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I ran. He chased me. 

We weren’t far from the place we were staying, or rather, the place we were fucking, and I was eager to get in. The diaper was really hard to run in, especially now that it was so soggy and warm, but I managed to get a good enough head start to stay ahead of Jack the entire way back. 

When we finally busted through the door, I turned around to face him with a smug, panting smile. He stopped, closed the door, and scowled...but smiled. He lunged forward and grabbed my waist just as I tried to escape to the bedroom. We chuckled, until I realized he was dragging me over to the table. He kicked a chair out and planted himself in it, then pulled me over his knee. I was still panting and kind of chuckling, but then he yanked my bottoms off. I tired to fight and get up but he had a firm hold on me and was much stronger than I was.

Then, the first hand came down. It shocked me, and stung immediately. I still was smiling, and bit my lip. This was really starting to turn me on. Another hand hit my skin just below my sagging diaper and I squealed then moaned. Gradually the spanks became faster and harder. I stopped laughing and smiling and started clenching my teeth and holding back tears from the pain. My moans of pleasure turned into sounds of discomfort. 

“Daddy...AH….please….AHA” I said between slaps. 

“What’s wrong little one?” he asked, “I told you you had this coming.”

“But...mmm….it….mm!....HURTS!” I screamed. My butt was starting to become numb with the pain. It was throbbing, but the additional slaps did nothing but bruise me. And as if I hadn’t wet myself enough already, I actually felt my bladder give and pee trickle out from the pain. 

Finally, the last spank came down. My ass was throbbing, but so was my pussy. Tears were blinding my eyes and when I finally realized he had stopped, I was too weak to get up. Jack softly rubbed my bruised ass gently, as if that were somehow going to mend what he had just done to it. I thought I would be lucky if I was going to be able to sit down for a week after this. 

“Now. Will you disobey and be a brat like that again?” Jack asked. I didn’t answer, I just pouted and made a ‘hmph’ noise. “Answer me little one.”


“Yes what?” 

“Yes I wont be bratty….” I said through gritted teeth.

“You mean, yes DADDY I won’t be bratty” Jack corrected. I finally turned my head to look at him with a scowl that cut deep. He didn’t seem phased by it, just smiled and continued rubbing my butt.

“Yes DADDY I won’t be BRATTY” I spat at him with disdain. He just chuckled and gave my butt a gentle pat. 

“Good girl,” he said, and I cringed, my skin sensitive, “now let’s get you into a fresh diaper.”

He got up and I had to stand with him. My legs were wobbly, and I felt almost dizzy. I went from zooming around and bratty to a numb mess of a human with one spanking session. Jack was serious work, and I was going to actually have to stay in line if I didn’t want punishment like this again. 

I followed him into the bedroom where he was grabbing a diaper from the airlines care box and laying it out on the bed with a stuffer inside. He motioned his hands for me to lay down next to it, and I thought of nothing else to do other than obey. 

Laying on the bed was difficult with how sore I was, but I was still incredibly horny. I could tell since, even though I was numb with pain, my eyes still went to his cock and noticed it was hard and visible through his pants. I licked my lips as I sat on the bed, and when he pulled the tabs of my diaper, I eagerly anticipated him revealing my wet pussy to him.

When he peeled the wet diaper off me, my skin was cooled by the open air. I didn’t realize how snug and closed off the padding was, and how damp I got, especially since it was full of my pee. 

“Wow, someone’s wet” Jack commented. 

“I know, I’ve been wanting you” I teased, and bit my lower lip, putting on my sexiest face as he changed my adult diaper. 

“Ha! I meant your pee silly. Little girls like you don’t get daddy’s cock.” I sat up and scowled. 

“What!?” I yelled.

“Well look at you! Your diaper is full of pee, you threw a tantrum so bad I had to give you the spanking of your life...what’s so big girl about that?”

“Jack. Look at me” I said, using my most adult voice. “I’ll play out your little fantasy, I’ll do whatever you want, but do NOT withhold cock from me.”

My finger was pointed straight in his face. He was surprised by my stern tone I could tell, and he took a moment to think of what to do. 

He made the right choice. Without saying another word, he started undressing. 

“You want this cock huh?”

“Oh yes, give me daddy’s cock” I smiled, and pulled off my top. 

We fucked on the dirty diaper. His cocked filled me and I instantly moaned in satisfaction. After the spanking and the wetting, I was really sensitive down there, and every thrust felt incredible.

I came 3 times on that diaper. 

When he finally finished, he came inside me. This wasn’t an issue for me, I have an IUD, but then he had the incredibly naughty idea of taping me into a new diaper as the cum was dripping out of me. 

I laid there. Exhausted, numb, and completely satisfied. I was absolutely in paradise.

The End...?

Kind of done with this one. Don’t really have a direction I want to take, so I’m going to stop it here unless I spark a new idea. 


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