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**So yeah this story is way too fun and I'm not going to lock myself down. Just gonna let it happen naturally, hope you enjoy!**


“No need to be hostile, but yes it is a diaper. We have them onboard for children...and sometimes adults who can’t control their bladders. The hassle of cleaning out a peed in seat is too much to risk a second accident, so it is required that you wear these for the remainder of our journey.” The hostess explained calmly, almost robotically. Like this message was ingrained so deeply into her memory that she could recite it in her sleep. This only boiled my blood more, and the mixed sensations of a hot face of embarrassment, and cooling damp jeans really emphasized my discomfort and humiliation. 

“So what you’re saying is that I need to wear this one diaper for the remaining twelve hours of our trip?” I asked, short but quiet.

“Well, twelve and a half, but no.” 

I relaxed a little, thinking this was only a temporary thing, then she finished her sentence.

“If you wet or mess this one, I will provide you with another one to change into.”

“What!?” I said, then quickly realized I spoke way to loud and was abundantly reminded of all the people just around the corner. “So you expect me to use these things?”

“It is much safer for the airline if we have our at-risk patrons padded for the duration of the flight time.”

“At risk? At risk of what?”

“Well...you know.” She pointed down at my soaked jeans, and I looked down. Somehow, in the moment, I had forgotten just how bad of an accident it was. I had totally soaked my jeans, barely a dry patch of denim left. I blushed again, and kept my head down.

“It’s this, or accept a fine of $549” the hostess said with finality, sounding like a mother on her final straw with a child. I pouted, and yanked the two pieces out of her hand. As I open the bathroom door, another hostess pops out.

“Excuse me! Don’t forget this!” She handed me a bottle, and the front was a picture of an infant with some toys. Baby powder. 

“Ah thank you Jane! That would’ve been a bad thing to forget, want you to stay comfortable!”

I looked up at the two women, who were smiling ear to ear, and glared a thousand knives. Then, I stepped into the small bathroom and slammed the door. Once finally in privacy, I let out a long exhale and put my hands on my face. “Such an idiot, such a baby,” I whispered, looking down again at the state my pants were in.

Angrily, I peeled the wet jeans off my legs and wiped them on the floor. Then I grabbed the diaper and examined it. It was plane, white, and very thick. The plastic backing was loud to touch, and I dreaded having to walk, and even sit next to Jack wearing these. What was he going to say when I come back with new clothes? Would he notice? Would he hear the diapers? My mind was racing and I let out a groan. Suddenly, there were three loud knocks on the door. 


“Hey hurry up in there! My kid needs to go!”

I froze, and my heart raced. 



“Yes one minute!” I responded, my voice cracking nervously. I finally snapped out of it and rushed myself into the diaper. It crinkled furiously while I unfolded it, moved it around and then sat it in to get myself positioned. Just as I was about to seal myself in, I caught the baby powder in my peripheral. With a roll of my eyes, I grabbed it and started dumping it onto my crotch. It was surprisingly pleasant on my slightly damp skin, and I ended up putting on more than I anticipated I would. Finally, I fastened the sticky tabs to the front of the diaper and I was locked in. I stood up, feeling the awkward clunkiness of the padding between my legs and grabbed the skirt. It was a nice, basic skirt, but when I pulled it over I realized...It was too short for comfort. It covered the diaper when I was standing, but any sort of bending over was out of the question. 


“Hey come on lady my kid is about to have an accident out here!”

“Sorry! Coming!” I grabbed my pants and panties off the ground, rolled them into a ball and put them under my arm. Then I opened the door to see the man and his young daughter standing there. She looked....weirdly like me. Was even dressed like me, or rather how I was before my accident. She pushed past me and closed the door. 

“Phew, that was close. Sorry to rush you I just didn’t want her having an accident, that would’ve been embarrassing” he said, calming his tone. 

“That’s fine…” I hung my head and did my best to hide my soaked jeans. The same hostess as before pulled me aside.

“Here’s a plastic bag for your wet clothes, and when you need a change come see me or Jane, we both know your situation.” I frowned, what did she mean when? 

“Hey do you have a longer skirt? This one is a little...short” I said, and showed her my diaper peeking out the bottom of the skirt.

“Sorry, but we usually don’t get adult's having accidents so that is the biggest skirt we have, have a good flight!”

She turned me around and pushed me on my way. Before I could get back to the main hallway, the little girl popped out of the bathroom with a big smile on her face. Her dad smiled back and said “Good job!”

I followed them begrudgingly back to my seat, where Jack was watching something on his iPad again. Quickly I shoved my pants into my backpack in the overhead bins, then smiled at Jack who was looking up at me. 

“You okay?” he asked, “you were gone quite a while.”

“Yeah...the hostess ...spilled coffee on my jeans so,” I referred to the skirt. Jack’s face went half laugh and half sympathy. 

“Awe, that’s too bad. Cute skirt though, you’ll probably be more comfortable in it too. Don’t know how you could wear jeans on a thirteen hour plane journey.”

I laughed awkwardly and waited for him to stand and let me in. He didn’t move.

“Could I...do you mind?” I asked shyly. 

“Oh you can crawl over, I don’t mind” He flirted, and I blushed harder. 

“Okay…” I said and thought of ways to approach. If I went in like I normally would, my butt and new diaper would be on full display, but if I go the other way I’d have my tit’s right in his face.

It was only a three second decisions, and I chose tits. I put my hand on his shoulder and made eye contact. Then I wrapped my leg over him, a soft crinkling sound echoing from my skirt. I did my best to be sexy, hold eye contact while I pushed my chest close to his face. He didn’t break eyes, and I quickly slumped down in my seat. The sound of the leather folding only slightly masked the sound of my diaper crinkling under my butt, and I knew I would have to be careful not to move much this trip. 

Once we were settled, Jack made one more remark before returning to his iPad.

“You sure it was coffee, and you didn’t just wet yourself and are trying to hide it?” He said, and looked to me with a raised eyebrow.

My heart was racing. Oh fuck, he knew. He-

“Ahahaha, I’m kidding. Could you imagine though?”

I forced out an awkward laugh. “Yeah...haha...that would be something…”


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