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When they finally got home, the girls started to get busy putting things out and cleaning for the party. Amanda was cleaning in the kitchen while Jessica cleaned the bathroom, which just made her stomach moan and groan even more. Little toots were escaping her too, and there was not much she could do to stop it. There were days at school where she would have to hold her poo until she got home to avoid using the public bathrooms, but she had never had to fight this level of desperation in a long time.

What was worse too is now the alcohol in her drinks at dinner was starting to catch up to her, and she was slowly growing increasingly more desperate to pee. Jessica shifted and pushed her hand to her crotch, squeezing her tight ass cheeks together as firmly as she could. 

Just as she started to scrub the toilet, a rush of pain gripped her stomach, and she thought it might just be more gas. Jessica stood up straight and watched the door, then pushed. 


Her hands clenched the scrubbing brush, and she froze. The back of her diaper had expanded and filled with a mushy warmth that she didn’t want to acknowledge, but gradually the smell started to woft and she knew what she had done. Jessica had just messed her diaper. 

Carefully, she released her iron grip on the toilet brush and moved her hand to her butt. As if she still didn't believe what she had done, she pushed her hand up between her butt cheeks. The mess squished and spread further around in the diaper, and Jessica cringed in disgust. She thought a wet diaper was bad, a messy one was so much worse. 

With her nose still twisted, she looked at the time and cursed under her breath. 8:15pm. There were another 45 minutes before she could change into panties, and she was likely going to have to shower after getting out of these dirty diapers. Frustrated, she threw her phone down and started scrubbing the toilet. All of a sudden, a second wind of desperation clutched her tummy, and she realized she wasn't done.

“You have to be fucking kidding me.” Jessica mumbled, dropping the brush in the toilet. She looked at the time again. 8:16pm. Pissed off and humiliated, Jessica wiped her hair back and whispered “fuck it,” then pushed.

Her face went red and after a moment of only pushing, the rest of her mess flowed out into the seat of her diaper. It filled every crevasse, every dry section of the back of the padding until she was certain the diaper gained 3 pounds of weight. Her pants were snug and didn’t allow for much give, so the mess spread everywhere it could. Jessica wasn’t sure the diaper would hold, so quickly she dropped her pants, allowing the diaper to sag between her legs. 

Still pushing, the final bits of mess finally escaped...but then the pee came. Jessica didn’t even realized she was peeing until she heard the hissing of the stream against the saggy diaper, saturating it even more and liquefying the mess. By the time the last drop of piss voided her, her diaper was sagging two inches down and had gained about 5 pounds. 

Jessica stopped pushing and exhaled, exasperated. Her face was beet red from all the pushing, and she had started to sweat a little bit. 

“Wow, that was quite the sight” Amanda said, stunned while standing in the bathroom doorway. Jessica looked over to her, shocked to realize she was there to witness the whole thing. 

“How long were you standing there…”

“I watched you pull down your pants and everything after that.” Amanda explained, a smiled touching the corner of her lips. “Looks like you need a change after all.”

Jessica looked at the time. 8:20pm. She tried to take a few steps towards Amanda and had to waddle like a penguin. “No” She said firmly. “I’m not putting on another one of those until after the party.”

Amanda put her fingers to her nose and pinched it to block out the smell. “Suit yourself babygirl” she said, and went back to cleaning. 

Jessica pouted then leaned back into the toilet. The smell was repulsive, but the feeling was worse. The mixing of both her accidents was creating a very uncomfortable experience for her crotch, and she was worried that she could get the smell out of her skin for when the guests arrived. The diaper swung back and forth between her legs as she scrubbed, sagging deeper every moment. 

When the toilet bowl was shiny and clean, she leaned forward and gave the seat a pat. “Ill be seeing you later” She whispered, then used the toilet to help her up.

Still slippery, her hand slipped from the toilet and she fell back onto her butt. The sound of the crinkly squish made her clench up and freeze, nearly gagging and nearly crying as the wet mess spread around some more. 

“Ewwwwww” she gasped, and then started to get up slowly. She felt as the mess clung to her butt while the diaper slowly peeled off her skin and sagged some more. In the corner of her eye she caught her reflection in the mirror.

Jessica’s hair was back in a messy bun, her tank top strap was dangling on the on side revealing much too much boob, and her diaper was sagging and expanded far further than what she actually thought possible. 

Ding Dong

The sound of the doorbell rung through the house like a clap of thunder. Jessica froze and listened as Amanda went to open the door.

“Hi Sarah!” Amanda said gleefully to the early arrival.

“Hi! Sorry I’m so early I was just getting out of a movie and didn’t really see much use in going home only to leave again, hope that’s okay?” Sarah asked.

“That’s totally fine! Come in!” Amanda motioned for Sarah to enter, meanwhile Jessica was listening, furious. 

She closed the door to the bathroom quickly and grabbed her phone. It was 8:29, still another half hour before she was allowed to change. Jessica texted Amanda in a frenzy.

Jessica: What are you doing? I can’t be seen like this!

Jessica waited impatiently while the three dots bubbled on her screen indicating Amanda was responding.

Amanda: What was I supposed to do? Say “Oh no sorry Jessica is in a really full diaper right now so you’ll have to wait on the front steps until 9”...?

Jessica bit her lip, her blood boiling.

Jessica: Well you need to stall her, or-

Jessica stopped typing and found her loophole, then grinned and typed fanatically.

Jessica: You said I had to wear until the party starts right? Well, the guests are here. The party has started. I’m taking these bloody things off and showering, YOU can come and deal with the waste.

She sent it and waited. I was read, and Amanda was taking her time constructing her response. Finally she said:

Amanda: Fine. You win on the technicality, but remember what I said...no baby business or you’re going to be a padded princess for a long time!

Jessica laughed, and said: That’s not going to happen.

Triumphantly, she ripped the tabs on the diaper and let it fall to the floor between her legs. There was a satisfying THUMP that came with it hitting the ground, and the smell nearly took away Jessica’s victory pride. She jumped in the shower and washed it all away, and knew tonight was going to be a good night…


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