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Today was perfect. I had a half day at school since my classes were canceled in the afternoon, I was just paid from my job,I didn’t work tonight  and to top it all off my parents were out and my brother was staying at his girlfriends place for the night. So all that added up to me feeling great. 

“Hey Jules, you wanna go get lunch? Kat and I were going to get a burrito bowl” Cindy asked me as we left our last class for the day.

“Um yes! Obviously!“ I exclaimed, and smiled the whole time as the three of us walked out the school and two blocks to the restaurant. I had never had a burrito bowl before truthfully, but I was always one to experiment so I thought why not. My brother was going to pick me up since he got off work just a little after I was going to get off school, but since I wanted to go for lunch with the girls I told him I’d just take the train then walk. 

The place was very authentically Mexican and smelt amazing as I walked in. The spices and flavors wafted in the air and my mouth couldn’t help but water. We sat down and my friends knew exactly what they wanted already. Since I hadn’t been here before, I just trusted their judgement and went with the same. 

When it came out, my eyes grew wide. It looked and smelt amazing. I dove in and the flavors erupted on my tongue. Spicy, salty, sweet, it had everything. I downed it all so fast, and the girls did the same. 

Because it was quite spicy I found myself having a few more cups of water than I normally might during a meal. Oh well, better to be hydrated. 

Once we all finished we paid and left. We all walked back to the school and went our separate ways. I went to the train station and they went to the busses. After standing on the platform for a few minutes, my stomach started to shift and make some strange noises. I figured it was just the food settling and didn’t give it much thought.

Then those glasses of water started to make their way into my bladder, and rapidly at that. I had been drinking them fast, so it was not very surprising but nonetheless annoying. I slowly crossed my legs as I stood there and tried to ignore it. 

Suddenly, my stomach made a very loud sound and pressure suddenly built in my abdomen. This was now past ignoring and I went into a full panic. The journey ahead of me was a 15 minute train ride followed by a 15 minute walk...with no bathrooms in between. I swallowed in a dry throat and eagerly awaited the train's arrival, fidgeting more and more as the minutes ticked by.

Finally, the light’s filled the tunnel and the train was pulling in. The pressure in my stomach had built more and I thought I might try to pass some gas before I got on...just in case.

I relaxed and pushed at my back end a bit. What started pushing out though was not a fart though, it was something much messier. I stopped pushing and clenched hard. I blushed, realizing I had nearly just shit myself as the train was pulling in front of me. 

What made it all the worse was how busy the train was. There were no seats and barely any standing room. I hung my head and pushed in, grabbing onto a railing and praying I could hold on. I stood with my legs crossed, but as the train took off and I nearly fell over, I realized I needed to spread.

On top of the mess eagerly on the doorstep of my bowels, my bladder was getting more and more full. I tapped my foot impatiently and tried to put my hand between my legs before realizing how strange that would look to the other passengers. I must have looked so anxious, I was bouncing up and down, blushing and biting my lip. 

There was another shift in my stomach, followed by sharp pain, then movement. My asshole was expanding and I couldn’t stop it. The train came to a stop and somebody left their seat. As soon as they did, I dove into it to sit down and there was a very audible BLLLRRFF sound. Right as it bent to sit, my bowels erupted into my jeans. It was a lot, and not very nice smelling either. What made it all worse was I was now sitting in it, feeling it spread around my butt and crotch. 

I was nearly in tears, but kept my composure as there was one person beside me and two across from me, facing me. It wasn’t long until they made notice of the smell. 

“My lord what is that awful smell” The lady beside me asked.

“It smells like poop, is there a baby in here?” The one in front asked.

“Yeah it reeks” I added to not be named the perpetrator. 

They didn’t mention it for a few more minutes, but then the lady beside me got up. 

“I can’t deal with this anymore, I need to get off” she said. I was blushing with hot red cheeks, hanging my head in shame. My bladder was now piercingly painful too, and all I could think of was ‘god please not that too’. Finally, I saw my stop in the distance. I pushed the button, eager to get off, but then realized what would happen when I did. Everyone would see the mess I made. It felt wet and I had been sitting in it for a while, coupled with my light blue jeans and you have the perfect recipe for a messy display. 

The train slowed and I had to make my move. I waited until the very last moment, when the doors opened, to get up and bolt. There was a moment of silence, and just as I was outside the train and hustling out, I heard the sounds of a woman complaining that she just sat in shit. Now, I could cry. 

The rest of the walk was just quiet residential streets, with an occasional car passing by. I still hadn’t seen the state of my behind, nor did I want to. The sticky warm extra weight sagged and I cringed with every step I took.

As if it thought I had forgotten about it, my bladder gave one last painful spasm. I buckled over, and felt something in my pelvic area drop. I stood up straight but didn’t take another step...then I felt it. 

A waterfall or warm pee exploded out of me. It trailed down my legs and into my shoes, leaving warm puddles inside them. A pond of pee formed under me as my jeans became several shades darker. I still didn’t move. The worst of it was how the wetting and the mess started to mix together. I felt my but sag more and get warm all over again.  

I ran home after that, and spent the rest of my night home alone doing laundry, and several showers. 


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