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Jess rolled down the window to stop the smell of her still very messy butt from stinking up the car and looked out the window in sheer panic. She had no idea what to do, there was going to be no stopping Greta from storming in and seeing the packages, what choice did she have?

The drive was shorter than that of the mornings and they arrived quicker than Jess would have liked; she still hadn’t thought of a plan. Greta pulled into the driveway and before she could jump out, Jess got her idea. 

“Hey do you wanna grab some food on the way back to school?” Jess asked. Greta stopped, smirking at Jess.

“Sure! If you’re buying.” She chuckled. 

“Of course! No sense in both of us running in, where did you leave your water bottle?” Jess’s voice cracked as she tried to talk through her fear. 

“It’s just on the kitchen counter I think, by the fridge.” She responded as she pulled out her phone. Jess nodded and jumped out of the car. She waddled her stinky and soaked butt up to her front door and fumbled with the key to get in.

As soon as she was in, she slammed and locked the door behind her. A big wave of relief came over her and she took a moment to lean against the wall and just breath. The clock took her out of it, she realized she now didn’t have time to shower, only enough time to wipe herself off, change and pack some new diapers before Greta would get impatient. Jess burst into gear, running to the table, grabbing two diapers and shoving them into her bag along with a bottle of the baby powder and pack of wipes. Then she grabbed another diaper and set of materials she needed and burst into the bathroom. 

She dropped her pants and kicked them aside with urgency, then slowly dropped the diaper to the floor. The massive poo peeled off her skin and plopped to the floor with a thump, and Jess’s nose wrinkled in disgust. She wiped herself off as fast as she could, which still took at least a minute given the size of the mess, before opening up the next diaper and stepping into it. She pulled it up and jumped a little, then dumped baby powder down her crotch and butt. 

She was fresh now, and all that was left was disposing of the messy diaper. She picked it up and looked around with it, confused with what to do with it. 

“Oh fuck this” she said, and chucked it into the garbage to deal with later. Finally, she pulled her pants back up and took a look at herself. Her hair was a mess and her brow slightly sweaty, but she pulled through. With one last big sigh, she left the bathroom and quickly walked into the kitchen. 

“Jessie….what is all this?”

Jess froze in her tracks. She looked up to see Greta, standing over the table of diapers. 

“It..uh...it’s…” she stumbled to form words.

“There are so many diapers! Are you guys adopting a child or something?” Greta said before finding the instructions letter. She picked it up and read to herself softly. 

Jess froze in fear, and this time she knew for sure she was peeing. The warmth filled her new diaper which just made her more annoyed and scared. It pooled under her butt again and she could feel as the diaper tried to catch up with her rapid release. She had been drinking water every hour as instructed, so her bladder must have been full but she hadn’t really felt the need until seconds ago, and by then the fear of being found out just let it go regardless. 

“Oh. My. God.” Greta said, then looked up at Jess. “No way.”

She stomped over to Jess making her back up against a wall, then grabbed at Jess’s pants waistband, pulling it back. Greta gasped an excited, gleeful gasp.

“NO WAY!” she yelled, then backed up and took a lap while clapping. “This is too good, like, I can’t believe this.

“You read the letter...you know this is for science right? They’re going to refer me to good schools and-”

“They put you in fucking DIAPERS Jessie! You agreed to it! Ahahahaha!” Greta was in tears with laughter. Jess just stood still against the wall, her crotch beginning to cool from her accident. 

“Let me look again, this is rich” Greta said, heading back towards Jess. Jess covered her crotch but it was no use, Greta grabbed at the waistband and this time tugged her pants all the way down. She laughed another second before gasping.

“Oh no, did someone have a little accident?” She said, speaking to Jess like she was some child.

“I...no...I just….” Jess was tearing up from the embarrassment, completely still and unable to stop Greta from reaching a hand into Jess’s crotch to feel. 

“Awe, still warm too! Did mommy scare you little girl? Did big bad Greta make you tinkle your training pants?” Greta bent over to meet Jess at eye-level. Greta towered over Jessie; she was 5”11, making her taller than a lot of guys too, and she had breasts that were much larger than her slim frame should have produced. They now dangled in front of Jessie as she tried to avoid eye contact with Greta, her breasts being the better option. 

“I didn’t...mean to…” Jess quietly whispered, not knowing what else to say or do. Greta took a step back from Jess, and all of a sudden Jess saw the flash of her phone camera blink in her peripheral. She looked up in an all new wave of panic, and saw Greta taking pictures of her with her pants down in a yellowed diaper. 

“Please! Don’t, no one needs to know about this” Jessie pleaded.

“Don’t worry, they won't...” Greta said.

Jess sighed, still unsure.

“...as long as you do exactly what I tell you.”


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