before I call the police.”

Greta stood in her puddle, completely in shock. 

“Now!” Jess shouted.

“Can I...change first?” Greta asked.

“Hmm, let me see...what would you do in this case? NO!” Jess said, and began to push Greta out the door. 

When the door slammed and locked behind her, Greta didn’t move. She stood on the step, shaking in her pissed pants and soiled panties. Jess opened the door and poked her head out. 

“Here, you can change into this.”

Greta grabbed the clothes. It was a plaid mini skirt, and a diaper. Jess stood in the door still.

“Better get used to those, I’ll see you at school.”


The end.


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