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That night, Breanna, Serina and their parents, Jessica and Robert, sit around an eerily quiet and tense dinner table. Jessica, Breanna’s mom, decides to cut the silence.

“So girls, how was the first day of school?”

“Fine.” Serina spoke through a mouthful; at the same time, Breanna declared, “Shit.”

“Hey, you watch your mouth at the table. Why so bad?” Jessica asked.

“Well, a couple of reasons,” Breanna started, referring to Serina’s accident, which to this point was still unknown to the parents. “Mainly showing up late to every class after the first one because I didn’t know where I was going.”

“Well, you and Serina are in almost all the same classes; didn’t she show you the way?” Robert, Serina’s dad, questioned Breanna with his eye’s on his daughter.

“She was busy, I guess,” Breanna said, watching Serina eat with her eyes down, trying to avoid the conflict which she had no interest in participating.

“Busy with what?” Robbery asked more sternly, this time more directly to Serina.

“Nothing,” Serina contributes.

“I mean, if you count shitting your pants as nothing,” Breanna spoke softer but still loud enough for everyone to hear.

“What” Robert nearly spat out his food.

“Okay, no more shit at the table!” Jessica snapped.

“Fine, Serina pooped her pants. POOPED. Happy? There was a big brown stain on her seat. She had to go to the nurse for new pants and a diaper.” Breanna finally erupted.

“Please, I’m still eating,” Robert begged.

“Oh fuck off, they didn’t give me a diaper! This is high school, not some fucking k-12 school like the Bay where every idiot who has an accident gets a diaper.” Serina snapped.

“Serina!” Robert moaned.

“I honestly think that’s fair; why shouldn’t you get a diaper if you’re shitting yourself like a little baby?”

“Breanna! Language!”

“Because I’m not a baby, and the only reason I had an accident was because of you!”

“Girls, calm-”

“Get off my dick; I’m just happy this will knock you off your high horse at school. No ones gonna want to date shit girl.”

“Can we please just-”

“You wish! I could honestly post this picture of my shit ass and it would get 200 likes easy, plus some guy would still probably slide into my dm’s, and you’ll just be as invisible as ever.”

“Oh my god, that would never happen.”

“Wanna bet? I’ll post it right now!”

“Do it.”



“Hold on...Done. See?”

Serina held up her phone and showed the picture of her browned ass on full display posted to Instagram.

“Jesus, Serina, have some class!” Robert said, averting his eyes.

“I can’t believe you did that; you’re so fucking dumb,” Breanna laughed.

“Shut your fucking whore mouth,” Serina snapped, getting up and walking straight to her room.

“Serina! You come back here!” Robert called out. Breanna slammed her utensils to the table and got up herself, then stomped to her room, right across from Serina’s, closing the door behind her. Jessica opened her mouth to speak out for her but considered it futile and closed it.

The two parents sit across from each other, exhausted and uncomfortable.

“They’ll come around,” Robert assured his partner. “It’s a big change; they’re both A-type personalities, too similar for their own good. Just give it some time.”

“I hope so.”

Later on that evening, Serina cracks her door open as she would any other night. As she did, she caught eyes with Breanna, who was just coming from the bathroom.

“You have to have your door open?” Breanna asked snottily.

“Yes. I can’t sleep with it closed,” Serina explained.

“You can’t sleep regardless; isn’t that why you have those bedtime stories running?”

“They aren’t bedtime stories; it’s relaxing audio meant to put you to sleep. You should try it.”

“I sleep fine. Besides, I hear it enough from your room. Can’t you wear headphones?”

“What and strangle myself in my sleep? No thanks.”


“Right, night.”


Serina snuggles up in bed and turns her audio onto her speakers. The soft male voice filled the room, and she closed her eyes and sighed deeply in comfort.

Breanna laid with her eyes wide open before grabbing her phone. She pulled up Serina’s Instagram and looked at the photo. Two hundred thirty-one likes, forty comments. She locked her phone in a huff and rolled over to her side, closing her eyes to sleep.

The next morning, after a stern talking from her father, Serina begrudgingly guided Breanna to class. Before they went to the room, Serina had to drop the clothes she leant from the nurse Taylor.

“Wait here; I’ll just be a minute,” Serina instructed.

“Make sure you get an extra diaper, long day of class, tell her I can change you during lunch,” Breanna teased, sucking on her water bottle. Serina just rolled her eyes and walked in.

“Hey Serina! Feeling better today?” Taylor asked.

“Fine. Here are your clothes, thanks again,” Serina spoke efficiently.

“Come any time!’ Taylor said cheerily.

“Won't have to, hopefully,” Serina replied.

“Oh yes, I guess not, bye!”

In the meantime, while Serina was inside with Taylor, Tyler approached Breanna waiting outside.

“Hey you!” Tyler called out for Breanna’s attention.

“Hey! Tyler, right?” She replied.

“Yeah, Breanna?”

“Yeah,” Breanna smiled and played with her hair.

“You look great today,” he said.

“Thank you! You look good too,” Breanna blushed.

“Pretty wild that Instagram post your sis made, the balls on her! Gotta respect.”

“Yeah, I guess so,” Breanna said, soured a little.

“So hey, I was wondering if maybe you and I could-”

“Tyler! Hey!” Serina came out of the nurse’s office, ready to disrupt.

“Hey! Holy shit! Literally!” Tyler joked.

“Oh god, I know, right? I just returned my replacement panties…”

“That’s crazy, major props.”

“So, what were you asking?” Breanna tried to get back to the question.

“Right, I was uh…”

“What’re you up to this weekend?” Serina interrupted again. Breanna started getting boiling with anger. She knew it was intentional, but she didn’t know what else to do. Instead, she took a step back and took an angry swing from her water.

Then, she noticed something. There was a gap in the waist of Serina’s pants; it was the perfect amount of space to slip her water bottle straw into…

“Well, I thought we could do something, maybe a hike?” Serina asked Tyler who was getting uncomfortable.

“Uh, well, I was going to ask...hey, are you okay?” Tyler asked, his eyes averted down.

“What? I’m fine,” She said, then followed his gaze. A massive wet spot was growing in her pants, perfectly positioned to appear as a peeing accident.

“Oh my god, nurse!” Breanna called out, acting innocent with a nearly empty water bottle.

“You fucking didn’t,” Serina accused Breanna.

“Nurse!” Breanna committed, and Taylor appeared. She saw Serina, and her face went from worried to disappointed.

“Serina, what happened? Come in here; I’ll get you cleaned up.”

“What? No! This didn’t happen! This…” Serina pleaded but then realized she was making a scene. People were staring, and what they saw was the same girl who pooped her pants on Instagram last night with a big wet stain down her legs. She swallowed her pride and hung her head before walking into Taylor’s office.

“Poor girl, having some trouble with accidents lately evidently. So, what were you asking?” Breanna asked Tyler, holding back a smile that was just begging to creep up her face.


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