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We left promptly after finishing our food and started the walk back. Jack took the lead, and I could tell he was eager as the pace we were holding now was much faster than the pace before. I was really starting to feel the need to pee, and I figured Jack would find it fun if I played it up a little. 

“Mmm” I moaned a little, and pushed my hands to the front of my crotch as we walked. There weren't too many people around, and those that were were not the kind I was worried about seeing me perform like this. One of the benefits of doing this role-play on holiday was that the risk of being seen by someone you know was very low...It was just with Talia and Ray that we needed to be careful. 

Jack noticed the moan and the arm movements I made exactly as I hoped. He didn’t mention it at first, but after a few more strides he said “What’s wrong little one?”

“Nothin’....” I said acting all quiet and shy. Truth be told, even though I was selling it a little bit, I really did need to fucking pee. The drinks I had at the restaurant went through me like nothing and my shaky bladder was screaming already. 

“You sure? Kinda looks like you need to pee…” He said, catching on to my game. 

“Nope don’t need to pee uh uh” I said, putting on my best baby voice. 

“Okay if you’re sure, but you know if we get back and that diaper is wet…” 

I looked up at him and blushed. I was excited at the tone he took, but tried to hide that behind an embarrassed face. I was very happy that Jack and I seemed to have skipped past the awkward ‘getting to know you’ phase and just jumped into the ‘fucking like rabbits’ stage. I could tell that even though I was going to suffer my fair share of embarrassment this trip, I would also have probably the most dick I will ever have in a small period of time. I kept up the act.

“Mmmmmm” I moaned harder. So loud in fact that a lady walking by looked at me with a questioning glare. Jacks head jerked over to me as I started bouncing with every step, doing a bit of a pee pee dance while I walked. Somehow this whole act made it actually harder to hold, and I could feel myself getting closer and closer to actually losing control and wetting my diaper. It was like a sick joke that the methods that you would think and see in TV shows as helpful tactics to holding actually made it harder. 

“You know babygirl, there’s a lot of walk left. You can tell me if you need to stop and pee pee” Jack said. This contradicted what he said earlier about me using my diapers and not asking him about it. I assumed it was just the nature of the role-play and how I was acting that lead him there. I guess I did have SOME control of the situation…

“No! Don’t have to peepee!” I said sternly, like a toddler. I might as well have stomped my foot and pouted. 

“Okay! Sure, I believe you!” He smiled and walked a little bit ahead. We were on a pretty empty stretch of beach now and after a few more steps, I felt it.

I stopped dead in my tracks, blushed, and looked down. 

“Daddyyyy?” I called out for Jack. He turned around and saw me. 

The piss was exploding out of me. There was no stopping it, no control. Once it started there was nothing I could do. The warmth flowed around my crotch and to the back of the diaper, making my ass damp. There was another couple that  walked by and looked at us confused. I was just looking at my crotch and holding my hands on my hips. Jack was looking around and then looking at me nervously. 

It occurred to me that Jack had likely never done public play before beyond a light grab of the ass or crotch. His head was on a swivel looking around at those who could be judging us. 

“Hey! Daddy!” I called out, pretty loudly. He turned to me surprised. 

“Pay attention to me! I had an accident!” I complained. He blushed, smiled, and scolded me.

“You’ve been a very bad girl. We need to get back to the hotel now for your punishment”

“No daddy! I’ll be a good girl I promise! I didn’t mean to I just couldn’t hold it…”

“You told me you didn’t have to pee!”

“...I lied…”

“Well, lying is extra punishment. You see? Not very good.”

He grabbed my wrist and began dragging me back. I was enjoying being bratty, so I dug my heels in the sand and resisted. He turned and whispered “Don’t make it any worse than it already is little one!”. He was looking around at the people walking by. I was really beginning to relish in his discomfort.

With a turn, he tried to tug me forward again. Instead, I collapsed to the sand and sat down with a wet, crinkly THUMP. I crossed my arms and pouted.

“I don’t want to!” I almost yelled. Now Jack was really uncomfortable, and really embarrassed. I could see him grind his teeth as he looked around, actually getting annoyed with my disobedience.This is exactly what I wanted though. 

“Come on Lizzie lets go people are watching…” He whispered.

“No!” I said, even louder. Jack looked around, thinking about what to do. 

“Look. If you don’t get up in 5 seconds, I’m going to tell Talia aaalllll about your little accident on the plane.” He said with a bit of anger under it. I had a feeling he was probably serious too, which scared me but also turned me on even more. 


Just before we got to 1, I got up and stomped ahead of him. The diaper weight was more than before and it was harder to run, but when I got far enough I smiled, knowing he was really going to let me have it now.

“That was really embarrassing little one.” He said after catching up to me.

“Oh yeah? What’re you gonna do about it?” I smirked. He looked at me with wide eyes and a raised eyebrow. I was in for it.


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