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This story blossomed from the idea of a patron such as yourself. I’ve planned the whole thing out, something I admittedly fall short of doing on most occasions. It is a long, patient story but has no shortage of great ABDL/OMO story moments. I hope you enjoy the grind as I assure you it’s going to be worth it. 

If you also have an idea for a story, whether that be a one shot, short, or even just a situation you just want to see written out, feel free to message me. I don’t do commissions so this is at no extra cost to you, I just like collaborating with you all. Do know however that if this idea is longer than a one-shot, I will only be able to start the story after the current ongoing finishes or when the current ongoing is coming to a close (as is the case with this one and School Project).

But without further ado, I present to you, SABOTAGE.

“Jesus Breanna, that’s my lunch,” Serina complained as she watched her forced companion bite down on a sandwich.

“It’s just a sandwich; why are you so uptight about it?” Breanna brushed her off.

“Because that one has no mustard, and this one does. I hate mustard; it doesn’t agree with me.”

“Just scrape it off. You’ll be fine.”

Breanna took another big bite, and Serina just stared daggers into her. Finally, she conceded and took her sandwich out of the bag and examined it. The yellow sauce made her stomach curl, but she was starving. She peeled the top off and wiped off as much as she could before biting down.

“Hey Rina, who’s this?” A tall, slender boy appears at the side of the table.

“Hey, this is Breanna. Breanna, this is Tyler” Serina tried her best to sound genuine, but the sheer act of introduction pained her. Breanna looked up at Tyler and did her best to look sweet.

“Hey,” she said, practically winking at him.

“She’s your stepsister, right?” Tyler asked Serina.

“Not really,” Serina spoke sharply, taking another uncomfortable bite of her sandwich.

“I mean, your parents are together so…” Tyler said, trying to keep things upbeat.

“They’re together but not married, so technically no. We just live together now,” Breanna explained.

“Oh right, that’s why you’re here now, right? You were at the Bay before?” Tyler asked.

“That’s right.”

“Cool, cool...well, I’ll see you around then. Bye Rina. Good to meet you, Breanna.”

“Bye!” Breanna waved at Tyler as he left; Serina didn’t speak. “He’s cute.”

“Don’t even think about it,” Serina snapped.

“I’m just saying.”

The girls ate in silence the rest of the lunch hour, only speaking for a few more friends who had come by to meet Breanna. Serina suffered through every bite of her contaminated sandwich. When the bell rang, she could already feel the discomfort in her tummy.

The first class dragged, but Serina was happy to see her friend Ally, who was deeply tanned from her summer trip abroad. It made her somewhat jealous to know since she hadn’t travelled due to their move this summer. She looked behind her to see Breanna and frowned at her as if to blame her for her lack of tan.

Randomly, Serina’s tummy twisted and grumbled. She sat up, hoping to alleviate any discomfort or sounds that would continue to disturb her. It was no help, though, as soon after another grumble groaned loudly from her seat. A boy beside her turned to see where the sound was from, but Serina kept her cool.

‘Maybe it’s just gas...I could probably let it go quietly,’ Serina thought to herself, then looked around. ‘No one will blame me anyways; hot girls don’t fart…’

She casually shifted her weight to one, perfectly rounded buttcheek and relaxed her bowels. When nothing came, she pushed. That was a mistake.


A quick burst of air was followed by something wet and solid. Serina stopped pushing, clenched and froze, putting her weight back on both cheeks. Her heart was racing, knowing for sure someone heard that...but there was no reaction. She exhaled, but then she realized she was sitting in something. It could be just some sweat, but it felt like more than just wetness. There was solid in there too.

Serina could hear her heartbeat in her ears and desperately wanted to reach down and feel. She looked around again, and when she was confident no one was watching, shifted her weight again.


The act of shifting spread her bowels open enough to finish what it had started, and her panties were now full. There was no questioning anymore; Serina knew for sure what she had done: she had completely shit her pants.

