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Paranoia washed over me as I felt the water wash down my dry throat. My heart was once again pounding as I looked at the empty cup. It may have just been my fears clouding my eyes, but I swore there was a little bit of white residue at the bottom, like the remnants of a crushed up pill. Even though Jack was now talking to Ray and Talia behind us, I couldn’t hear a word of it. My ears were ringing and I was overwhelmed with tunnel vision. 

“Liz? You alright?” Talia called from behind me. I turned, still carrying a stunned look on my face, and simply responded “yeah.”

Finally, my panic attack subsided and the ear ringing and tunnel vision faded. That came with the added relief that, if the hostess did drug me, it wasn’t affecting me in that way. However the damp lump between my legs was constantly reminding me of my sleep-leaking, and kept me paranoid while the four of us chatted about the trip ahead of us. 

Ray and Talia were very excited, Talia especially as she had organized most of the spots we were hitting. After about 30 minutes of chatting, I felt a sudden urgency build in my stomach. I hunched over, and wrapped my arms around my mid-section. Ray caught the action and questioned me.

“You sure you’re alright Lizzie? You’re not going to be sick are you?” he asked.

I could hardly respond, the chat had distracted me long enough to forget that I was possibly drugged, but this was a stark reminder that either I 100% was drugged, or that cookie did not agree with me at all. My mind immediately went to the former. 

“Oh no, sorry just had a cramp...sitting too long.” I smiled and mildly fibbed; I was cramping, but it wasn’t from the sitting. The conversation continued about the trip and I tried my best to keep my focus on the chat and not on my growing desperation. Another cramp struck me. This time, I was better at concealing it, at least in terms of movement. My face was clenching and getting redder by the minute. 

“What do you think Liz?” Talia asked out of nowhere. 

“Hm? Oh yeah, whatever you guy’s think is best is fine.” I said, praying that was the right answer. 

“I was asking what you thought about that episode last night…” She said, concerned confusion on her face. Everyone in our party was looking at me like that now.


“I think she just needs some rest” Jack said, “we can talk about this when we’re back on the ground.” Ray and Talia nodded and leaned back in their seats. Jack looked at me.

“Here, rest your head here” he said, referring to his thigh where he was laying down a thick hoodie. My face was now red from desperation and from shy blushes. I just nodded at him and settled into his lap, careful that my diaper didn’t become exposed. 

Now I was in shit. Jack laid his head back to sleep and I laid still in his lap. This should’ve been comforting, but it was horrible. Laying on my side only put more pressure on my tummy, and now on my bladder which was filling rapidly. To add to the already awful situation, Jack rested his arm on top of me, locking me in my position. 

I laid there, completely still and wide awake for 10 minutes, with only mild squirming and my legs tight together. My hands were both now firmly planted between my legs, pushing on my crotch and holding on best I can to the pee and mess that so aggressively wanted to come out. 

My stomach shifted, and I felt like I needed to pass some gas. Looking up, I could see jack had already fallen asleep. I don’t know how he could do that, he was like my dad that way; just lay back and boom, out. I felt confident to try and push out a little toot, so I relaxed my butt a bit and tried. 

Immediately, I felt a hot soft mass push its way into the back of my diaper. I stopped pushing and clenched, hoping to reduce the damage.

I didn’t move. My heart was chugging like a train at full speed, and my ears started ringing again. Everything was clenched, my jaw, hands, legs and butt, trying to not scream, cry, or let out any more mess. For a moment I thought maybe it had been a warm passing of gas, but with a little twist of my hips I could feel the soft shit between my buttcheeks. Thankfully it wasn’t much...

But it wasn’t over.

As if my small release was some sort of invitation, my bowels started to give. Try as I might, no matter of clenching could stop the release, and after a small battle, it was game over.

Without relaxing, my control over my bowels completely gave and I felt a massive mess fill the back of my diaper. It was hot and sticky, spreading into every corner it could fit, and I could hear the diaper crinkle as it expanded to allow for the added mass. 

Before I knew it, I was peeing too. It caught me by surprise to feel warmth not only spreading in the back, but also towards the front and to the side. I was so worried it was going to leak, the flow was furious and loud with a hissing noise against the crinkle of the diaper that echoed in my seat. 

The pee spread back and made friends with the mess, only adding to my disgust and shame. Then I felt it. A trickle of liquid along the side of my thigh, much too low to be inside the diaper. My hands slowly reached for it, and sure enough...the diaper was leaking. My pissing had stopped but the leak kept flowing. It was a small trail of shit mixed pee that found its way to the left side of the skirt which I was laying on. Thankfully the skirt was black so no color would show through, but the fact that it leaked at all...I was in trouble. 

I lay unmoving in disbelief for 15 minutes, unable to bring myself to accept what had just happened. I had wet and messed my diaper like a fucking child. Not even a child, like a goddamn infant baby. I couldn’t help but look at the back of the seat that the little girl was in and thing, ‘I bet you she doesn’t even shit herself, what the fuck is wrong with you Lizzie.’

“What the fuck is that awful smell?”

I held my breath and tried not to react. Talia was up and sniffing around.

“Oh god, smells like someone’s baby shit themselves” Ray responded, covering his nose. A few other murmurs went around, suddenly the entire side of the plane I was on was discussing how badly it smelt. Jack woke up to the noise.

“What’s going on? Oh what the fuck is that smell?!” He said and plugged his nose too. I needed to act natural, I sat up and felt everything in the diaper squish around under my weight, and covered my nose.

“Yeah that’s awful…” I said, looking around like everyone else.

“Well it wasn’t me, but I think I know who it was!”

Slowly I turned around. The little girl was on her feet again, and she was looking right at me.


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