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This is another one of those that started off as an idea for a one-shot and just left me with too much story to tell...enjoy!

Jessie was a very keen student. She was top of her class, smart and beautiful. She stood at a towering 5”0 and was very petite, but had wonderful curves. There was a youthful exuberance to her, especially given her shortness, but her face was round and sweet. Despite being gorgeous, she never had a boyfriend. She often said that she was too busy for a boyfriend and that “he would just distract me and pull me away from my true potential”. 

It was Jessie’s graduating year, she had applied to all the best schools and knew she would hear back from all of them. But first, her school always ran a research event for all the honors students which was used as a helpful experience to boost your odds in your post-secondary interviews. 

The event was basically a tool for researchers to use the students and make their jobs easier, and while in the grand perspective of their research, it wasn’t much...but to these kids, especially Jessie, it was everything. Even though the event was only open to seniors, Jessie had participated every year. She figured by now she would be given an option to choose who she partnered with since she’d done it so many times, but nonetheless the science department head assigned the students to the researcher.

So on the day of the assignment Jessie wore her most grown-up business attire, put her hair up in a tight bun and strutted into the science hall confidently.

“So Brad, who am I partnered with?” She demanded as she walked to the table set up. Brad was her science teacher, known to everyone else as Mr. Sorrell but Jessie insisted on using his first name.

“I have you set up with Kimberly-Clark, have you heard of them?” Brad said with a slight smile.

“No I haven’t actually!”

“Oh wow, finally something you don’t know. They’re a billion dollar corporation, they deal in… health products. Some you’ll have heard of but-“

“That sounds perfect, just what I was hoping for” Jessie cut Brad off, her mind beginning to race with all the biology and chemistry she’d be experimenting with.

“Well...enjoy then, they’re right over there.” Brad pointed to a booth at the very back. It was closed off with curtains, and Jessie wondered if maybe they were working on something top-secret. Her excitement boiled and she tried to keep her cool. Finally, she opened the curtain.

“Hello? I’m Jessie Kimbal. I was assigned to you guys?”

“Ah yes! Welcome, take a seat.” The male researcher said. There were two people in the booth, one white man, early 30s, dark features, and a Latino woman, who was very thin, tall and strikingly beautiful. Jessie made eye contact with her and was instantly intimidating, looking away while she took her seat and cleared her throat.

“I'm Dr. Brian and this is Dr. Lopez. So, Jessie. I hear you’re quite the student!” Dr. Brian said.

“Aha well I guess some might say that,” Jessie tried to act modestly, “this will be my third time doing this event and they only usually let seniors so…”

“Well I’m happy that you picked us, now you’re probably wondering what we’re researching...you’re familiar with our products?” Brian continued. Jessie was confused with the wording of “picked us”. Had everyone else gotten to pick and Brad just screwed her over? Too late now. After getting caught up in that thought she realized she didn’t answer Dr. Brian’s question.

“Oh! Um, vaguely yes” Jessie stumbled over her words a bit. 

“Our brands include Kleenex, Huggies, Depends, Pull-Ups, Goodnites, etc.. Mainly diaper products which is what we are going to be researching!”

‘That bastard,’ Jessie thought, cursing Brad's name, ‘he knew what this was all along and set me up with baby shit...great.’

“I’ll let Dr. Lopez explain what we have planned.” Brian turned his head to his partner who raised an eyebrow.

“So, as you know from when you signed up for this you will be testing a new line of products for us. We are trying to test different materials and variations of the product to optimize performance. We need you to use the products every day, 24/7 for the remainder of your semester and document your findings. Is that clear?” Dr. Lopez stunned Jessie again, but she managed to stutter out a response.

“Y-yes...what exactly is the product I’m testing?” Jessie almost didn’t want to ask. Dr. Brian reached behind him and brought up a massive package of some sort of white material and placed it on the table. 

“It's a new line of diapers. Our studies have shown that teen incontinence is on the rise and we want to be ahead of the market when it becomes a bigger issue.” He explained, almost too excited.

“You want me to test...teen diapers?”

“Oh this is more than just a silly test. You are the primary source of our research right now. This study is very new, and you are breaking new ground with us here. Be excited!” Brian’s enthusiasm was lost on Jessie who just stared at him blankly. 

“Now listen I know this might be a little strange but-“ Dr. Brian started but was cut off by his partner.

“You signed up for this, so you must participate. I bet having a massive company like Kimberly-Clark on your resume will do wonders for getting into those prestigious schools…” Lopez spoke sternly and Jessie swore she sucked the oxygen out of the room when she did. 

The package was staring back at Jessie as she thought about her fate. Lopez was right, this would be a huge opportunity for her...but to have to wear diapers? Was it worth the humiliation…

“Yes. I’ll do it” Jessie came to her decision and looked up at Lopez confidently. She could do this she thought, she could wear diapers for the semester. If anything, this is a good thing! No more pesky bathroom breaks disrupting her studies.

“Great! So if you’ll sign here, then this package is yours. We need your address so we can ship the supplies to your house, there are a tone of different types we want you to try.” Brian explained. 

Jessie had one last moment of hesitation while looking at the dotted line. 

“I look forward to working with you both” she smiled, and signed. 



Towering 5 feet tall? That's a typo right?