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The whole plane felt silent as I walked slowly back to my seat. I felt like everyone was looking at me, seeing my diaper and judging me, but in reality, everyone had their heads down into their devices or were in deep sleep. There were a few people that glanced up when I walked by, but not that examined me. I guess the real reason my heart was beating in my ears was the fact that I was about the confront Jack looking like this. 

When I was a few rows back, I slowed down and nearly stopped. I couldn’t do this. He wouldn’t want to date a diaper girl. He won’t want to be with someone who can’t be trusted to keep their pants dry, who will shit themselves if they don’t get to the bathroom in a few minutes. But I had no other choice. I had to sit. 

With my last awkward steps crinkling all the way to the seat, I finally stood in front of Jack. I was holding the towel the hostess had given me to clean up the remains of my accident in front of my crotch to try and hide the sheer mass of the diaper bulging under my jeans. 

“Your back! And you got your jeans on!” He said with a smile. “Here I can take that-” he reached for the cloth and I stepped back.

“It’s okay! I’ll do it…” I stammered, then hung my head and made sure the cloth was still blocking my diaper bulge.

“Okay” he responded awkwardly, then got up to let me into the seat. No playful tease this time...that wasn’t a good sign to me. I shuffled around him, keeping eye contact while backing myself into the seat. My mind was racing with thoughts, did he notice? Has he known for a while? Did he see me? Smell me? Did the hostess tell him? I had no idea why he was being strange, maybe it was just because I was being strange? Oh god. I slumped into my seat without stopping to look at him.

“Wait! Oh…” Jack had tried to stop me from something, but it was too late.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“You just sat in the spill…” He said, quietly and disappointed. 

At first I didn’t react. I was like a kettle, bubbling with hot rage on the inside and ready to scream. My face turned red and I looked down, having to push the diaper bulge down as much as I could to see the stain. It looked like I’d wet myself, which of course was impossible with how much padding I had on, but that’s what it looked like. I’d had enough, and tears bubbled in my eyes.

Jack saw my break down and sat back down, reaching in to support me. He put his arm around me and tried to comfort. 

“Oh it’s okay, just a little water or something, it’ll dry.” He grabbed my hand and rubbed my back. 

“It looks like I’ve wet myself again” I was sobbing now, and I could tell Jack was uncomfortable with dealing with me in this state, especially with how loud I was crying. I threw the towel to the floor. 

“I mean you haven’t wet yourself ...again?” Jack thought about that wording while trying to calm me.

“Even if I did you wouldn’t be able to tell while I’m wearing these things” I wasn’t thinking anymore, just tears and hardly coherent sentences. 

“These things...wearing what things?’ Jack asked. I suddenly realized what I was saying and came to my senses.

“Nothing! No things, sorry I’m just really distraught with the flight and-”

“Diapers. She’s wearing diapers.” 

I turned slowly to see where the tiny voice had come from, Jack turned too. It was the little girl, stood up on her seat again. She clearly had watched the whole thing, and was happy to provide her open and honest assessment. 

“Diapers?” Jack questioned, and looked at me. I reached down and grabbed the cloth, desperately trying to cover the bulge again. 

“She’s just being silly, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about…”

“I’m not silly, you told me yourself you needed diapers!” She spoke confidently. I was lost for words, and looked to see if her dad would intervene but he was fast asleep. 

“She told you she needs diapers?” Jack asked the little girl; he was not his playful self while asking.

“Yes. I saw her pee in her pants the the nice lady gave her a skirt and some diapers, but then she wet and poopied the diapers so they had to give her a new diaper. I saw her butt when she walked by!” She said it so matter of factually. If I had not just cried, I probably would've just burst into tears then. This little girl was so cold and she didn’t even realize it. She just thought she was being nice by telling what she saw, and not lying. I was ruined.

Once she had done enough damage, the girl sat back into her seat and Jack and I sat there, numb. There was a good two minutes that went by where we didn’t talk or move, until finally, Jack turned to me. 

“So...you need diapers?”

I sighed, accepting my fate. 

“Yeah. Apparently I do.”

“Oh wow...I mean I-”

“Before this flight I didn’t wear them. I had an accident after take off and it’s just been downhill from there. The hostess has been diapering me-...I mean...giving me diapers… and since I wet and messed those I-”

“So you were that smell” Jack said, joking awkwardly, almost flirty. 

“Yeah aha, that was me…”

There was another drawn out silence. I broke it this time.

“I don’t know if this is going to be a permanent thing, like I said I didn’t wear them before but-”

“What if it is?” Jack said, stopping me. 

“Um...what do you mean?” 

“What if you need them 24/7?”

“I...guess I’ll wear them 24/7 then...but that shouldn’t happen I hope”

“Why do you hope that?”

“Because...diapers are weird and gross and you were probably interested in me beforehand but now you’re probably like whoa this girl is gross and diapered what the fuck that’s so weird I wouldn’t want to be with-”

Jack cut off my rambling with a kiss on the lips. It was gentle, soft but just the right amount of forceful. He held me there, and my eyes rolled back in my head with joy. 

“Stop talking.”

“Okay…” I whispered, and blushed.

He was biting his lip, eager to say something but nervous.

“What if you...were 24/7….on purpose?” He asked.

“What? Why would I do that?”

“Listen...I know you’re a little bit...kinky…right?”

I blushed “Did Talia tell you that?”. It was true, when it came to my sex life I was far from vanilla. Talia knew from when we were roommates but I never expected her to tell Jack.

“Yes, but she didn’t have to. I have an eye for people...like me.”

Suddenly I was really turned on, his eyes hid a darkness that I was just starting to see.

“Look, this trip is for only about a week, so I want to propose something to you.”

“Okay...what is it?” I was nervous, excited, and a little bit scared. 

“I want you to be mine, completely.”

“I like the sounds of that…”

“You will do what I say, when I say. If you need anything, like the toilet or rather, a diaper change, you will ask. Anything and everything is mine. Deal?”

I was shaking. This was a very exciting prospect, something I had wanted to try for a while. Total power exchange. He controls me. Were the diapers part of that? Yes...but that was something I could work around. Besides, it was only one week and we were in a whole other place in the world...what’s the worst that could happen?

“Deal” I said, and shook his hand. He kissed me again, then planted his hand between my legs, feeling the padding and hearing the crinkling.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we have started our descent.”


Now you might be asking, "Hey YYND, why does this say finale when there is clearly more to tell?"

Well that's a great question, and the answer is because what takes place after this will be under a new title Padded in Paradise. Look forward to seeing it soon!


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