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I was desperate for money. It was just about the weekend and I had no money to go out with my friends for drinks and food...I was becoming a sad loner with a less than $0 bank balance. This, I hope, explains my actions…

My friend told me about this app where I could sell some sexy photos and get paid for it. I started an account and after a few days of nothing, I got my first commission. Nothing too crazy, just some lingerie. It got me $20 for 10 minutes of work though so I didn’t complain. After a few more days I got another sexy pic commission and another, then out of nowhere someone reached out to me. 

“Hey, I’m looking for pics but not the kind you’re used to. It’s a little taboo. There’s a bunch of money in it so just let me know if you’re interested!”

Obviously I was interested. I just saw dollar signs, I didn’t care what position he wanted me in just as long as I didn’t have to include my face. I replied.

“Heyyy! Of course! What did you have in mind?”

It was not even a minute before he responded.

“I would like you to wet yourself for me. Wear a pair of jeans and piss in them. I will pay for 10 pictures at $10 each that progress from you dry to fully soaked. If I like what I see, I’ll raise the pay next time.”

At first I was a little grossed out and confused. Why did this weirdo want me to piss myself? He didn’t even say topless or anything. But the more I thought about it, the easier the idea sounded to me. $100 to piss myself? Easy. So that was a decision made, and the start of a downward spiral I might never recover from.

I filled up my biggest water bottle and downed it in one sitting, then filled it back up and downed that too. After that, I sat and did some school work while I let my body work. After a short while, I was really starting to feel it but I decided to hold it. I couldn’t half ass it or he might not want me back you know? So I held and I held and I held until...I felt a leak. It was just a dribble, but it was something. That was my queue.

I sprung up and quickly set up my camera. I decided to just film it and take the best screen-caps for the pictures. Once it was set, I hit record, stepped back to line myself up, and went. 

Piss erupted out of me like I never could have imagined. I had a big bladder that could hold a lot given my slim frame. Shock overwhelmed me and I couldn’t help but just stare down at my legs as the pee spread. My jeans were soaked by the end of it and there was a massive puddle. The feeling was...strange. Warm and kind of nice, but also wet and icky. I penguin walked over to my camera and hit off record. 

After a hot shower and a quick floor mopping, I went and grabbed 10 great screenshots of the video for the guy. I was actually quite proud of my performance, the shot was well framed and I had a lot of good poses of my wet ass. I sent them off and within minutes got the notification that they were received and my money was ready. He messaged me after and left a 5 star review on my page.

“Wonderful. Stunning. Is this taken from a video? I will pay $100 more for the full video. Thank you.”

My mouth dropped. I said out loud, “Oh we eatin’ good tonight boys!” to no one, then sent him the video. My money was again ready, leaving now $200 in my account. After a bit of time, longer than when I sent just the pictures, he sent me another message.

“My goodness. Just what I was looking for. I wish to commission you for something else.”

I was jumping and giddy with excitement. It was like winning the lottery! I replied:

“Yes, anything you like!”

“Well, first send me one sexy picture. Your favorite from a previous commission or just take one if you like. $40. I’ll explain once sent.”

Confused, I shrugged and went through my phone for the past pictures. I found one I liked and sent it to him. $40 came though, and his text bubble jumped.

“Lovely. Now that $40 is for you to go and buy some diapers. It should more than cover it, and the rest can be used however you like.

Now I was really confused. Diapers? I mean if lined up with his previous request…

“What kind of diapers?”

He sent me a link of an adult diaper brand. My nose curled at the thought, and then his next message came.”

“I will pay $75 a photo. I want you to wear them, wet them, mess them, wear them under clothes and in public. 30 photos total. Can you deliver?”

My heart was pounding. I had a million thoughts racing at once. Was this worth it? Going to buy adult diapers, wearing them, and actually using them? In public no less? It was a tough gamble, but greed got the best of me. He was offering me $2,250. That was more than I had ever made in one lump sum ever, not to mention the other $200 he’d sent me. I shook the nerves off and replied. 

“Yes. I’ll deliver.”

This is where it all went downhill.

Buying diapers was stressful but surprisingly easy. I just grabbed them, walked up and bought them. No one cared, no one judged. The wearing and picture taking was the hardest. He wanted me to use them, which was actually harder than I anticipated. There was something mentally blocking my from peeing my pants over and over again. It got easier, but it always felt odd. 

After a few days, I had all his pictures. I had pissed myself more than I cared to admit at that time, shit myself for the first time since I was a baby, and publicly humiliated myself by wearing them in broad daylight where they could be seen as clear as day. 

I sent them over, and the money came. I sighed, knowing it was all worth it. He messaged back quickly and said:

‘Perfect. You performed beyond expectations. Now, I have one last request.”

I rolled my eyes but looked at my account balance. Money was good, pain was temporary. I had done well to not be noticed doing this by any of my friends or family so I was sure I could take on any other task this man had to dish. I replied:

“Okay. What is it?”

There was typing for a while, I could tell this was going to be long.

“This will be an ongoing thing. I want you to wear diapers 24/7/365. You will use them as intended. Wet and mess. You will act as if there is no such thing as a toilet as you have no need to use one. I ask for this, daily pictures, and a short video log at the end of the day. Fulfill all demands, and you will be given $2,000 a week with your diaper expenses covered of course.

I was quick to reply.

“Wtf? NO! That’s crazy!”

I sent it...and instantly regretted it somehow.

“That’s fine. Thank you for your other services. Goodbye.”

“Wait. Give me a bit to think about it.”

“Very well.”

Now you might be wondering why I said this was a downward spiral I might not recover from. Well, I took the deal. I mean, I am getting 6 figures to wear diapers...and that’s it. I quit my job and continued with school to fill my time but really I was content living on this forever. Well a year went by and...I’ve developed a form of incontinence. My brain has just associated needing to pee with peeing and my potty training has completely reversed. I didn’t think I would get to this point but I guess my willpower to stay trained wasn’t strong enough. 

Anyways, that the end of my fun little recap video log for you daddy. I hope you enjoy it, and get a laugh. As always, your little girl.


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