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"Okay, here it goes,” Jenaye said to herself as she stepped into the pod, ready to launch. Beyond her better judgement and the constant reminders from her colleagues that the technique was not ready, Jenaye was adamant. The science was sound, she was going to time travel. The course was set, 25 years from this day meaning Jenaye would hardly be a 1 year-old. She was excited to see the world and look at herself at that age, but mainly, she was excited to see her mom again who would pass away later that year. 

“Activate sequence” she stated while fussing with her watch, and the computer took off. The doors closed around her pod, sealing off any sound except for her breathing. “Review course.”

Destination: May 14th, 1995, 10:45 a.m. Return programmed for May 14th, 1995, 10:45 a.m. to Time departed plus 60 seconds.” The computer reviewed her inputs correctly. 

“Initiate launch, 10 second countdown” she said with some shakiness in her voice.

Acknowledge. Launching in 10...9….8…”

Jenaye took another deep breath, and closed her eyes.


“Be back in a minute”


“I’m coming mom.”


The pod exploded with light and Jenaye disappeared. 

Her eyes remained closed for a few seconds while she adjusted to what happened. Jenaye tried to remember but...she couldn’t. All she knew was she was cold, and wet. Jenaye tried to move her arms but they felt awkward. She could hardly lift her head, and her eyes were fuzzy. Jenaye couldn’t resist, she just started crying. 

“Oh is my baby awake?” someone said, but Jenaye couldn’t understand it. It was just noise, but it made her happy. Suddenly a woman appeared over her, either she was massive or Jenaye was small, but she towered over Jenaye. 

“Uh oh, someone smells a bit messy” she cooed, before leaving Jenaye again. Jenaye couldn’t understand why she left, but she started crying more and more. Wet warmth filled her bottom, she couldn’t close her legs as there was something in between them, and with one last wailing cry, she closed her eyes.


Jenaye fell to her knees and someone caught her. 

“Jenaye! Jesus, we told you not to-”

“I...baba….baby” Jenaye tried to speak again but her mouth didn’t know how to form the words. Suddenly the sound of liquid hitting the floor echoed through the room and Jenaye felt that warmth again in her crotch. 

“Oh god, what happened?” The person questioned as they watched Jenaye wet herself without hesitation.

“I...went back…” Jenaye’s adult brain started to become unscrambled. “I was...me, but...”

“What are you talking about?”

“Mike? Is that you?” She asked.

“Yes it’s me, I came back for my laptop right as you launched. I didn’t even wait for the minute to be over to bring you back.” Mike explained as he found a chair to rest Jenaye in. 

“It wasn’t what I thought,” Jenaye explained, “I went back but...I was just me, I was a baby again. I didn’t have complex thoughts or anything, just happy, sad. Oh fuck, I’ve fucking wet myself.” Her eyes finally opened and she could see Mike. “We need to re-calibrate, our whole equation is off. I need to-”

“You need to go home. Rest. You could have died, or been stuck there. Who knows what would’ve happened to your brain chemistry if you had been an infant for too long.”

Jenaye nodded. “You’re probably right, I am...sleepy…”

Mike sighed as Jenaye passed out in his arms. He picked her up, and carried her to his car. Once she was in, he drove her home, changed her out of her wet clothes, and put her to bed where she dreamt vividly. All she could see was her mom looking up at her, her arms were fat and stumpy and she had a big diaper on. She looked up and cried “No mom, I’m an adult! I’m here to see you! Please hear me!”

Jenaye jolted awake, sweating. She panted for a minute, before noticing the cold dampness under her covers. She peeled back her blanket and saw she had wet the bed. 

“Oh no” she complained, then got up to clean. When she stood, her legs wobbled and felt weak, nearly causing her to trip before she grabbed onto her dresser. Finally she got her balance and continued. When she got to the sink, she looked at herself in the mirror. She looked the same but felt as if she didn’t recognize herself. Suddenly her cheeks turned red, and she realized she was relaxing her bowels.

“Oh gosh, no no stop!” she called out, but it was no use. Her body had made up it’s own mind, and her panties were filled with poop. Then, she just started crying. Not just sniffles and teary-eyes, full on wailing. She couldn’t stop, and her legs gave out again, causing her to fall flat on her shit-filled ass, spreading it all over her butt. This just made her cry harder.

Twenty minutes went by, and finally she was calming down. But when the crying stopped, Jenaye didn’t know what to do. She stayed there on the floor, sitting in her own mess for another five minutes before the phone rang. Jenaye perked up, and crawled across the floor to grab the phone. Her fingers were awkward, but she managed to answer and put the phone to her ear.

“Hewwo?” She slurred, drooling. 

“Jenaye? It’s Mike. How’re you feeling today?”

“Um...I poopied my pants daddy” 

“Uh...Jenaye? Is that just?

“Hewwo who is this? Daddy?”

“Jenaye...it’s Mike...are you okay?”

“My bum bum stinky daddy, I need a new diapee”

“Oh my god. Something’s happened, wait right there.” Mike hung up the phone.

“Hewwooooo? Daddyyyyyy?” 

A few minutes later, Mike showed up to Jenayes and barged in. 

“Jenaye? Where are you?” He called out.

“Rraaw!” Jenaye yelled from the other room. Mike ran over, and winced from the smell when he saw her. 

“Daddy!” she called, and crawled over to him, hugging his leg. 

“Oh god…” Mike looked down at Jenaye in horror and swallowed a lump in his throat. “Okay then,” he said, pulling a pack of adult diapers out of a shopping bag, “let’s get you cleaned up.”


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