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Amanda did her best. She held back as hard as she could, tried to hold it in, but before she knew it…

“Baaaaahahahahahahaha” Amanda belly laughed at the table, drawing more attention to Jessica than she liked. She was snorting and crying and gasping for breath. “Oh, my god. Tell me everything” she managed to cough out. 

“I just...could you quiet down? I was just powdering myself and I must’ve knocked the dirty diaper because before I knew it, it was on the floor on her shoe and then when I went to pick it up I was still holding the powder so I got powder all over her shoe and then when I was apologizing it just came out…” Jessica rambled as she hid her face to the occasional glances of the other people in the restaurant.

“What came out?” Amanda’s chuckling was calming but her nose and tears were still running.

“I just...said I was incontinent! I said I was severely incontinent.”

There was another quiet moment while Amanda processed what Jessica had said. Then, even more outrageous laughing. It was as if she was possessed, Amanda could not stop laughing. Jessica lowered her head onto the table, wishing she could just disappear into thin air. 

“SEVERELY!! Aaaaahahahahaha!” Amanda gasped for breath “So, *snif*, you’re severely incontinent now?” 

“Your meals ladies…” The waiter stood awkwardly with two plates of food, watching Amanda wipe away tears and hear Jessica groan under her arms. He placed it down and walked away quickly. 

“Come on, eat. Got a long night ahead of you.” Amanda poked Jessica with a fork and she rolled her head up. 

“I don’t think I can do this Amanda” Jessica mumbled.

“Oh? So you don’t want your gift then?” She smirked and took a bite of her food. Jessica rolled her eyes.

“Of course I do, but this is too much. Like I don’t know…” 

“Oh stop being so dramatic. Look, it is your birthday, and I know I have been hard on you this year so I’ll cut you a break. If you promise me that you will wear and use every single diaper, 24/7, with powder until they are all gone, I won’t make you wear them to the party tonight.”

Jessica perked up. “Oh my god seriously? Yes! Easy!”

“But there’s a catch.” Amanda said while raising an eyebrow. Jessica rolled her eyes.

“What’s the catch?” She said, not really wanting to ask.

“If I catch you doing anything....babyish...you will have to wear diapers 24/7 for a month. Deal?”

Jessica knew her friend was clever, so she was weary of accepting. “What do you mean...babyish?”

“Oh you know, whatever babies do. Burp, throw up, cry, wet themselves…”

Jessica stared at Amanda long and hard, wondering what plot she had been cooking up. She had just wet herself a few minutes ago...but she had to, there was no escaping it. There’s no way she’d do that. Plus things like burp, throw up, cry...why would she do any of those?

“Okay. You have a deal.” Jessica said, extending her hand out. Amanda smirked and took it, shaking it firmly. 

“Alright, I hope you can handle your liquor.”

A cold wash of dread came over Jessica, and she slumped back into her chair. Amanda knew exactly how she was with alcohol. Jessica didn’t drink often, but on nights like her birthday she went all out. She usually ended up with her face in a toilet, and once, ONLY once did she wet herself from drinking. And even then, it was only a small leak while she was waiting for the toilet. 

Jessica took a massive bite out of her chicken sandwich and chewed determinedly. She was going to have fun tonight, but she was NOT going to be a baby. 

After the girls finally finished their meal, they headed back to Jessica’s to prepare for people coming over. Jessica was feeling less uncomfortable in the diaper she had on, partly because it was powdered and dry, and partly because she knew she’d be getting it off soon. 

While they were driving back though, an unsettling groan came from Jessica’s stomach. It was loud enough to be heard over the music in the car, and for Amanda to turn her head to look at Jessica. 

“Everything alright?” Amanda asked, smiling.

“Yes,” Jessica said, shifting uncomfortably. “Just ready to get home and get out of these things.”

“Oh that one is staying on, there’s no way you’re wasting it.”

“What?! You said I didn’t have to wear them tonight!”

“Yeah, at the party. The party doesn’t start until at least 9pm when people are supposed to show up, and it’s only 7pm now. You’re diapered until 9pm. However if you need a fresh change before that you can change, just know that if the diaper is clean when the party starts, you’re wearing until it’s not.”

“That’s so unfair! You promised!”

“I told you you didn’t have to wear at the party, yes. But we aren’t wasting a diaper. If we waste it, I have to buy a whole pack more to replace the one and then you have a lot more diapers to go through before you’re done being padded.”

Jessica scoffed and crossed her arms, pouting like a baby. Her tummy shifted again and she felt an urge...an urge she prayed she wouldn’t need until she was out of the diapers. 

“So what you’re saying is, hypothetically, if 9pm rolls around and I have a dirty diaper, I can just go back to panties.”


“So I have to hold it for 2 hours?”

“Hold it...or sit in it. Or you could change and start drinking so you need to pee again before 9. It’s whatever you choose.”

Jessica’s stomach continued shifting. Something clearly hadn't agreed with her in the restaurant, and now she was in frantic desperation for a poop. But she was also determined to hold on. She didn’t want to risk not needing to pee before people showed up, it was too much of a risk. 

She was going to hold it...and pray she doesn’t have to sit in it. 


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