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This was it. After countless auditions, call-backs, and nervous hours waiting by the phone, I was finally on set for my big break movie. It was a horror movie, a sort of typical hack-and-slash gore fest but it was starring one big name actor and the director was hot off a TIFF official selection. I was the lead female, Daisy, and couldn’t wait to start shooting. 

We were starting on a pretty difficult scene, one of the first real horror sequences where the masked killer comes storming through the house and I have to run away. The director justified putting this scene first as ‘getting the rough stuff over with’ which I guess I empathize with. We were all set up, had run a few rehearsals and were ready to shoot. 

“ACTION” They called. I started to run, then tripped over a branch as I was instructed to. I really sold it, in fact it actually kind of hurt my wrist. The character was supposed to have hurt her ankle here so I started ‘limping’ to my next mark, the tree. I made it and turned around, acting terrified. 

“CUT” the director called, and he started walking over to me. I got instantly nervous as he approached, like I had done something wrong and he was coming to shame me for it. 

“Really nice Sara, that was a great fall. We’ll use that one for sure so in the next coverage shots, try not to hurt yourself okay? I know you want this and you’ve worked hard to get here, but I don’t need my lead getting hurt on the first day.” He looked at me and waited for a response. 

“Yes, okay i’m sorry…” I said, lowering my head with shyness. 

“Don’t be sorry! I’m just looking out for you okay?” He said, quietly. I nodded and smiled at him. “Good girl” he finished, and walked away. “Alright that one’s good let’s grab some coverage okay? Keith? I need you in that mask buddy you’re in the frame now.”

I kept smiling and was overwhelmed with joy. I felt like a little girl with a boy-crush. He was so kind and strong! 

I did the fall a few more times and was easier on myself each go. I looked over every time I did it for approval and he gave me a thumbs up each time. Eventually we moved on to the tree again. In this moment, since Daisy was injured in the fall she knows she can't get away and leans against the tree to look down at the killer as he approaches her. Then Chris, the big name actor, is supposed to come out the trees in the knick of time and hit him with a bat.  

I leaned against the tree and put myself into a terrified state. Thought about scary things and moments and tried to put all of it into my performance. 

“ACTION” the director called.

“No no, please no. Help! Help!!” I said per the script. 

“Cut!” He called, then pondered a moment. “Sara can you get a little tremble in your voice?”

I nodded and readied myself for the scene. 

“Okay reset. And...Action!’ 

“No no, please no. Help! Help!!” I said, this time with a shivering tremble in my voice. It was better, good direction I thought. 

“Cut! No that’s not it…”

I looked back confused and tried to get a good look at him behind the camera. The lights were blocking him until he stood up and said “Ah Ha!”. He ran over to me and said “Okay so you know how sometimes when people are really scared, they wet themselves?” he said excitedly. 

“Yeah…” I said, worried where this was going. 

“I need you to wet yourself for me. It would REALLY sell this.” 

“We don’t have the right contraption boss, that little tube thing is over $100 and if we mess it up we don’t have another pair of her pants so we’ll have to stop and dry them-” someone piped up who was hearing the director speak and was making a lot of sense until they were silenced. 

“I don’t care about that, we don’t need the contraption and we only need one take. Sara can wet herself for real right? A little method acting?” He was looking at me and smiling. I didn’t know what to say, but now everyone was looking at me, awaiting my response. 

“I...Don’t really have to pee…” I whispered. 

“Ray! Get this girl a 2 water bottles. 3! And a cup of coffee! ASAP! NOW!” He yelled at a PA who ran away with the demands. “Drink up, when you’re desperate tell me and we’ll film the scene. We’ll shoot more coverage of the big guy in the meantime.” He explained as the PA was coming back with all the liquids.  

I took them all and looked nervously at them. 

“Look, you’re really going to make it with this moment. It’ll really complete the scene and I promise you, people are going to love it.” He reassured me. I smiled, still nervous, and nodded. 

“Great! Alright she’s drinking, let’s get back to work!” 

Eager to just get this over with, I cracked the first water bottle and chugged it back. I was thirsty, but not this thirsty. By the time I was halfway through the second bottle I knew I was going to have troubles and the third bottle and cup of coffee went down one sip at a time. When it was all down I was already starting to feel it, but I knew I had to wait. In order to sell it properly, I needed to be bursting. 

After half an hour, I was there. Pee was practically leaking out of me, so I waved down the director who simply asked, “is it time?”. I nodded, and he actually cheered. He stopped the scene they were doing and quickly got everyone set up for my big moment. The camera was framed to feature my lower half and it was going to be an insert to the scene of the baddie approaching me. I felt my control slipping. 

“Guys...we better get going!” I called out, no longer concerned with being shy. 

“Okay we’re ready we’re ready! Positions everyone!” he called, and I laid back against the tree. 

“And ACTION!” He called.

“No no, please no. Help! Help!!” I repeated to fit the moment, and let go. Piss erupted out of me into my jeans. It really looked like I had lost control out of fear with how viciously it voided my body. The hiss could be heard over everything and the director made sure the sound guy had the boom mic right close to my crotch pick it up. 

It was warm and wet and more than I had peed in a long time. Normally I would pee pretty soon after I felt the need...but normally I didn’t have to pee my pants. There was now a puddle under me in the set dressing, and after a minute of eternity, I finished peeing. 

There was an awkward moment of silence as everyone waited for him to call cut, but he instead just stared at my wet legs, biting his lower lip. When he finally snapped out of it, he cleared his throat and called “CUT!”

He practically jumped out of his chair and ran to me. “Oh Sara that was brilliantly acted, well done this is going to be a grand moment wow!” He said with contagious excitement. 

“Can I change now?” I asked. 

“Oh no, not possible we need to film more and If your pants are wet in one scene but not another...that would look bad!” 


“And besides, I’m going to have to add more wetting scenes into the film. After how well this one went, there is no way I’m only letting you do it once!”


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