Panic washed over Serina, her heart beating hard enough to be heard by other people.

‘Holy fuck’ she thought, ‘what the fuck do I do now? I can’t ask to leave, everyone will see. But if I don’t leave, it will smell…’

She looked around and weighed her options. The teacher was fine with bathroom breaks; she would let her go...but there was undoubtedly a stain on the back of her pants. She didn’t have anything to cover her butt either; most days, she wanted boys looking at her butt, so why would she have anything to cover it? However, as the smell began to waft into her nose, she knew she couldn’t stay either.

With a thought, she looked over to Ally. Ally wet herself during a test last year, and everyone just laughed it off. It’s mostly forgotten now, but Serina recalled how Ally played it off. She made it ‘no big deal.’ With that in mind, she looked to Ally and spoke

“Ally,” she whispered, “I just fucking shit my pants!”

“What!?” Ally practically shouted. “Are you serious?”

Serina shifted her weight to give Ally a look. She saw the dark brown stain on the back of Serina’s jean shorts and laughed.

“Oh my god, okay, let’s go.” Ally said, getting up. The teacher continued speaking as Serina stood up in front of Ally, and the two girls walked in a short line to the door.

Breanna, confused, looked down at Serina’s empty chair to see a wet, brown stain on the seat.

Once outside, Ally and Serina laughed.

“What the fuck happened?” Ally asked.

“I ate some fucking mustard at lunch and trusted the wrong fart,” Serina admitted, laughing through her embarrassment.

“Oh my god, this is so much worse than me pissing myself last year,” Ally laughed.

“Fuck, take a picture. I wanna see how bad it is,” Serina asked, handing Ally her phone. Ally took a picture, and the two girls examined it together, cringing at the grossness of it. “Come to the nurse with me?”

“I got you,” Ally said, walking her to the nurse’s office.

Once there, Ally left for class and Serina was left to explain her embarrassing predicament to the nurse. The nurse, Nurse Taylor, was a younger woman who was fresh out of nursing school.

“Hi! I’m Taylor. I didn't expect to see anyone on the first day. What’s up?” she asked with enthusiasm.

“Hi, I um…I kinda…” Serina started, but instead of finishing, opted just to show Taylor her backside.

“Oh! Oh dear...what happened there?”

“Upset tummy. Think I’m okay now; I just need some new clothes,” Serina explained, hanging her head.

“Okay! Well why don't you go to the toilet here, finish any business and clean yourself off,” Taylor told her, “Here.”

Taylor grabbed a pair of school-themed sweatpants and a flowery pair of panties. Serina grabbed them from Taylor and examined them. The sweats were fine, but the panties were questionable. They were thick and exceptionally girly. Not feminine, but girly; they looked like they were meant for someone in preschool, not high school.

“Is this all you have?” Serina asked timidly.

“Unfortunately. They’re better than nothing. You need a pad or anything?”

“Like for leaks?” Serina asked, somewhat snotty.

“Well, yes, leaks or your period.”

“I’m fine. Thank you.” Serina entered the bathroom and closed the door. She carefully peeled off her shorts and let them fall to the floor with a thump. Her panties were a thin thong, which did not hold any of her accident, allowing most of the mess flow out into her shorts. Her nose curled in disgust, but she managed to peel off her panties and step away from them. After a few minutes of cleaning, she was comfortable to put on the childish panties and the sweats. Finally, she put her dirtied clothes into a bag that Taylor told her she would wash. The bell rang, and everyone poured out of the classrooms. Every step Serina took felt odd in the thick panties, but otherwise, she looked normal.

“Hey, what happened?” Breanna called out to Serina.

“I shit myself thanks to you,” Serina said crossly.

“Are you serious?” Breanna laughed. “I saw the brown mark on your seat, but I didn’t believe it.”

Serina stood in front of Breanna, staring coldly.

“You can find your own class, bitch” Serina said and walked off.


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