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The padding stimulated my tender and raw pussy in a way I loved and simultaneously was confused by. I was turned on by this. By diapers. By this whole “daddy/daughter” thing. It surprised me, but I wasn’t questioning it too much. I was pretty kinky, but this was a whole new thing and I was kind of loving it. 

I threw on a summer dress that flowed nicely around my butt and hid my diaper well while also giving my upper body some nice form. I caught Jack in the corner of my eye continue to admire my body as I dressed. It was so wonderful to be desired, to be looked at this way. I felt so free.

When we finally left the room, Talia and Ray were sat at the kitchen table quietly. I had a feeling they were in the middle of an argument, but to be honest, I didn’t care. 

“Oh, finally ready you two?” Talia said with some snark.

“Ready for what?” I asked, keeping a positive tone that I knew would only annoy Talia some more. 

“We we’re going to have a walk around and maybe walk down the beach to the little town they have down there. You guys are welcome to come or do your own thi-” Ray explained until Talia cut him off.

“They’re coming” she stood and looked at me, “you’ll love it!”

I turned and looked back at Jack who just shrugged.

“I guess so!” I said to Talia, and with that confirmation she was off to the door. 

We left the cabin and walked down the beach. It was beautiful, warm, and there was a subtly breeze that just kissed my skin in the right way. With Jack walking beside me, a bit of a distance behind the stomping Talia and her pursuer Ray, things were so perfect. 

It was about a 40 minute walk which after the amount of time I spend sitting on a plane today, I was more than happy to take every step. Jack and I spoke about interests and other stuff that we hadn’t had a chance to discuss, and with every sentence I fell for him more and more. He was big into traveling but also loved movies and music, he loved animals and fitness...it was like he was built for me in a lab.

“I also love fucking you” he said, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me close. 

“I love that too,” I said, smirking at him and wrapping my arm around him. 

When we finally got into the small town, Talia and Ray split off and Jack and I were free to explore on our own. It was a typical tourist town, little shops with island style mementos and the sort. 

We found a little cafe and went in for a bite to eat and a coffee. When we finally decided what we wanted, I told jack and he called the waitress over. Just as the girl asked me what I wanted and I was about to open my mouth, Jack butt in. 

“She’ll have the Thai Chicken wrap with a side of veggies and I’ll get the clubhouse with a side of house potatoes please. We’ll also get two iced coffees and a large glass of water for the lady please.” Jack looked up and smiled at the girl who just smiled and left once it was all written down. I leaned into him over the table.

“Is this-”

“This is part of it, yes.” he said with confidence.

“Okay...daddy” I whispered. A sly smile grew on his face when I said that. I looked around to see if anyone had heard but no one did. 

The water and coffee came first and I knew exactly what Jack wanted, and I desperately wanted to please him. I swung my head back and finished every drop of the water. The waitress walked back and saw it, surprised.

“Someone was thirsty! Another glass?” She asked. Again I opened my mouth, then stopped and looked at Jack. It took him a second to realize but then he said,

“Yes get her another one please.”

The waitress walked away, more confused this time. I smiled at Jack.

“You’re catching on quick” He said.

“I’ll learn anything quick if the reward is you” I said all flirty. Jack blushed, trying to stay all macho and “Daddy” like but clearly thrilled in a cute and endearing way. The waitress came back and I swung the new glass back too. By the time our sandwiches came, I was already starting to feel the need to pee. 

While eating, I asked Jack “So, hypothetically...if I needed to pee reaaally bad and I-”

“You’re in diapers” Jack said matter-of-factly “You are in them because you can't control yourself, and you aren't expected to make it to the bathroom. While you’re in diapers, I don’t want to hear about how much you need to pee.”

The answer made me shut my mouth and look down at my plate. He made me feel...so little. So useless when it came to bathroom control. Which is exactly what he wanted while I was diapered, so I had to play in. I looked back up at him and realized how loud he had said that last bit. With a quick look around, I didn’t see anyone who had heard or cared if  they did, and turned my attention back to my sandwich. 

I had a feeling that Jack wanted to apologize but was trying to maintain the role. It was early days for this and he didn’t really know how he could be with me. He probably just wanted to know he didn’t hurt my feelings which was sweet to think. I made eye contact, smiled and winked.

“You know daddy,” I said “Talia and Ray are probably going to be out here for another hour or so…”

“What are you getting at babygirl?” He asked and smiled.

“Well...I’m just saying that if we go back...we’d be alone….”

“And what would we do if we were alone?” He toyed.

“I’m not sure, I’m just a silly old baby after all, what do I know except how to pee pee and poo poo in my diapers.” I blushed while saying it, but I knew it was turning him on.

“Do you think you deserve what we’ll do back at the hotel?”

“I’m not sure...but there is a 40 minute walk for me to earn it”

He smiled, and called for the check.


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