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After sitting in my wet diaper for at least an hour, my pussy pulsating for about half of that, we finally made it to where we were staying. Ray had only booked a place with two rooms, but he admitted that if things hadn’t gone so well between Jack and I, he would have shared the room with Jack and I would share with Talia. Fortunately for the both of us, things didn’t go that way. 

This “hotel” was more or a beach-side cabin. It was beautiful, with more than enough room and, thankfully, bedrooms that were on opposite ends of the house from each other. The walls seemed pretty thick too, meaning as much noise as possible. 

Which was good, because as soon as Jack and I were alone in the room with the door closed, we were at each other. Jack grabbed the back of my head and tugged firmly on my hair, then pushed me against the wall. I gasped, shocked but excited, then with his other hand, he pushed my soggy wet diaper against my bits. It was cold and damp now but still pleasurable to have rubbed against me. I kissed Jack’s neck and ran my hands all around his back until all of a sudden he dropped to his knees. 

In a few swift motions he removed my pants, tore off my diaper which splatted wet and heavy on the floor, and grabbed my ass, pulling my hips close to his face. His tongue found my clit and he started going for it. I groaned loudly and ran my hands through his hair as he ate me out. My eyes rolled back, and within 15 seconds of his mouth putting in work, I came ferociously. It was the absolute fastest I had ever cum; my legs trembled and gave out and I found myself on my knees with Jack. He ran his hands through my hair and held me as I vibrated violently from the orgasm. 

When I was finally back on this planet, I dove for his cock. My hands couldn’t move fast enough to get his zipper down and whip it out, but when I finally did, I had to stop. It was magnificent. Perfect size and girth, and I couldn’t help but lick my lips. However in my moment of pause, Jack took back control and flipped me over. My hands were up against the wall and my back was arched up as much as I could to get the angle to best please him. Once again my pussy throbbed, and finally he put it in. I came instantly. 

“S-sorry” I whispered, trembling. He didn’t accept my apology. Instead, he grabbed my by the throat and the tit and started pounding. Every inch of him felt amazing. The way he moved too was spectacular, I had never had anyone fuck me the way that he was fucking me. His control, his grip, his ability to hit all the right spots...I was all so meant to be. 

The sex lasted for 10 more minutes. I was thrown around, choked into almost blacking out, and more. I loved it. Once Jack finally came at what felt like the perfect time, I was left panting, more like gasping actually, and totally numb. It felt like I couldn’t move, and I didn’t bother trying. My whole body was still in pure ecstasy. Part of me wondered if this was sustainable and if it would all be downhill from here, and then I questioned if my body could even withstand sex like that on a daily, possibly more than daily basis. As my thoughts stirred, Jack got up and went to the box I was “gifted”.

“What’re you doing?” I asked.

“You don’t question me” he responded, firmly. He was grabbing a diaper and some powder, and once he had it he walked back over to tower over my limp body. “In fact, this is a good time to establish ground rules”.

I nodded, a little nervous but still very turned on. The way he held authority was ideal for my tastes.

“Rule #1, you will do what I say, exactly how I say, as soon as I say. Got it?” I nodded, biting my lip as he diapered me. 

“Rule #2, you don’t ask questions. If I tell you you need to do something, there is no ‘why’, only ‘yes’, okay?” again I nodded. He was dumping baby powder on me. 

“Rule #3, you will call me Jack in front of Talia and Ray, but in every other situation, you will call me Daddy” he said with finality. I nodded and smiled, but Jack could tell I had questions.

“Ask now babygirl.” Jack said. 

“Um...okay so...will I have to wear these all the time? Because I want to go to the beach sometimes and have a bikini…” I blushed and hung my head, shy and hoping to not regret asking. 

“No. I want you to have fun on this trip, it’s not just about me. So you don’t have to wear them to the beach.” I smiled and nodded with relief. “However, when you are not wearing a diaper I need you to ask me to go potty. Yes, that might mean you have to reenact the incidents on the plane for me if I ask it. I won’t do anything that will severely humiliate you, I’m not totally cruel...only a little.” He said with a smile and a wink. Truthfully, I wasn’t really thinking about the possible humiliating consequences of his rules. I was so invested in this arrangement now. 

“Oh one more thing, despite the rule ‘don’t ask questions’, I need you to ask me whenever you want to do anything. Deal?”


“Yes who?”

“Yes...Daddy” I smiled and blushed harder when the words came out. They were slightly embarrassing but also sexy. 

“And as for diapers, you are expected to use them whenever you are in them and when you do use them, ask me to change you.”

“Okay Daddy” I said.

“Good. Well that just about covers it I think. Any other questions?”

I shook my head. With that, he pulled the diaper over my crotch and taped me in. 


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