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The whole car ride back, Jess pulled at her skirt, which seemed like it wanted nothing more in the world than to ride up and reveal her padded panties. Greta, or Mommy now, knew that they still needed to get food, so before arriving back at school, they made a pit-stop through the McDonalds drive-thru.

“Welcome to McDonald's, what can I get for you today?” the monotone man groaned from the other side of the speaker.

“Hello, I’ll get a McChicken meal with an iced coffee, and…” Greta started before turning to Jess. “Chicken or beef?”

“I was going to get a McChicken too actual-” Jess spoke softly and was interrupted.

“And one happy meal with nuggets please” Greta announced. Jess opened her mouth to speak up, but instead hung her head.

“What to drink with that?” The man asked. Greta turned to Jessie. She looked up, flustered and wanting to get a coffee too, but knew her options. 

“An orange juice please” Jess blushed.

“An orange juice.” Greta repeated into the microphone. The man gave the total and Greta drove up to the window. Jess kept her head down the entire time while they were paying, and when they pulled up to the food window, couldn’t help but cringe as the lady behind the window handed Greta the happy meal box, which Greta promptly plopped into Jessie’s lap. Jess pulled down at her skirt, not wanting to grab the box.

“What do you say?” Greta asked.

“Thank you” Jess mumbled. 

“Thank you who?”

“Thank you...mommy…” Jess’s cheeks could explode with how much red was in them. The smell of the food distracted her though, and she opened the box to reach inside.

“No eating in my car missy!” Greta spat. 

“I’m hungry! You don’t expect me to take this into school do you?”

“I expect you not to eat in my car, a little girl like you is bound to make a mess.”

Jess just stared at Greta, dumbfounded. 

“It’s humiliating!” She pleaded.

“Says the girl who needs protection!”

“I don’t need protection, it’s for science!”

“Oh please. I scared the tinkles out of you as easy as squeezing juice out of tomato. You need those pull-ups, so you can either admit that, or I may have to ask someone elses opinion on the matter.”

Jess boiled with anger, and Greta parked the car back at the school. She turned to Jess and spoke coldly. 

“Tell me you need them.”


“Fine” Greta said, opening the car door. “I’ll see what my friend Mike has to say about it. Maybe I’ll see what Sandra thinks too...hmm.” Jess quickly grabbed Greta’s arm and pulled her in.

“Please no, okay...I need them.”

“Need what?”

“I need...diapers.” Jess hung her head again.

“One more time, I’m not sure who you’re speaking to.”

“I need diapers mommy.”  

“Good girl. Now, drink this.” Greta handed Jess her water bottle that was full to her mandatory measurements. 

“Ugh, I almost forgot.” Jess moaned, grabbing it.

“Mommy won’t forget. I’ll hang onto it and I’ll give it to you every hour.”

Jess swung the water back and chugged it easily. Once it was empty, she let out a sigh, followed by a little burp.

“Awe cute! Little baby burps. Need me to pat your back little Jessie?” 

“Very funny.”


“Um….no mommy, I don’t need that.”

The school bell rang and Greta put her food into her backpack.

“Well. I’ll see you after this period. I have changes for you in my bag if you have an accident which I’m going to anticipate you will. Make sure you eat, I don’t think they’ll care if you eat in class. After that there is only one more period until we go home.”

“We go home? What do you mean?” Jess questioned, not liking what the answer could be.

“Well a little girl like yourself can't be trusted to be alone. Your dad is out of town for a few days, maybe even a week. I’ll be staying over to make sure you’re well taken care of.”

“What! No. No way.” Jess pleaded. 

“There is no discussion. Now come on, we’re going to be late.”

The girls got out of the car and Greta stormed off, turning to wave and wink at her new little girl. Jess pulled at her skirt with one hand and held the happy meal in another, then started walking. She caught a glimpse of herself in the glass of a trophy case and noticed just how little she looked. Jess was naturally small already, but now with the outfit, the happy meal, and the waddling way she walked due to her padding, she looked like she was at the wrong school, like she was a month away from graduating kindergarten not high school. 

Someone looked at her as they passed and whispered to their friends. Jess hung her head so as not to make eye contact with people, but she knew they were all looking at her. Finally, she made it into class and sat in her normal chair. Her tummy grumbled, and she realized how hungry she was. She looked to her left, then right, then down at her happy meal. 

“Fuck it” she whispered, opening the box revealing the contents. Four nuggets, a small pack of fries, and an orange juice box. It took her all of 3 minutes to finish the whole thing, and the teacher hadn’t even started lecturing. She noticed a boy next to her staring at her meal, smirking.

“What? I wasn’t that hungry” she said, trying to explain the strangeness.

He turned away, and as soon as the teacher started talking, Jess needed to pee. She groaned, annoyed by how quickly it came onto her, but thought she could hold it. 

Suddenly it got worse, sharply and painfully. Jess buckled over and let out a small squeal in pain which caught the teachers attention.

“You alright Jess?” They asked.

“What, happy meal didn’t agree with you?” The boy commented, and people laughed. Jess fought embarrassment.

“I’m fine sorry, just...feminine issues” Jess said, which shut everyone up quickly. However, as she sat in her chair, proud at her use of her period for boys' discomfort, she felt something. Warmth. She looked down at her skirt, and dared to pull it back. There she saw it. The yellowing of the padding. Quickly she covered and shot her head upright, still feeling the flow of pee soaking into the padding.

‘How? What’s happening? I barely even felt it before it let go…’ Jess thought. Her phone buzzed, and Jess pulled it out of her bag to see a message from Greta.

“Hey my little Jessie, how class is going well and you’re staying dry! -Mommy”


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