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Jess sat through bio in horrible discomfort, sipping away on her hourly water bottle which she had almost forgotten about. What made it even worse was that from where she was sitting, she could see the bathroom where she would normally make her morning movement. Now all she could do was sit in her cooling piss-saturated padded panties while the seconds clicked by slower than normal. There was even the slightest smell of pee that began wafting around her, which she made a mental note to share with the researchers. Miraculously, she made it through. When she left bio she considered going to the bathroom and just doing it. She stared at it for one long moment before her legs took her to her last class before lunch. She couldn’t do it.

Angry at her own stubbornness, she stomped her little legs all the way to her fourth block class: English. Jess didn’t hate English, but she didn’t like it either. It was the one class she struggled in which for Jess to struggle said a lot. Science and math were just much more her strong suit, and focusing on literature and poetry and the like just seemed like a waste of time to her. She filled up her water bottle and entered the class.

Jess angrily plopped her squishy ass in the hard chair and looked out the window. She could see her car, the car she would take home to her toilet where…’oh my god’ she thought. 

‘I’m still going to have to fucking poop in these things’ she remembered, ‘Then I’m gonna have to shower...then I still need to eat and I have only half an hour??’. It was seeming more and more like an impossible task. Then she began to think more of the coming days. Days when she wouldn’t be going home and would still have to poop in her diaper. Days when she wouldn’t get to shower he butt clean every mess. Days-

“Jess! You mind reading the next passage please?” Her teacher called to her and broke her out of her panicking thoughts. She realized the whole class was looking at her, and she hadn’t even opened up her book. She cleared her throat.

“S-sorry...where were we?” She asked shyly. A soft chuckle carried around the class, even hitting the teachers lips. 

“Not often I catch you daydreaming hm? That’s alright. We’re at ‘Cowards die..’” She played but was gentle. This teacher was always sweet to Jess, and let Jess take a moment to find the quote which was not far from her bookmark. Jess cleared her throat again and went to open her mouth when her stomach shifted violently. It made a noise that Jess knew was audible to others and not just herself, and she blushed but started reading. 

“Cowards die many times before their deaths” she started reading, and there was another shift. “The valiant never taste of death but once. Of all the wonders that I yet have heard,” she could feel the mass on the tip of the exit. It was pushing itself out now, and was not taking any fight. “It seems to me most strange that men should fear, Seeing that death, a necessary end, Will come when it will-”

Jess stopped reading. Right as she got to the end of the sentence, her bowels gave. She had no choice in the matter, it was voiding her whether she liked it or not. “Comes.” She finished. The mass had come out with a vengeance, and if anyone was paying close attention, they might have realized her lifting up an inch in her seat. It was however, mostly solid. Thankfully not liquidy at all, but still mushy enough that it had begun to squish and spread underneath her tiny weight. 

“Thank you Jessie, now who can tell me what that means or give me a feeling they caught from that?” The teacher continued as normal, but Jess’s world was spiraling. Her heart was beating in her ears and she went from blush to pale within a few seconds. She couldn’t hear anything, her vision was tunneling as she focused on one face to the next, trying to see if anyone was catching on. Then, just when her panic was peaking, she smelt it; and if she smelt it…..

“Oh my god what is that SMELL!”

Greta. Always around to comment, the doom and gloom of Jess’s life. Jess didn’t look up though, just played it cool and started mimicking what everyone else was doing: sniffing. Slowly more people groaned and commented on the smell. 

“That's awful!”

“Smells like shit, like actual shit!”

“Who ripped a fat one dude?”

Jess couldn’t take it and nearly cried and ran out, but that was too much a big giveaway. She just had to hope and pray that something would spare her.

“Guys, I think I found it!” The guy behind Jess called out on top of everyone. Jess’s heard sunk and tears bubbled. She’d be found.

She couldn’t look. She froze and swore she could feel a little bit of pee trickle out in fear.

“Oh my god, Martin!” Greta called in disgust. Jess turned around, surprised. Behind her, Martin was holding up a rotting banana that was obviously in the bottom of his backpack. The class groaned again with laughter mixed in, and the teacher was among them. 

“Oh goodness, okay well look I think a lot of us didn’t do the readings anyways so let's call an early lunch. Do your readings and have a good weekend!” She said to the delight of the class and Jessie. She was going home with an extra 20 minutes to spare. 

Jess quickly got up and headed for the door. She hung her backpack low to hide her now very visibly sagging diapered butt. It squished and smeared uncomfortably every step, and just when she got to the door-

“Hey Jessie, where are you going?”

It was Greta. Jess turned around slowly to look at her. 

“Home, I figured with the extra time I’d-” Jess was interrupted again.

“We’ll take your car then? I forgot my water bottle when I was stocking your fridge during my spare yesterday.” Greta opened the door and put on a pair of big sunglasses. Jess froze.

“Come on then little one, get those little legs moving!” Greta teased.

‘Just be strong, tell her no. She works for you...well, your dad but still....say something’ Jess struggled in her thoughts. She opened her mouth but nothing came out. 

“Hello? Earth to Jessie? Look at you, mouth open like a baby getting ready for an airplane” Greta teased, then made airplane noises and moved her hand around in a spiral until her finger booped Jess on the nose. 

“Ugh, fine, we’ll take my car. But I don’t have a booster seat” she continued to tease. 

Jess’s legs were jelly as she walked to Greta’s car. She found some joy in sitting in her seats with a poopy butt, but the joy was short lived when she remembered.

She left the diapers all over the kitchen table. 


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