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We were all back in our circle now and continuing the game. Everyone was freshly peed and padded, and there was a general awkwardness that now held the room. However, the game continuing meant more drinking, and more drinking meant two things: higher intoxication, and gradually filling bladders. Every sip mattered. Hannah kept abusing her power too, even after it seemed she had gotten everything she wanted. 

“Hey Sophie, finish your drink for me would ya?” She asked her. Sophie had been the target of a few “finish your drinks” by now and had started putting less alcohol in her drinks so to not get as drunk so fast, however it was taking a toll on her bladder. 

It wasn’t long before Sophie was lightly squirming with her hand between her legs, indicating to everyone that she was starting to need to pee. Hannah noticed this, and was going to ask her to drink again when Tilly drew her card…

“Oh. My. God. Finally.” She revealed the card to the group. It was an Ace. The group cheered and sighs of relief washed over the circle. Tilly smuggly licked the card and stuck it to her head, then leaned in to flick the Ace off Hannahs. Hannah just stared, begrudgingly anticipating the revenge she definitely deserved. 

“Well, as my first decree, we-” Tilly started, only to be cut off by Hannah.

“Remember no rules can be undone, only new ones can be made,” she explained. Tilly closed her mouth as if she was about to undo a rule, but then thought about it. 

“Well, as my first decree...Birthday girls have to wear and use diapers too!” Hannah rolled her eyes by I caught a slight smile come across her lips… was she anticipating this?

“Except...I don’t think you need just one...no, not even two is enough…” Tilly explained as she got up and walked over to the package of goodnites which had 5 diapers left. “No...I think you can wear ALL of these diapers!” As she said it, we all gasped and a collective “Ooo” sound chorused through the basement. Tilly was relishing in her new power and everyone loved seeing Hannah get what was coming to her. 

“There’s no way-” Hannah started.

“Oh, you’ll find a way. Here.” Tilly grabbed four of the diapers and poked a finger sized hole where Hannahs lady-parts would rest. “Here, now you'll be sure to use all five!” Tilly said, and walked the diapers over to Hannah. Hannah took them slowly, looking at every single one. She then looked around at all of us, hesitating. 

“Go!” Yasmin yelled, “join the diaper club!” Shortly after that the rest of us were encouraging her along. Finally she got up and went to the bathroom. In the meantime, Tilly was filling an empty 2L bottle with water and I was eager to see what she was planning for it. I cracked a new can of Vodka soda and sipped gently, until Tilly called out.

“Oh don’t think y’all are off the hook. Finish your drinks!” she commanded. We were all pretty drunk at this point, so there was little hesitation. I downed my new soda and cracked a new one. By the time it was finished, Hannah was back with a significant bulge in her pants.

Everyone laughed.

“How did you even get all of those on?” Sydney asked her. Hannah shrugged, and when she fell back down onto her butt in the circle, there was a very distinct sound of diaper padding crinkling under her. Tilly brought the two litre bottle, now full of water, to Hannah and just placed it in front of her. 

“What’s this?” Hannah asked after some staring.

“It’s water. You need to hydrate.” Tilly said, being coy.

“All of it?”

“All of it. And now.”

Hannah barely put up a fight. She just screwed off the lid and swung it back. We all started chanting “Chug, chug, chug…” as she powered through big gulps of water. In a few minutes, she was done. She gave a big exasperated “aahhh” and burped. 

“Fuck, I actually think watching that made me leak a little” Sophie said, slurring her words and looking down between her crotch. “I got to pee so fucking bad.”

“Oh my god same” Yasmine said.

“Me toooo” Sydney added.

With all those girls expressing the need, I became more aware of my need which I had drunkenly been ignoring for some time now. I pushed my hand into my crotch and held. ‘I can hold it longer that these babies’ I thought.

But as more and more minutes ticked by, I began to doubt that thought. The pressure was building and my bladder was full, bulging out of my skin and making me tremble. I was drunk now too, which only made it all the more difficult to hold. 

It got to a point where no one was playing the game anymore. I mean, I guess by holding our pee we were still ‘playing the game’ but the card aspect of it had been thrown out the window. We were in a full on holding contest. 

