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“Shit” Jess whispered under her breath before shooting back upright in her chair. She wanted to check her bag again, to be sure she wasn't just missing them...but she couldn’t look back down for fear of getting called out again, and she was almost certain she didn’t miss them. 

‘How could you forget the changes you idiot’ she thought to herself, before justifying it due to her change in routine. The diaper was starting to feel clammy and lose it’s warmth, now leaving Jess in a cold, squishy mess of padding that she was scared to make any movement in for fear of audible squishing. However her biggest fear at the moment was the possibility of a leak. It felt fine...but then she didn’t know how a diaper felt like wet until just now. It’s not like her childhood memories of pampers were still vivid, she had no sense of what felt like a leak and what just felt like a wet diaper. She had to know, and she didn’t want to just stand up when class was let out and reveal her wet behind to the cute boy behind her. 

Ever so gradually after a few minutes had passed, she pushed her hands between her legs and felt around. Her heart was racing, she couldn’t feel anything but she did feel the bulk of it and there was areas she hadn’t touched when-

“Oh my god, are you touching yourself?” 

Jess stopped moving her hands around. Greta, the popular and bitchy cheerleader who somehow had friends despite her toxic personality and overly artificial looks, had made that comment at a volume a little bit louder than a whisper. It wasn’t a call out so the whole class heard, but it was loud enough so the people around us heard and they all started to laugh. 

The laughing is what got the teacher to stop again. He turned to the back and asked “is there a problem?” Thankfully, no one answered. 

“Save it for home little one” Greta said to Jess, whispering this time. She always called Jess little one, due mainly on her size. Jess was smaller than almost all the girls in the school and was much shorter than all the so called ‘popular’ girls. 

“I wasn’t doing that” Jess replied. 

“Then what were-”

“Girls!” The teacher stopped the class with a deafening tone. “Jess, first late then on your phone now you’re chatting, I think I’ll see you after class.”

Jess hung her head, nearly in tears. She had never EVER been held back in class before, this was all too much. 

“Greta, I don’t want another peep out of you either” he said, turning back to the board. 

“Yes Mr. D” Greta said with a sort of fake sincerity that also blended in flirting. 

Jess sat still with her eyes forward for the rest of the class. However she didn’t really listen, her mind was racing and her worries built. A part of her considered being held back a good thing, now she wouldn’t have to reveal a potentially wet butt to anyone. 

When the bell ran and the class all got up, Jess remained seated until everyone had gone. 

“Okay come up here” Mr. D asked Jess. She stood slowly, reached behind her and felt all over her pants. No leaks. Her shoulders finally relaxed and she walked over to the teacher with a slight squish in every step. The bulk was definitely an issue she thought, and added it to her mental notes for relaying to the researchers later.

“Look Jess, I know you’re always good so I’m…” Jess stopped listening and looked down. The bulk was showing through her pants. She could tell, so she was wondering who else could tell. Was it enough of a difference so that people might comment or assume? She was curvy so a little in the trunk might not make a big difference, still worrisome for Jess. 

“...is that understandable?” He finished. 

“Yes,” Jess said, not really knowing what was explained. “Thank you.”

Mr. D waved her away and she strutted out of the class. Normally, she had 10 minutes between classes but now she only had 5. There was no stopping at her locker or the bathroom for a peak at the state of her padded panties, she just had to high-tail it to her next class. 

While she sat in her seat and the pee soaked diaper squished underneath her, she knew she had no other option than to go home at lunch and grab changes. It was a pain in the ass for her as she liked to sit and enjoy her lunch but none-the-less, the pain in the ass was better than the pee. 

What made the wait for lunch worse was the bubbling of her tummy in the middle of her second class. She knew what it meant, and she knew once again her routine was going to be messed with. Usually by third block, she needs the toilet as her coffee has done its work and pushed her breakfast along. Since she had biology third block, and since she was a science club member, she was able to use the science lounge bathroom in the break between this class, English, and Bio. The science lounge was only ever busy during lunch or after school, and even then it’s no busier than 10 people at a time, making it a perfectly quiet place for a bowel movement in the 10 minute break. 

Now, she was stuck. She knew her diaper was probably at capacity, but she couldn’t use the toilet or risk losing the integrity of the experiment. Jess was also a horrible liar, so should the people running the experiment ask her if she ever took them off and she had to lie...they would know right away. If they found out, her future could be in jeopardy. 

She was going to have to hold it, and as the class bell rang and she stood up to walk to Biology, she knew it was going to be tough. On a normal day if she felt like this, she might’ve run to the bathroom...but today, she had to walk right past it and just pray she could hold it until she got home.


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