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After 25 minutes of driving across town, they finally got Sean home and were heading back to finally catch some sleep. Jessica was still fast asleep, her thumb planted firmly in her mouth with a bit of drool escaping the side of her lips. 

The drive home was quiet, roads empty, and no one but Amanda and her sleeping baby friend in the car. Her hand was still interlocked with Jess’s, planted in her crotch pushing up against her diaper. Jessica made a cute little moan and winced in her sleep. Amanda looked at her and smiled, then felt a warmth against her hand.

A quiet hissing of liquid hitting padding cut into the still night air over the radio, and Amanda knew, Jessica was wetting in her sleep. She watched as Jess sucked her thumb a little faster and smiled as if she was having a good dream. Amanda was obsessed with the sight and the warm feeling on her hand. Suddenly the car shook and a loud rumbling penetrated the quiet night sounds of the car. Amanda looked forward quickly and yanked the car back into the lane. With her eyes on Jess, she had swerved off the road slightly and was driving over a rumble strip. 

Her heart rate sped up a bit and she sighed with relief. “I need to pay attention,” she whispered to herself, then glanced over to Jessica who was still sleeping soundly. Out of nowhere, flashing blue and red lights reflected off her rear-view mirror, and a siren sound went off indicating for Amanda to pull over. 

“Oh for fuck sake…” Amanda pulled over to the shoulder and put her hazards on. The cop car followed her and parked behind her. Quickly she grabbed her information from her purse, letting go of Jessica’s hand. The officer walked up to her window, tapped on it, and Amanda rolled it down. 

“Hey how’re we doing tonight” The officer said gently. He was an older man, 40’s probably with some grey in his beard and dark dyed hair. He was rugged and handsome, but not the face Amanda wanted to be seeing right now. 

“Fine thank you” She replied, staying as calm as possible. While she felt sober, she didn’t have her full license yet and with any blood alcohol level and she would be toast. 

“Do you know why I pulled you over tonight?” He asked. 

“Because I swerved back there. Sorry I’m just trying to get my friend home, she’s been drinking tonight and I got a little distracted making sure she was okay…”

“And you haven’t been drinking?”

“No sir, I’m the DD.” She prayed he didn’t bother checking her. 

“Alright then, is that for me?” He asked, referring to the information she pulled from her purse. 

“Oh yes here”

“Is...is she wearing a diaper?” He noticed the white padding sticking out from her sweatpants. With how Jess was sitting, you could see the diaper clear as day, could even see the slight yellowing from her accident. Something clicked in Amanda’s mind, to use that comment as an opportunity. 

“Yes, is that a problem?” Amanda asked, sounding offended.

“Aha no just, the things you young kids do nowadays is a little silly to me.”

“She has a medical condition, you think that’s silly? You think she likes having to wear diapers 24/7 and dealing with jerks like you who just judge her for something she can’t control? She can’t even wear a nice skirt or tight jeans to go to a house party otherwise people will notice her diaper and embarrass her. It was hard enough to get her to go out tonight as it is. I’m glad she’s asleep right now so she doesn’t have to hear this.”

The officer opened his mouth, lost for words. He laughed awkwardly, cleared his throat, and finally responded.

“Well...you get her home safe okay?” He said, then stood up, patted the top of the car, and slowly strolled back to his vehicle. Amanda felt her shoulders lower and relax as he left them alone. She quickly put her stuff back in her purse, rolled up the window and sped off. Jessica sleepily reached for Amanda’s hand, finding her wrist instead and pulling them towards her until she was hugging Amanda’s hand. 

“Are we home yet?” She whispered almost babishly.

‘Almost little one” Amanda responded. She wasn’t sure why she called her ‘little one’, it just felt like the right thing to say. 

Finally they arrived back home and Amanda had to drag Jessica out of the car. Jess’s diaper sagged between her legs and caused her to walk even funnier than a normal drunk girl. 

“I need a diapee change this one full of pee pees” she slurred as they stumbled to the door, Amanda desperately trying to keep hers and Jess’s balance. 

“I’ll change you when we’re inside, okay?” She responded while fumbling with the door key. Once inside, Jessica didn’t even bother undressing or taking her shoes off; she just headed straight for the bedroom. Amanda sighed and laughed. She heard the thump and creaking of her bed as Jess threw herself in, and then got a good look around at the state of the place post-party. It was a little messy but nothing unmanageable, she decided she would clean it before sleeping. 

But first, the drunk baby. 

Amanda walked into Jess’s room and saw her face down on the bed, sweatpants halfway down and a yellowed saggy diaper in plain view for the world to see. She laughed at the scene, grabbed another diaper, some wipes and powder and placed them beside Jessica on the bed. Then, using what was left of her exhausted strength for the day she flipped over Jess and removed her shoes and pants.

Jessica squirmed softly as Amanda removed the tabs on the diaper and pulled it out from under her butt. She didn't stare at her smooth clean pussy as much as last time but without a doubt gave it another admirational look. Then Amanda wiped, powdered and diapered up Jessica for bed.

“You’re so cute” Amanda whispered, then pulled Jessica’s arms to bring her upright, then removed her shirt and bra. Jessica’s tit’s were perfectly perky too, which made Amanda more jealous and embarrassed than nervous. She pulled a baggy t-shirt over Jess’s head and Jessica collapsed back onto her back. Lastly, Amanda took some make-up pads and washed Jessica’s face. When all was said and done, she lifted up the blanket and tucked Jessica in tightly. 

For a minute, she just sat next to Jess, stroking her hair as she slept peacefully. She leaned in, hesitated, then kissed Jessica’s cheek softly for a few seconds. As Amanda pulled away to go clean, Jessica’s hand grabbed her arm.

“You stay.” She said with sleepy sternness.

Amanda just stood stunned, her heart aflutter. Jessica pulled her towards her into the bed. Once she was in, Jessica pulled at Amanda’s jean’s button, trying to get them off. Amanda’s heart was pounding in her ears, and she fumbled with her jeans, pulling them off and throwing them outside the bed. Then, Jessica reached around and undid Amanda’s bra in one movement. 

Amanda breathed heavily while facing Jessica. “What are you doing?” she whispered. 

“Getting you comfortable.” She replied. 

Amanda exhaled nervously, then pulled her bra off under her shirt and threw that to the side. 

Jessica rubbed Amanda’s back sensually, then her hand slowly found its way to Amanda’s breast.

“Jess I-”

“Shhh” Jessica silenced Amanda. “I know. Let’s just see.”

Jessica pushed her head forward, and her lips found Amanda’s.


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