Even Tilly, who still wore the ace on her forehead, had regressed into a bumbling and desperate girl who would give anything just to feel the release. 

Occasionally, when I wasn’t completely focused on my own self-hold, I looked around to see how everyone else was  doing. We all kind of looked the same, but Sophie was acting suspicious. She kept looking down at her crotch and pulling the fabric of her PJ’s tight, investigating them, then looking up and looking around worried. 

We randomly caught eyes, and right at that moment, I could tell something was happening. Her face went pale, and she stopped fidgeting entirely. Then I saw it. She must’ve already been leaking because it wasn’t long after we caught eyes that I saw a wet patch form on two spots of her PJ’s. The goodnites she had on were leaking out the side and badly. Being drunk, I was a master of subtly. So naturally, I said “oh my god, sophie!”

Everyone looked. Sophie blushed and covered her legs where the diaper had been leaking. 

“Awe did poor baby Sophie go pee-pee in her diapee?” Hannah called out in a drunken fit of laughter. “Guess that means diapers for the rest of the night!”

“How?!” Sophie asked, near tears. “You’re wearing them all!” 

“Oh I have a whole box upstairs, I just didn’t think we would get through this whole pack already.”

Something about what she said hit Tilly and she sat up straight. “Wait, did you plan on putting us in diapers tonight?” She asked Hannah bluntly.

“Whaaaat? Pffffft...no….”

“Oh my god you did! Ah!” Yasmin started her accusation but stopped and looked between her legs. “Oh my god guys I’m peeing, I couldn’t stop it! It just is coming out on it’s own this feels so weird!”

Everyone stared at Yasmin until Sydney started calling out too.

“Nononononono nooooooo AH!” Sydney screamed. “I keep leaking, they’re like big spurts and I can't stop-...oh no….” Sydney got quiet and looked between her legs, blushing. Almost all at once, half of the girls in the room were uncontrollably wetting their diapers. The only ones left dry were me, Hannah, and Tilly...and it wouldn’t be like that for long with the way my bladder was screaming at me. 

Suddenly I felt a burst of hot liquid hit the padding in my pants. I stopped it instantly, but I knew the damage was done. A little pee had escaped. Looking around, Yasmin, Sydney and Sophie were all on their feet comparing how badly the goodnites leaked under their massive drunk wettings. All three girls had pee on their clothes now, and were starting to laugh about how thick and squishy the wet diaper was between their legs.

“Hannah how have you not wet yet? I made you drink so much!” Tilly asked.

“I’m just...really good at holding it!” Hannah said, blushing. 

“Oh she’s lying. You can always tell when she’s lying when she’s drunk” Sydney commented.

“Am not!”

“Oh so you wouldn’t mind if I check your diaper or sorry...diapers?”

Hannah blushed, thought hard, then burst out “Fine okay? I wet ages ago you all just couldn’t tell!”

“I knew it!” Tilly said, then stopped. She looked down at her crotch.

Suddenly, another spurt burst out of me. Then another, then another, and before I knew it I was-

“Fuck, I’m wetting myself” Tilly said, defeated.

The piss flowed out of me with a passion, soaking my whole bare crotch and forming a puddle under my butt where it pooled. It felt so fucking nice.

“Yeah, me too.” I admitted.

“So...who wins?”

“No one wins!” Said a voice from the top of the stairs.

Everyone froze and turned to look at who it was. 

The light came on and we all saw Hannah’s step mom, Lauren walk down the stairs with something in her hand.

“I’ve been watching you lot all night, and now look at you. Peeing all over yourselves in diapers made for children. Well I figured I can’t stop you, so you should have diapers in the size meant for you!”

She tossed a huge pack of maximum absorbency adult diapers to Hannah who looked back at her, dazed and confused. 

“Now, you all better be cleaned up and diapered for the rest of the night or you can be damn sure I’ll be telling your parents aaaaall about your “accidents” here tonight.”

“Accidents...Ma’am?” Tilly timidly asked. 

“Well yes. I will tell them all how you wet your pants and the bed and even after I gave you a bedwetting diaper for children, you wet that as well...surely they’d have to listen when I recommend 24/7 diaper until you can sort yourselves out…right Hannah?” 

The end


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