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“What?” Cassidy screeched, still kneeling in her warm puddle. 

“You heard me.” You said calmly and definitively, “protection”. 

“No. No way, you can’t do this to me. I might as well tell my mother.” She stood up, her legs dripping. 

“But you wont tell her, will you? You know it will only be worse. She’ll make it a whole thing! And you don’t want to disappoint her do you?”

“It’ll be the same thing, no matter if I get protection from you or from her.”

“Oh no, I can promise you it’ll be much worse from her…” you said, almost threatening. 

“What’s that supposed to mean….” She replied nervously. 

“Well if you tell your mom that you’ve been wetting the bed, I’ll be a good step-brother and tell her that I’ve been keeping it a secret from her for a long time. And not only have you been wetting your bed EVERY night, but that you haven’t gone a day in this house without wetting your pants at some point too. What is she going to do then?”

“You wouldn’t dare…” she tried to act tough but the act was quickly lost.

“Oh I would. And you know, I would hate for your friends to find out too...they don’t strike me as the type of girls to take a incontinent diaper wearing 19 year old out to the bars with them, how embarrassing! 

Cassidy was fuming, her cheeks red with nervous anger and her fists clenched. Her knees still dripped pee onto the ground. Finally, she closed her eyes.

“Fine. I’ll do whatever you want just, please don't tell anyone and at least be kind enough to make it hard for my mom to find out!” She said, accepting her fate. 

“Don’t worry,” you reassured, “with what I have in mind, especially after that blowjob, I don’t think either of us will want anyone finding out.” 

She smirked, “I did like it though, in a weird way” she lowered her head, embarrassed. 

“You liked...wetting during it?” You asked. 

She kept her head down and nodded. You stood up and walked through her puddle over to her, lifting up her chin. You stared down at her icy blue eyes, and kissed her. She kissed back passionately, grabbing your neck. The kiss took off and she jumped into your arms, wrapping her wet legs around your waist. 

In an instant, you were hard again. You pushed your cock against her wet crotch and felt her pussy warmth against it. You carried her and threw her down on your bed. She took off her top which hadn’t been covering much anyways, and you ripped off her shorts then yours.

You stopped for a second to look down at her. Your fantasy girl was laying there, naked and spread waiting for you to fill her. You shook your head and got on with it, pushing your cock all the way into her in one thrust. She moaned and her eyes rolled back, and you felt just as good. She was so wet, either from horniess or her accident, but so wet. 

You started slow but quickly got faster and faster, pounding her wetness and shaking the bed. Within 5 minutes, you came again. You didn’t even think to pull out, every inch of your body was focused on the feeling, but she didn’t seem to care. Cassidy got up and waddled over to the bathroom. 

Another minute went by and she was back in the room. You were now laying on your back on the bed and she laid down next to you.

“So...what do you want me to do?” She asked.

You pondered for a moment. There was already an idea in your head since she brought up the diapers, but it needed to be more than that. 

“First of all, whenever we’re alone, you’ll call me daddy.” You said. She chuckled.

“Okay daddy, what else?”

“Your role is to be my babygirl, eager to please always.”

“Mmm, I like pleasing you, it pleases me” she moaned.

“I don’t just mean sex, I mean if I ask you to do something, anything, you’ll obey.”

“Okay...what’s an example?” 

“Lets see...well once we get you into your diapers, if I tell you to let go and pee pee in them, you will without question.”

“Awwwe, I was hoping you’d forget about the diapers and I could just fuck you forever…” she complained.

“Nope, in fact, get dressed. We’re going to get some now.”

“Now? I just got up, I haven’t even eaten anything!” She got out of the bed and stood over you, you just looked up at her pouting face and continued.

“I cant trust you to keep your pants dry, the sooner we get you into protection the better!” 

Her face went from pouting to stunned.

“You told me to pee! That’s not fair!” Cassidy wined, and you stood up and got into her face.

“Try that tone again with me, and see how far it gets you” you threatened. But Cassidy persisted. 

“It’s not right, you told me to pee-AHH!”

Cassidy screamed as you grabbed her hips and pulled them back over to the bed, placing her over your knee. Her pale ass, still bare, was shining with wetness still, and you brought down your hand. 

“Ow! Stop!” Cassidy squirmed, but it was no use. You kept spanking, hand after hand after hand coming down to meet her toned ass. It went from pale to red in 30 seconds, and you kept going until you know she’d bruise. After a while, Cassidy stopped yelling, and submitted into painful tears. 

With one last slap, you stopped and stroked her bottom lightly before flipping her over and holding her in your arms again. She hugged you while sniffling and whimpering. 

“I’m sorry daddy…” she whimpered, “I’ll be good.”

You found her face and stared into her sobbing blue eyes, then planted another kiss. 

“Yes you will little one, yes you will.”



This is fantastic. I'd love to see more of it.


Thanks! I have a new ongoing starting this week but once I finish School Project I can probably revisit!