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When she walked away from the booth that day, she knew she was going to regret it. She was strong and stubborn, but also capable of knowing when she had set herself up for humiliation. 

‘Diapers?’ she thought, ‘yeah go ahead Jess, dig yourself into a deeper social hole.’

Her mind the rest of the day was distracted with questions. How was she going to hide them? How thick would they be anyways? Was she expected to pee AND poo in them? What did the researchers even expect of her? 

She usually never let herself daydream in class, so this was clearly a bigger deal to her that she thought it would be when she signed on the dotted line. The day breezed by for her despite being lost in her own thoughts for most of it. When she got home, there was a big box on the doorstep. She stopped when she saw it, dreading the contents but also coming to some conclusions as to why it was there. 

For one, the box being outside meant her dad was out of town again. He was a very busy man, a corporate lawyer for an international company which meant he was away a lot. He was all Jess had though; her mom died when she was only 3 so she didn’t have any siblings and with how busy her dad was, he never remarried. It wasn’t all bad though, the reason she was the way she was was because of the strong work ethic her dad instilled in her. 

Jessie brought the box in which was awkward and surprisingly heavy, and saw the note on the fridge. 

Gonna be in Toronto for a few days, I had Greta stock the fridge. Call me if there's an emergency - Dad.

After her quick read, she tore it off the fridge and into the recycle bin, just as she had done hundreds of times before. Her dad didn’t like to use his phone to tell her anything, even though he was on it 24/7. Something about work/life separation...even though his work was his life pretty much. 

For the first two hours of being home, she didn’t open the box. She didn’t even look at it, and when she did she turned away as if getting caught staring by a cute boy quickly after. Jessie just did her homework and reading, and once she was finished started getting her supper going. Since the box was in the kitchen, it was hard to ignore it while cooking her pasta. As the noodles boiled, she stared at it, tapping her fingers and feet. Finally she grabbed a knife and cut the box open. 

Inside was a note on top of several other packages. The note read:

Jessie Kimbal,

Thank you for agreeing to participate in the 2020 Kimberly-Clark product testing for teen/early adulthood incontinence underwear! We are all excited to work with you through this process and hope you will give us the most honest, even if brutally honest, feedback. Here are your instructions:

Before she could read too far, she sensed the noodles were ready and rushed to the stove top to finish cooking. She added the noodles to her sauce and plated as if she was some 5-star restaurant chef. As she ate, she continued reading. 

Step 1: Put on the designated garment. The schedule of which product to use are on the back. Each package is labeled accordingly. 

Jessie took another look in the box. Sure enough, each plastic package had a simple A, B, C, or D letter on it. She then turned over the paper. Week 1 had all diapers being used and then scattered around. She realized what they were doing; they were scheduling so she could properly compare and contrast each diaper. 

Step 2: Remain in the garment for as long as comfortable then change into another. Note that when changing, if the day is a pack A day, please change into a pack A garment, if the day is a pack B day, please change into pack B, etc. You will be in a garment 24/7 during the testing period (including during sleep).

Step 3: Throughout the day, keep in mind these factors: 

  • Feel (comfort, if you can notice them, etc.)
  • Absorbency (please include how much the diaper swelled, and if there was any leakage.
  • Smell (good or bad)

As well as anything else you think is important.

Step 4: Record your daily experience, noting all the factors, at the end of each day and report it to the researchers at the email address given (top of document).

Step 5: Repeat until otherwise notified. 

“Ugh” Jess said through her mouthful. The document went on. 

The last thing you will be REQUIRED to do is maintain hydration hourly. In the package, you will find a water bottle. YOU MUST DRINK ONE BOTTLE OF WATER EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR. By ONE BOTTLE we of course mean the bottle given filled up to the white line. This is very important and must be maintained to ensure consistent results. The only exception is when sleeping. 

This was what made Jessie sit up in her seat. 

“It’s like they want me to piss myself! ….wait. That’s exactly what they want. DAMMIT!” She threw her head back in annoyance, then came back to supper through the rest of the paper.

We will have members of the research team check on you from time to time to ensure the research is being conducted properly.

Another big thank you for participating. You’re helping us, help others.


“Check on me? What are they gonna check my diaper to see if I’ve had an accident or something? For fucks sake, what have you done Jessie.”

She finished her food and looked through the box again. She found the water bottle, it was a normal looking bottle just with measurements on the side. Inside was also a pack of Kimberly-Clark baby wipes and a bottle of baby powder.

“Of course” she snarked, and dropped them back into the box. She looked back at the schedule; the wearing of pack A didn’t start until tomorrow, so she closed up the box and walked away. 

She went to her room, had a bath, and read her book until she was feeling sleepy. ‘Tomorrow hell begins,’ she thought ‘but at least tonight was heaven.’


Nathan Johnson

Cant wait for more of this!