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Once fresh and clean, Jessica stepped out of the shower to be greeted by the dirty diaper she just left on the floor. In the few minutes she was in the shower, she had nearly forgotten about it and was just relishing in the pure bliss of warm water cleansing her soft skin. Now she looked at it and cringed, reminded and shocked at the amount of mess she filled in that diaper.

While still naked, she carefully wrapped the diaper in on itself to capture all the mess then tapped the tabs to seal the filthy package together. She lifted it and was surprised by the weight, lifting it up and down in shock that that thing was just around her waist. There was laughter outside, and then a knock on the door.


“Hello?” Sarah called from the other side of the locked bathroom door, “Jess you in there?”

Jessica started frantically looking around for ways to hide the diaper, searching through the cabinets.

“Yeah I’m just finishing up!’ She called in response. Her digging was able to find her a freezer bag filled with Amanda’s assorted creams and lotions that she doesn’t use, so Jessica dumped the contents of the bag inside the cabinet and threw the diaper inside the freezer bag. ‘That should hold the smell hopefully’ she thought, then grabbed the garbage bin and dug into it. 

“No rush! Just need to pee aha!” Sarah said playfully, her tone telling jokes but her underlying desperation was apparent. Jessica buried the diaper under the trash and washed her hands. Then threw her clothes on, her pants noticeably looser than before, and opened the door. 

There she saw Sarah, a slender, tall girl with dark features. She was a friend from high school that was only in touch every so often for events like these, but Jessica always liked seeing her. 

“Happy birthday girl!” Sarah said, and went in to hug Jessica. Jessica embraced the hug, and caught a glimpse of Amanda who was definitely curious as to what happened to the diaper.

“Thanks! So good to see you!” Jessica smiled and broke the hug.

“Good to see you too! I’m gonna go pee quick but we can catch up in a minute okay?”

“Yeah I should change aha…” Jessica laughed awkwardly as she looked down at herself. Braless in her loose tank top, her nipples erect from the cool of the outside air against her recently warmed skin, and her pants loose and still holding the slight outline of a diaper. She was not really in a state of which she liked to have herself seen, but at least there wasn’t an actual diaper between her legs anymore, she thought. 

Sarah pushed by and closed the door behind her. Jessica’s heart raced a little bit hoping there was no residual smell from the diaper or that she would find the diaper itself. Amanda waved her over, and she walked to her.

“Where is it?” Amanda whispered.

“In the garbage, why?” 

“Did you just throw it in there? It stank!”

“No! I put it in a freezer bag…”

“Well that’s sure to help” Amanda said sarcastically, “anyways there’s nothing you can do about it now. I barely managed to sneak the open packs of diapers away before she saw them.

“Where did you put those?”

“Under your bed.”

“What!?” Jessica said, losing her whisper before hearing the flush of the toilet and lowering her volume again. “Someone is going to find that!” 

“Well I was thinking on my feet okay? And no one will unless they’re being snoopy and then what, they going to out you as a bedwetter?”


“Oh please, no one cares. Besides, you already told Katie Lang you were ‘severely-”

“You don’t need to remind me.” Jessica snapped to cut her off, just as Sarah was leaving the bathroom. Truthfully, Jessica had forgotten that event from only hours ago, but didn’t want to be reminded. Katie was known for being a bit of a gossiper too, but would she go as far as to gossip about a medical condition?

“So, you guys ready for the party to get started?” Sarah said as she came up behind Jessica from the bathroom. Both girls smiled and nodded.

“I’m gonna get my party clothes on, make me a drink?” Jessica asked Amanda.

“Of course birthday girl!” Amanda smiled, a somewhat sinister smile that Jessica had turned her back to already. Jessica headed to her room, while Amanda got to mixing…

While making casual small talk, Amanda poured the drinks. For hers and Sarah's she poured a reasonable amount of alcohol, but for Jessica's...a mostly unreasonable amount. Amanda had planned this too, originally because she wanted Jessica to fill her diapers as much as possible during the night. Jessica loved to party and drink, but had a tough time handling her liquor. She wasn’t much for puking, but she had a tendency to get a little bit messy while drunk. Amanda distinctly remembered the last time Jessica got completely slammed, she left the bars with a small wet spot between her legs. She never mentioned it, and Jessica never drew attention to it, but Amanda knew that Jessica had leaked a little in her pants. This was the moment for Amanda that caused her to choose diapers as the humiliating gift this birthday.

Amanda bought this Vodka that was known for tasting like nothing in drinks, so Jess wouldn’t notice how much she was really drinking and before she knew it...more leaks, hopefully.

“What do you think?” Sarah asked, prompting Amanda to stop daydreaming about Jessica pissing herself.

“Oh, yeah for sure…” Amanda said, hoping that was the correct response. It was, and Sarah continued to babble on. Finally, Jessica came out of her room, dressed to impress. She was wearing high waisted, light blue skinny jeans and a white bodysuit, with still no bra. Amanda smiled at the sight of her, and all she could think was:

‘Oh yeah, now THAT’s gonna show some accidents…’


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