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After that brief heart attack, I settled into my seat and looked out the window. The view was breathtaking, and for a second it distracted me from the foreign bulk between my legs. However as soon as I shifted a little bit in my seat, I was starkly reminded of the diaper. The crinkling broke the otherwise silent air of the plane, and I immediately froze, blushed, and looked around. No one noticed, everyone was in headphones or sleeping. Jack was smiling at his iPad as he watched a comedy, and the only thing that came from my worrying was noticing that the girl who pressured me out of the bathroom was sitting right in front of me. 

She was the only one not wearing headphones that I noticed, she was just sitting, completely invested in her coloring book. I smiled, reminiscing about the times I would just sit and color. The thought went from nostalgic to embarrassing real quick as I shifted again, crinkling more and more. This time, the girl perked up like she had heard something, and turned around. Through the crack of the seat, she noticed me looking at her, and smiled at me. I smiled back, my cheeks red and thought that would be it. But then she stood up on her chair. 

The girl looked right at me and said “Are you wearing that diaper because you peed your pants?”

I could’ve passed out. Blood left my head and my stomach sank. I started to tremble, then lied.

“No...I’m not wearing a diaper, and I had something spilled on me I didn’t pee my pants.” My voice was trembling. Why were children so fucking observant?

“It’s okay, you don’t have to lie. I have accidents sometimes too! My dad says you just get stronger bladder muscles when you get older that’s why old people don’t pee their pants as much. You probably just have not so strong muscles and that’s why you pee your pants and need diapers.”

My heart was pounding. I was keeping my eye on Jack to make sure he didn’t notice and try to tune into the conversation. “I don’t...need diapers” I said, pathetically. 

“Hmm I don’t know, daddy brought my night-time pull-ups just in case but he said I won’t need to wear them unless I have an accident. You had an accident so it only makes sense you need diapers.”


“What’s going on?” Jack said, noticing the girl talking to me and pulling out his headphones. I quickly turned to her.

“You’re right, I do. Sit back down now, I wouldn’t want us to hit another bump while you were still standing, you could get hurt!”

The girl’s face turned to horror as she thought about the bumps, and sat back down immediately. Still pale from the encounter, I turned to Jack with my head down and smiled sheepishly. 

“What was that about?” He asked playfully. I pulled at the edge of my skirt to get it as low as I could. 

“She just ...wanted to chat I guess…” I fibbed, hoping he would drop it.

“Cute. You must be good with kids if they just want to talk to you!”

“Yeah aha…”

“You alright? You look a little pale.” He said and then gently lifted my chin with his right hand.

“Just a little...queasy from the flight I guess.”

“Well maybe try to get some sleep, if you can get a good nap in before you know it we’ll be there!”

I avoided his eyes but blushed from the touch he gave me. “Okay, I’ll try.” I said, in a quiet, somewhat babyish tone. Like I was responding to my father and not my potential boyfriend. He smiled and put his headphones back in, which let me to relax a bit. After staring daggers into the back of the little girls head, I tried to get as comfortable as I could, then closed my eyes. 

I was a bit tired so I managed to doze, but when I was out I found myself in a strange dream. I was in the airplane, standing in front of the toilet again. I was my same old self but I as tall as the little girl, and I was looking up at the hostess. ‘Awe did someone have an accident?’ she asked me, and when I looked down my pants were once again soaked. I started to cry like a baby, and somehow ended up on my back with the hostess over top of me.

Here you go, nice and protected’ she said as she locked me into a massive diaper. I sucked my thumb and through teary eyes let her hold my hand through the aisle back to my seat. ‘There’s my little girl’ Jack said, and picked me up under both arms. 

Little baby Lizzie, little baby Lizzie, little baby Lizzie!” Jack softly called my name and I jumped from my dream. Dazed, and with a bit of drool on the side of my lip and thumb, I saw Jack there, handing me a glass of water. The hostesses were handing out refreshments and cookies, and Jack had asked for what he assumed I wanted. After that dream what I really needed a fucking drink, but that probably wasn’t the most appropriate choice all things considered. 

The hostess, who was the same that gave me the diaper earlier, smiled at me and looked to the bottom of my skirt. I followed her eyes and saw the diaper peeking out every so slightly. A white mass of padding against a black skirt. It must’ve been showing while I slept. Quickly I pulled the skirt down, and pulled the tray over my legs. She just smiled at me with an eyebrow raised and carried on.

With the tray on my lap, I noticed something...different about the bulkiness of the diaper. There was a small patch of it that felt...denser. My heart started racing again and I slowly lowered my hand to where the sensation was coming from, right directly in front of my lady-bits.

When I pushed on the front of the diaper, if softly crinkled...and squished. I felt my heart stop. I had fucking leaked in my diaper. It wasn’t big, just enough of a spot to be noticable. I didn’t even notice I had to pee, but yet...I leaked. Stressed, I downed the water and devoured the cookies. The hostess walked by again.

“How was the refreshment?” she asked.

“Good thank you!” Jack answer happily. However she wasn’t looking at Jack, she was looking right at me. 

“Hope everything went down okay sweetie” She said to me, and took my garbage. Jack and I were both uncomfortable by her comment, and he looked at me confused. 

“What’s her deal?” he whispered.

“I don’t know..” I responded, then thought ‘but I’m pretty sure she put something in my drink’.


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