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Amanda was smiling, satisfied with the accident, but in an instant turned furious with Katie. She stormed over to her, yanked the diaper out over her hand and threw it in the tub before anyone else could see it. 

“You did that on purpose, get the fuck out!” She screamed at Katie, who stood shocked and uncomfortable. 

“Get out! Everyone gets out, the party is over.” Amanda turned around and looked at the surprised drunken faces. They all stayed seated, until she repeated. “OUT. NOW!”

There was a scramble of bodies, all blurring by Jessica in her numb state. All she was feeling was the wetness between her legs, and Katie’s laugh burnt into her ears. Within 30 odd seconds, the house was empty except for Jess and Amanda. Amanda walked over to Jessica and hugged her. When her arms wrapped around Jessica, she finally came back to reality. 

“What...what just happened?” she drunkenly slurred out.

“You had a bad accident, so I told everyone to leave.” Amanda replied as if she was explaining to a child.

“Everyone? Even Sean?” She was more upset about her lack of action than the soaked state she was in. Amanda looked around, she wasn’t actually sure she saw Sean leave.

“Hey whose diapers are these?” A drunken male voice came from Jessica’s bedroom, and through the door popped out Sean, holding the pack of diapers. Jessica stomped up to him and grabbed them out of his hands.

“They’re mine you got a problem with that?”

“No, not a problem” Watching Sean and Jessica drunkenly argue was amusing, especially with Jessica’s pants soaking wet and her drunken stomps squishing and splashing in a puddle of pee, but Amanda knew Sean had to get out of there.

“Time to go Sean” Amanda said, and grabbed his arm to head to the door.

“Where is everybody? Is it morning?” Sean asked, looking around for his pals.

“Everyone left, now you need to get your ride okay?”

“My ride is gone”

“What? Just Uber home…”

“I don’t have my phone, it was in Ryan’s car… where is Ryan he’s my ride?” Sean looked around at the empty house, perplexed. Amanda was exhausted and just wanted to get Jessica in a diaper and get to bed, but she knew it was her fault he was stranded here. She was completely sober now after only having that one drink several hours prior, and knew there was only one choice. 

“Fine, I’ll drive you home. But no throwing up in the car, you’ll sit in the back with a bag.”

“I never throw u-...excuse me…” Sean pushed passed the two girls and ran into the bathroom to hurl. Jessica pinched the bridge of her nose and took a deep inhale. She massaged her head until she heard wet slapping noises from Jessica.

Amanda looked up to see Jessica playfully slapping her own wet butt, doing some sort of drunken beat with her open uncoordinated hand, the other still holding the diaper package. She couldn’t help but chuckle.

“You’re coming with us, no way I’m leaving you alone like this.” Amanda said to Jess, talking down to her.

“What! But I peed myself I can’t leave!” Jessica pleaded.

“Just have to change, and put one of those one. Not taking any chances with you now, especially when we’re in my car.” Amanda referred to the diapers. Jessica held them up and looked at them like she had forgotten she was holding them. She frowned and pouted at Amanda.

“I don’t wanna!” She said, surprisingly babyish.

“You have you Jessy, you knew what our rules were.” Amanda walked towards Jessica and looked down at her. Jessica hung her head and looked at the diapers.

“Fine…” Jessica whispered.

“Good, now go to your room and change, I’ll get your drunken regret into the car.”

Jessica turned and slowly slumped into her room. Once she was in and the door was closed, Amanda knocked on the bathroom door for Sean. 

“Hey pal you good to go?”

He didn’t answer, so Amanda took the liberty to walk in. She found him naked, in the bathtub, and covered in filth.

“Jesus Christ what the fuck dude?” She said, averting her eyes.

“Well I needed to throw up and piss so…”

“So you stripped and got into the tub?” 


“Fucking hell. Just shower off and get out here, we’re leaving now.”

Amanda slammed the door and after a moment, she heard the shower running. She started to reflect if it was all worth it, having Jessica get fucked like that, wet herself, just so she could diaper her friend...and she hadn’t even told Jessica the truth yet.

Finally, Sean came out clean. He seemed to have sobered up since his visit to the tub and was walking a bit straighter. He got his shoes on and both him and Amanda headed out to the car. It was a bit chilly out so Amanda started the heater and sat in the car looking towards the door, waiting for Jess. A few minutes passed, then a few more, and a couple more until Amanda realized Jessica had been alone in her room for 15 minutes. Annoyed, she turned back to Sean holding his barf bag and said “wait here.”

She hustled into the house and stomped into Jessica’s room. When she swung open the door, she was expecting to see Jessica passed out on the floor, but instead found her laying on the bed, struggling with the diaper.

“Amanda I’m naked!” She pleaded, but Amanda didn’t care. She walked straight up to the bed and spread Jessica’s legs.

“Where’s your powder?” Amanda asked calmly. Jessica hid her face and pointed to her bookshelf. Amanda grabbed it and opened up the diaper. Jessica shot her hand down to cover her lady bits, and blushed.

“Oh don’t be so silly” Amanda said, and grabbed Jessica’s wrist to pull it away from her privates. Amanda couldn’t help but be...interested in what she saw. Jessica was cleanly waxed, not a hair on her body other that her head. Her pussy was a perfectly clean pink slit, wet from pee and her unanswered arousal from earlier. Realizing she had been staring for too long, Amanda cleared her throat awkwardly and lifted the bottle to powder Jess’s crotch. Before she could cover her, Amanda realized that Jessica was trying to put the diaper on backwards and asked her to lift her butt. 

“You’re helpless” She added.

“That’s why I need you, I always need you…” Jessica got shy again and covered her face with a blanket. Amanda’s heart was fluttering. She tried not to smile, but quietly whispered:

“This is perfect.”

Once Jessica was fully powdered and taped in, Amanda helped her get into some sweat pants and a loose fitting top. The top was so baggy she looked like a toddler wearing her fathers shirt. That was intentional by Amanda.

Finally, all three people were strapped in and ready to go. Sean was fast asleep already, and Jessica was fighting to stay awake. Amanda looked over and saw the white padding sticking out the top of Jess’s sweats, and reached over to pat Jessica’s diapered bum lightly. Jessica just smiled, grabbed Amanda’s hand and interlocked their fingers. Amanda looked straight ahead at the road, but the feeling of her friends hand in hers and the diaper resting against their hands was overwhelming. She smiled ear to ear, and Jessica stuck her thumb in her mouth and fell asleep. 


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