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*Kind of a two-shot but whatever*


Tonight was going to be fun.

For the first time in maybe 5 years, I was going to a slumber party. This might seem weird seeing as I’m 22 and probably too old for slumber parties, but one of my close friends from work, Hannah, just turned 18 and she wanted to have a girls night slumber party to celebrate. So naturally I couldn’t say no, and truthfully, I was really excited. All the girls would be there: Sophie, Tilly, Sydney, Yasmin, and of course Hannah and myself. 

We all showed up around to Hannah’s house around 8pm, everyone with their PJs, blankets, pillows, their own alcohol and a suitcase full of makeup and skin care products. What’s having a slumber party worth if you can’t post it on Instagram? And that meant looking like you were going to the club...just in your PJs.

After some light chatting and gossiping about coworkers, Hannah got each of us a cooler which we were to swing back and get the night started. We all cheersed, and chugged. I got it down easily enough, some of the other, less experienced girls had to stop and restart a few times, but that was to be expected. I was the oldest out of all of them which gave me a bit of a motherly role over them, I even called them my “babies”.

“Alright girls, I don’t know about you...but I wanna get wasted!” Hannah said, holding out the last word to gather the excitement from the group. “We’re going to play a game called sociables. Does everyone know how to play?” she asked. I did, but the confused look from a few girls prompted the explanation. 

“So essentially we have a standard deck of cards, and we go around in a circle drawing one at a time. Each card has a number that correlates to a task. Simple enough right?” Hannah explain, gathering some nods from the girls. 

“Okay. So here are the rules: Ace is the Asshole card, if you get this card you have to stick it onto your head and you are now allowed to tell people to do whatever you want until either the card falls off, or someone else draws an ace.”

“What do you mean ‘whatever they want’?” Sophie asked. 

“Exactly that. If I get the asshole card and say ...I want Yasmin to give Jenna a lap dance, she would have to do it.”

“What if you don’t want to do it?” Yasmin asked, looking at me and likely envisioning the lap dance she would be giving me. 

“Come on don’t be lame. But if you don’t… let’s say the asshole gets control of your phone for an hour, free reign over everything. I’ll take everyone’s phone now please!”

There was a collective ‘oooo’ by the girls, acknowledging how bad this would be for these social queens. We all handed over our phones. 

“And you know what? Since it’s my birthday...usually the asshole rules go away eventually, but tonight? They stay even after the asshole is removed or replaced. And no rules can be used to undo rules. Got it?” Hannah was being very stern but also very eager. I smiled and nodded, this would be fun! 

Everyone else agreed and the Hannah explained the rest of the cards. After that, we started playing. I was first and drew a 2. 

“Two! A drink for me and…” I looked around, and found Sydney lost in thought without her phone. “You!” I pointed at and startled her; she laughed and we both drank. The game went on and everyone went a few times, in the back of all our minds though was the asshole card. 

Finally it came up, and naturally, it was Hannah who drew it. Everyone groaned and smiled nervously as we watched Hannah lick the card to stick it to her head. She cleared her throat.

“Now, for my first decree as asshole…” she paused, starting at the deck of cards thinking. Suddenly her eyes grew wide and she got up abruptly. She took off up the stairs; the rest of us looked around and giggled at the absurdity of it. Hannah was gone for a solid minute, but when she came back she had something behind her back. 

“For my first decree,” she said panting, “I am enforcing a rule I call Puff Puff!” 

“Puff...puff?” Everyone whispered to themselves, looking around at each other in confusion. 

“The rule goes like this. Every time I call out PUFF PUFF, you must finish your drink. The last one to finish their drink gets one of these that they have to wear for the rest of the night!” She swung forward the package behind her back. It was… a pack of night-time diapers? Pull-ups rather. Goodnites. I recognized the packaging from many years of bedwetting, but why did Hannah have them now? And she couldn’t possibly expect us to wear them all night?

“Why do you have those Hannah? You got one on already?” Tilly joked, everyone giggled. 

“They are my little sisters and for talking back, you get the first one Tilly!” Hannah demanded. Tilly scoffed at her. 

“You’re not serious, I’m not wearing those all night they’re for babies” Tilly said while Hannah pulled one of the padded garments out of the package.

“Hmm, are you sure about that? Because I know for sure you have some pictures on your phone that David Lee would LOVE to see…” Hannah knew just what to say to push Tilly’s buttons. I covered my open mouth, reacting to what she just implied. David was obsessed with Tilly, and Tilly wanted nothing to do with that. She frowned, and Hannah waved the diaper in front of her face. Finally she yanked it out of her hands, and got up.

“Fine,” Tilly said shortly, “but you better watch out if I get that ace.” Hannah just smiled, and sat down with the package in her lap. 

“Well. Puff Puff!” She said cheerily. There was a collective moment of confusion until we all realized what she meant. Quickly I grabbed my drink and swung it back, but by the time I had my head back level, everyone was looking at me. 

“Oh, sorry Jenna!” Hannah said, and she handed me a goodnite. The other girls giggle, and Tilly returned.

“Well at least I’m not the only one now” she said as I examined the diaper. It was soft to touch, with pink and purple patterns on it. It was strange but...familiar. I got up and went to the bathroom to put it on. As I got into the bathroom, I first went pee. I didn’t really need to, just something in the back of my mind told me I should try to pee before I put the goodnite on. Probably some deep seated mental training that had me associate trying to go to the potty before putting on a diaper for night-time.

After I was done, I kept my pants and panties down and stepped into the pull-up. It slid on with rather ease; I thought for sure it was going to be too tight for me, but it actually felt quite comfortably. I admired my padded butt in the mirror. ‘Is it just me or am I kinda rocking this pull-up?’ I thought. There was moaning and shouting from the other room. I just laughed, happy to be there. 

Finally I pulled back up my PJ bottoms and opened the door to the room. I was surprised to find all the other girls standing outside the bathroom door. 

“Oh, hey guys,” I said awkwardly, “what’s going on?”

“Oh you didn’t hear?” Tilly moaned, “birthday princess is telling us we’re all in diapers now, and to use the bathroom one last time-”

“As it will be locked the rest of the evening” Hannah interrupted Tilly’s explanation to finish it as her own. 

“What? So we have to”

“Use your diaper?” Hannah finished my question. 

“Yeah… do we?”

“Well that seems obvious, but we’ll make it interesting. The last person with a dry diaper can use the bathroom again and be out of diapers. Fair?”

“Not really, but fine” Sophie said.

I suddenly became very aware of how much I had been drinking, and the padding in my pants. 

Tonight was going to be crazy.


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