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When the period ended, Jess walked carefully to her locker where Greta was already waiting. Jess became very conscious of the diaper sagging between her legs, and Greta took notice of her desperate pulling at the edge of her skirt. 

“Let me guess, accident?” Greta asked, much too loud for Jess’s liking. 

“Yes...what did you do?” Jess asked in a whisper. 

“What did I do? Whatever do you mean?” She asked almost mockingly.

“Well one second I’m fine and the next second I’m pissing myself without so much as the slightest bit of warning!” Jess pleaded.

“How could I have anything to do with that? That’s your own bladder problem not mine. Now here,” Greta said, pulling out a diaper from her bag. “Put this on and get to the last period.”

Jess yanked the diaper out of her Mommy’s hands and held it close to her chest, trying to hide it. 

“You can’t just pull them out in the open like that!” Jess blushed.

“Oh no one cares. Now scurry off and change little one, make sure you drink your assigned water amount. Got a busy night tonight!” Greta said before prancing off. Jess was left standing alone, a diaper buried under her arm, and her skirt much too high. The sagging yellowed diaper hung just below the fabric, and her head jolted around to see if anyone was looking at her. When the coast was somewhat clear, Jess bolted for the toilets and dove into a stall. 

“Busy night? What is she planning?” Jess asked herself.

She took a moment to collect herself, then began removing the diaper. It hit the ground with a heavy thump, then the smell of her piss wafted into the air. Casually, she wiped herself off with some toilet paper when the doors to the bathroom swung open and three girls walked in. They chatted and laughed loudly, and all Jessie could do was freeze. She was in the privacy of her own stall, but the diaper was sat in plain view on the floor. One of the girls walked into the stall next to her, and Jess quickly grabbed the dirty diaper from the ground. 

They continued talking about boys and how annoying they were, and Jess just sat still. She looked at the time on her phone, and it was one minute to class starting. These girls clearly didn’t care, but Jess did. Without any better options, Jess lifted her legs into the air and slowly slid the clean diaper on. She stood up, pulled her skirt down, and was good to go...except for one thing. The dirty diaper. 

What the heck am I supposed to do with that thing?’ she thought.


The bell rang triumphantly. Jess groaned, wanting desperately for the girls to leave, but they persisted to stay. So finally, cringing and gagging in disgust, she shoved her heavy, pee-soaked into her backpack with her books. 

Jess ran out the stall, washed her hands, filled up her water and booked it to class. 

When she took her chair, the teacher had already started. Thankfully for Jess, they didn’t make any comment to her lateness. The chair felt different in a dry diaper after having to sit all last period in a wet one. The feeling was comfortable, almost relaxing. She found herself zoning out, enjoying the comforts of her dry diaper, when the smell hit her. 

Quickly she felt her crotch. ‘Dry…’ she thought, questioning. Then she remembered. The backpack. Pee smell began to carry around the room, and there was nothing she could do without getting up and throwing out the diaper in the hall.

Idiot! Why didn’t you think of that BEFORE you ran in?’ she asked herself, but it was too late. Her heart started to beat a bit faster, her brow got sweaty and her hands gripped anxiously at her knees. She was anticipating the first person to smell, and then.

“Excuse me,  sorry to interpret, I’m looking for miss Kimbal” a voice from the door broke her fearful trance, and when she looked up, it was Dr. Brian. The teacher pointed Jess out to him and Brian asked, “may I borrow her a minute?”

Jess grabbed her bag and got up before the teacher could answer. She walked right past Dr. Brian and went straight for the door. Brian followed her outside and closed the door behind him. 

“So, how’re things going?” He asked cheerfully. 

Jess sighed. “Truthfully, not very good.”

“Oh, you didn’t wear them did you” Brian said, deflated. 

“Oh no I wore them!” Jess said, then pulled up her skirt to show him. He looked then quickly averted his eyes.

“That’s okay Jessie, I believe you. So what’s the issue?”

“Okay...this is going to sound crazy…” Jess hesitated, looking around and half-expecting ‘Mommy’ to be around any corner. 

Jess explained the story to Dr. Brian. Greta, the messing, the surprise accidents, everything. In the end, Dr. Brian stood quiet, looking questioningly at Jess. 

“Well?” She asked when he remained silent.

“This...isn’t the first time this sort of thing has happened unfortunately,” Brian admitted. 

“What!? So you knew this was a possibility?” Jess asked angrily.

“Okay no, don’t put it that way. It is very uncommon, only about 1 in 5 experience similar things.”

“One in FIVE!? ONE IN FIVE!??” Jess started stomping around as intimidating as her 5”0 stature could take her. “That’s a twenty percent chance! How could you allow these tests to continue?”

“Well...hey do you want to get a coffee?” Brian started deflecting.

“What aren’t you telling me Brian…”

“Okay here’s the thing. This was not my idea, it was Dr. Lopez’s...but...we were really close to losing this product, and were desperate. Our jobs, bonuses, futures, all of it were on the line. So we...bent the truth to your school a little.”

Jess connected the dots. “Oh my god. You weren’t supposed to be here, were you?”

“Uh...no. Not at all.”

“I can’t believe this. This whole fucking day has been a nightmare and all because of your bonus. I’m going to the principal right now and-”

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Brian stopped Jess from walking away.


“Because...of this,” Brian said, holding up his phone. There was a screen with various buttons and dials that appeared to be active. 

“What’s this?”

“It’s you. Everything from blood type, iron levels, stool production, bladder capacity…”

“What? How?”

“Alright well, we knew that there was the risk of being found out. So we took precautions to make sure the experiment was finished. So your water bottle had some tech in it that, when you filled it and swallowed it the first time, implanted itself inside your digestive system. It’s all very advanced, and not technically legal, but what it essentially means is…” 

Brian pulled back a dial on his device, and all of a sudden, Jess felt her bladder give. She was flooding her diaper uncontrollably. 

“No…you can’t do this.”

“Jess I don’t want to have to do anything. Lopez would though, so I’m telling you all of this now because if you don’t continue with the experiment, she will make sure you never control your bladder or bowels ever again.”

Jess struggled to process what was happening. She could tell Brian was being genuine, but it all seemed so unreal. 

“You can’t tell your principal, or anyone. Just finish the experiment over the next few months, and in the end you will be back to normal. Deal?”

Jess starred daggers into Brian, wanting to scream and stomp and scratch his eyes out. But in the end, she got a better idea. 

“Fine. I’ll finish your stupid, illegal experiment. But you’re doing something for me…”


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