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I was absolutely bursting. 

It had been 4, maybe 5 hours since they captured me. I needed to pee then, but now I was on the verge of losing my hold. Everything had happened so fast. I was just walking home from work when a van stopped in front of me and two women jumped out the back. They grabbed me, cuffed me and stuffed my mouth so I couldn’t scream. Then, they sprayed me with something and I passed out. 

The room I was being held in had a small gap where I could see the sun going down, and as much as I tried I couldn’t make a noise. I stood, chained against the wall, crossing my legs in sheer pain and desperation, until the door swung open and the two women walked in. 

They were both skinny, with perky tits and toned bums. One was blonde and the other brunette, but it was their age that surprised me the most; they couldn’t be any much older than me. Maybe 25, around there. Not your typical kidnapped that you see in movies. My brain was running rampant trying to recognize them, but I only had a vague recollection. Most of my thoughts were on holding my pee in for just a little longer.

“Look a you, squirming away. You must really need a toilet don’t you?” The blonde said, walking towards me. I just nodded, trembling in fear and desperation. “Well, you can go if you want little baby.”

My eyes widened, was she letting me go? I looked to the door and she laughed. “Oh no, you’re not leaving if that’s what you thought.”

“What she means is you can let go,” the brunette stepped forward, stopping only inches from my face, “in your pants.”

My heart was racing as I felt her hot breath against my face, then her hand between my legs. 

“Let go baby, let me feel your warm piss fill jeans” the brunette started to stroke my crotch, causing some confusing pleasure. That few seconds of pleasure caused my muscles to relax, and a quick, hot stream of pee shot out into my underwear. I clenched up immediately and looked down to see if it left a mark. The brunette just smiled.

“I felt that” she said, and lifted her hands from my crotch to reveal a golf ball sized wet spot.

“Come on little one” the blonde said, stepping closer and replacing her friends hand on my crotch with her own, “we want you to pee for us, be a good baby.” 

It felt as if my struggles had amplified ten times since my first burst, and it was becoming harder and harder to hold on. I closed my eyes, grinded my teeth down on the restraint, and held my breath. 

Then all of a sudden, the floodgates opened, and I felt my whole body relax. The blonde gasped with excitement, and pushed her hand into my crotch harder. The brunette giggle and watched as pee spread down my jeans and dripped out by my ankles. The feeling was deeply humiliating. I hadn’t wet myself since before I could remember, and to completely lose control in front of these two...I felt myself getting smaller by the second. 

My pants were warm and wet and it felt like the stream would never stop. There was a hissing noise of the stream against my underwear as it hit and spread, finding its way to the back and wetting my butt as well. By the time I felt the stream slow, I was completely soaked, and the puddle under my feet was massive. 

“Did you get that?” The blonde said.

“Oh I got it, that’s got to be one of our best ones yet. This one will make a fine baby that’s for sure” the brunette responded, then walked away to fix a camera she had been using to record the whole thing.

Finally, I started to cry. Ever since I’d been captured, I hadn’t shed so much as a single tear, and now I broke into sobbing. I was crying like a baby in need of a bottle, which I think gave the two women even more excitement. The blonde rubbed my face.

“Shhh, don’t cry little one, we’re going to get you out of those wet clothes right away.” I looked at her; her pale blue eyes spoke sincerely, but her heart was malicious. “Honey, could you get the changing table ready?” She asked the brunette. 

“Of course,” she replied, “after that wetting, ill grab the extra thick ones.” They both giggle, and the brunette went off. Once she was clear, the blonde put her hand on my throat and put her face real close to mine. 

“You’re mine now, got it? Everything I want, you’ll do. If I want you to piss your pants, you piss your pants. If I want you to shit your pants, you’ll shit your pants. And if I want you to cum…” she placed her hands back on my crotch and started rubbing. “You’ll cum.” 

She started rubbing frantically, sensually, and planted a kiss on my lips. I tried my best not to kiss her back, not to enjoy it...but she was rubbing me the right way. Maybe it had been what they drugged me with, or the recent wetting, but it felt so good. 

So good in fact, that ten seconds later, I was cumming. The speed made her even more happy as she felt me jerk my body from the orgasm. 

“Now, that’s a good baby. Weak, just how I like them.” 

The brunette walked it, holding something in her hands. She looked and saw the blonde standing close to me, her hand still on my tender bits. 

“How’s the baby doing?” The brunette asked her playfully. 

“Oh, it’s a perfect baby darling.” The blonde replied, and finally removed her hand. “Do you have it ready?”

“Pretty much, bring the baby over.”

The blonde loosened my chains and pulled me into the direction of a small table. It was padded like a bed, with something spread out on top of it. When I got closer, I could see it was a diaper. My eyes widened and I looked to the blonde, who just smiled. 

“Don’t be nervous, be excited!” She said, “Now you won’t have to worry about accidents like that anymore.” She referred to my wet pants, and as I walked closer to the diaper I became more apparent of the squishing sound I made every step. 

“Alright, strip the baby, let’s get them in their new padded underwear...permanently.” 


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