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I was so late. 

Never in my life had I been late to work, especially not by 30 minutes. That might not seem like a long time to be late for some but for me, tardiness was everything so if I myself was even the slightest bit late, I couldn’t tolerate it.

Truthfully, I slept in. I told the girl who texted me and asking where I was that traffic was bad and parking was worse but...I overslept. So because of that, I had barely enough time to grab breakfast, some coffee, and hit the road. Luckily, since I was working in the “pictures with Santa” mall pop-up, I didn’t have to put much thought into my attire; just threw on the elf suit and ran.

The worst thing was that I was still holding my pee from overnight, and it was getting painful. As I got into the mall, I walked by the bathroom closest to the pop-up. It was still another 4 minute walk from there to Santa, and I figured I was late enough already...I could hold it.

When I got to the pop-up, the other elf sighed with relief. 

“Oh my god, thank god, I’m starving. I’m going on break, you can take over” she said and stepped down from the entrance. I just blushed, embarrassed from being late still, nodded and took her position. It was a simple job, all I had to do was take people’s payments and email addresses and then direct them into the photographer and Santa, who then took over. Unfortunately I was alone basically, unable to talk to the other staff and there was no one to take over for me in an emergency...which by the signs my bladder was sending me, there was about to be one.

The line of people and their kids was growing and growing and my bladder became more and more uncomfortable. I found myself having to stop myself from crossing my legs and making it obvious, especially in front of the kids who were very observant. Glancing at the time, I saw I had 25 minutes until the other girl came back and could relieve me. I could hold it 25 minutes.

After a few minutes of doing my best to smile and be friendly and energetic to the parents and kids coming through, my bladder really started to take my attention. It was like all of a sudden the amount of liquid in there double, and my bladder felt swollen. The elf costume I was wearing had a belt that I had done up a little too tight for having such a full bladder, but there was no way of me changing it out here, I was fully exposed. 

My legs were crossed and I kept biting my lip between talking to customers. I started to notice the concern and confusion on their faces as they began to notice my discomfort. The pressure continued to build, and I couldn’t help but cross my legs and bobble up and down. 

“You alright sweetie?” A woman asked me as I was putting in her information. 

“Yes I’m fine, thank you” I replied, even though that was far from true. 

As I shuffled her and her kids along, I raised my hand to call for the next in line. As soon as I did, I felt a small bit of pee trickle into my panties and my hand shot down immediately to my crotch. I blushed, looked away from the people who were clearly watching this happen, and had a quick feel between my legs. Nothing but a little dampness, the trickling stopped as soon as I reacted...but how long could that last?

I looked back up at the clock. 15 minutes to go. Finally, I looked back at the customer I waved at who was confused as to whether they should go up or not. I called them over. 

“We can wait if you need to go…” the dad said, recognizing my childlike desperation. 

“It’s fine, I’ll be fine” I lied again. I was really getting concerned. I asked for his payment and as I was punching in his information, there was a shift in my lower regions and the pain decreased. All of a sudden, with my hands firmly on the keyboard, a hot stream of piss hissed out of my and spread between my legs. I clenched and stopped it, stopping typing in the moment until I could control it.

“You...sure you’re okay ma’am?” The dad asked again.

“Fine, total fine, just had a brain fart aha…” he didn’t believe me, but didn’t question it. 5 more minutes.

As I closed my legs tighter, I could feel the wetness between my thighs. I blushed hard as I realized that my leaks were visible, and that it would only get worse if I couldn’t hold on…

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the girl returned to the pop-in early. I pushed the dad along and ran over to her as fast as my crossed legs could take me.

“Angela! I need you to take over for a minute please I-“ another spurt jolted out, this one was quick but I could feel it leading to worse leaks. 

“Oh my god, did you pee yourself?” Angela asked, noticing my wet spot. 

“Just a little, and it’ll be worse in a minute please take over, I have to go!” I pleaded with desperation. She rolled her eyes and stepped up to the computer. I took that as my signal and ran. 

The mall was getting busier, and slow people were walking it big groups, making my speed hard to maintain. I was zipping in and around people, moaning with my hand firmly in my crotch. Finally I could see the bathroom. There was no line as far as I could see, and relief washed over me. 

That relief brought more than I asked for though, and my bladder gave. Pee slowly started trickling out of my in a flow that I could not contain, and I went from blush to pale. The leaking slowly increased in volume as I increased in pace to get into the toilet stall. There were a few women in there and I was leaving a noticeable trail of pee as I dribbled all over the floor, but I found an empty stall and closed myself in. I fumbled with my belt before giving up and sitting on the toilet, still fully clothed, in defeat. The warm pee pooled in my butt and managed to still flow down my legs even while sitting, filling my elf boots with hot pee. 

I didn't know what to do. I had clearly been seen pissing myself through the mall and there was no way to avoid being seen once I left the stall. I felt like the children I was leading to Santa all day, young and without control. Maybe I’ll ask Santa for diapers this Christmas...


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