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**Another story that started off as a one shot that I just couldn't leave at one. It'll likely be only a two parter unless I have more to tell. Enjoy!**


I knew I should’ve gone before we boarded. We had a few drinks at our dinner while waiting for the plane and all of a sudden I really started to feel them; now I really had to pee.

My best friend Talia, her boyfriend Ray, their friend Jack and myself were all going on a trip to Hawaii. It was a 13 hour flight and as if my fear of flying wasn’t enough, I was totally enamored by Jack. I had only met him a few weeks ago, but already I was head over heels. 

Jack was Ray's friend from England from when he did a year abroad and he finally came out to visit Ray this summer. Ray and Talia knew I was feeling a bit lonely this summer after my messy break up earlier this year, so when Jack was keen on them going on a trip, they asked me to tag along. They were clever little matchmakers, and part of me was great fun while the other part was terrified. Jack seemed like he was completely out of my league yet he appeared interested, so I was raring to shoot my shot. 

Now I had 13 hours to sit next to him, while Ray and Talia were sitting in the row behind us, snickering and eavesdropping when they could. We had just settled into our seats when I felt the pain in my bladder. I admittedly had a very small bladder, or rather felt the need quickly and yet somehow always had massive pees. The seat belt light was on and both sides were blocked with people getting into their seats, so I figured I would just hold it until we hit the altitude. 

“You excited?” Jack asked. At first I didn’t hear him, I was too busy deciding which toilet I was going to use once I was able to based on the distance from it to my seat. After a moment though, his words hit my ears and I perked up to respond.

“Oh! Yes I’m so excited, I’ve never been to Hawaii! Have you?”

“No neither. I know Ray and Talia have been.” 

I smiled, not really knowing what to say while my mind drifted back to my toilet needs. 

“But hey, I’m glad you’re coming, we can share our first time.” He said, and I immediately blushed. 

“Yeah, I’m sure there will be a lot of firsts on this trip” I replied avoiding eye contact at all cost, yet keeping him on my peripheral to gauge his reaction. He just smirked, satisfied and sat back in his chair.

“I’m sure there will be” he said, and I heard Ray and Talia giggle behind us. 

Finally everyone was boarded and the plane was moving. I had started squirming in my seat with my hands jammed in between my legs hoping to ease any of the growing pressure, but it was minimally effective. As the place started to line itself up to take off, my flight anxiety took over and my bladder issue was pushed to the back. Jack could obviously see I was tense, probably from all the squirming. He put his hand on my wrist.

“You okay Lizzie?” He asked sincerely. 

“Yes…” I blurted out, “I just...really don’t like this part.”

“That’s alright, I got you.” He pulled my hand out from my crotch and held it in his. His hands were a bit cold, but the feeling of having his hand in mine warmed my body to a boil. I was nervous, anxious, and insanely desperate, but in that moment I felt...calmed. 

Then the place kicked off and we were speeding away. I clenched everything, including Jacks hand. He held back firmer, trying to help me but it was no use. I froze in panic, and as the plane tipped to lift off, I felt myself let go of my bladder.

My eyes widened and I quickly focused my clenching down there, stopping the flow before there was too much damage. My right hand which was still shoved firmly against my crotch felt a bit of wet warmth form on my jeans, which only caused my heart to beat more. 

‘Fuck,’ I thought, ‘Nice one Lizzie, just piss yourself in front of Jack, that’ll really get him to like you.

We kept climbing and climbing, and it felt as if we were hardly moving at all. My emotions were all over the place and I had to focus hard on my bladder to keep the spot from spreading. I could have cried from the take off, the embarrassment of wetting myself even just a little bit, of the fact that Jack was holding my hand and how much that meant to me without him knowing. 

When the scary assent part was over, and things finally settled, I let go of Jack's hand and he pulled out his iPad to watch a show. At this point I knew if I couldn’t get to the toilet in the next few minutes, I was going to have more than just a little spot on my crotch. The only problem now was that I would have to shuffle past Jack with a wet spot between my legs and have that pee on my jeans for the rest of the journey.

Not to mention the seat belt light was still on, and my desperation was only building. I casually spread my legs and tried to look between them at the spot. I only caught a small glimpse before Jack spoke up. 

“Was it so bad this time?” Jack asked, and my head jerked up as if I’d been caught.

“Not as bad, thank you” I felt like a little girl next to him, feeling better just because he held my hand.

“Anytime.” He grabbed my hand again and interlocked fingers. 

‘Fuck Oh fuck oh fuck me dead’ I thought, ‘of course you would do that, right now, when I’m literally about to leak everywhere at any moment.’

Then, as if it was a sick joke, the seat belt light turned off and I watched as people got up and slowly made their way to the bathroom. I cursed under my breath, and figured I would just wait until I saw either of them leave.

So I sat, trying my best not to squirm to aggressively while my hand got clammy in Jacks. It was a clammy that I was okay with, happy in the fact that he was so willing to break that barrier and go for it, but every minute that went by I started to dread his hand holding. I didn’t want to get up and ruin the moment, but I didn’t want to ruin the moment by pissing myself either. Finally, a woman left the stall and I found my opportunity. 

“Hey I’m gonna quickly go pee okay?” I told Jack.

“Okay sure! Just scoot on by” He smiled.

I smiled shyly and got up, shuffling over him. Right as I’m passing over him though, the place takes a massive bump and I lose my balance. I fall back and find myself sitting right on Jack's lap, which would have been kind of an unexpected blessing had I not spurted out another stream of pee from the bump. I blushed and apologized, then got up quickly and high tailed it to the bathroom. Just as I’m about to get to the stall, an elderly lady stands up in the hall in front of me.

I stop in my tracks, noticeably frustrated. She slowly makes her way down and slips into the bathroom before me. My blood is boiling and my bladder is bursting, but I remain calm as I stand to wait for the woman. 

I take the opportunity to look down at my pants, and sue enough there’s a wet spot about the size of a mango on my jeans. I curse under my breath again, and then all of a sudden another bump hits the plane. 

I grab onto the side and stagger, crossing my legs while the pee slowly starts to drip. The seat belt light goes on again, and the hostess comes up to me and touches my arm.

“Excuse me ma’am but I need you to find your seat, for safety okay?”

I nearly lost it. “Can I please just use the toilet once that woman is out? I’m literally on the brink here” I said as calmly as I could.

The hostess smiled, “it should only be for a few minutes while we get through the turbulence.”

My heart was pounding. I hated confrontation but I was not about to go sit down because of a few bumps in the plane. 

“Look,” I said, spreading my legs to reveal the wet spot to her. “That’s gonna be all over the seat if you have me sit down okay? Once she’s out, I’ll quickly pop in and-“

Suddenly the plane jerked, bumped, and dipped. It was the worst turbulence I had ever experienced, and for a brief moment I thought we were going to die. Finally it passed, I regained my balance and stood up straight, and then I felt it. 

The warm spreading of liquid soaking my jeans caused my blood to run cold. Try as I might, I couldn't stop the flow. I was full on pissing myself in the airplane, right in front of the hostess and now the old woman, who was just leaving the stall. She looked at me shamefully as the wetness spread down my legs, dripping down the ends to the floor. Tears formed in my eyes, and the hostess grabbed my arm.

“Ma’am, we have a policy for this. Would you follow me?” She said, pulling me around the corner. I followed without hesitation, numb to the world around me and only feeling the wetness between my legs. She rummaged through some drawers and pulled out a black flowy skirt, and a white square of some sorts. When she handed them to me, I examined it and just felt angrier.

“A fucking diaper?”


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