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Jessica shifted uncomfortably in her seat, the piss soaked padding starting to cool and make her shiver. She grabbed her Bellini and started sucking it back, trying to numb her embarrassment through alcohol as fast as she could. The only thing to come out of it was a bad case for brain freeze.

“He’s not coming back for a while, just take the diaper and go change before the whole restaurant starts to smell of pee” Amanda whispered. 

“Oh my god it’s not going to smell in here, there’s so many other smells.” 

“Well that would be true if you used the baby powder, but you didn’t so…”

“What does baby powder have to do with anything?” 

“Um, have you had to babysit babies before? I had this one kid that I took to this exact place wet his diaper and I had forgotten to powder him. The tables around us left complained about the pee smell. It doesn’t take much.”

Jessica was grinding her teeth. She felt so trapped and so humiliated, was the gift really worth all this? There was still a whole pack of diapers she had to get through, and a party to attend. Her eyes caught the white padding sticking out of Amanda’s back, and she looked up to see the waiter halfway across the restaurant. With a firm look, she stuck out her hand to Amanda. 

“That’s a good girl” Amanda toyed, then reached into her bag and pulled out the diaper. Jessica reached across the table and shoved her hand into back to the bag.

“What?” Amanda said confused.

“Are you serious? Just give me the damn bag!” Amanda shouted a whisper, looking around to see if anyone had been watching. 

“Ugh fine, don’t be digging through it though, you know I don’t like snooping.” Amanda pushed the diaper back in the bag then slid it across the table to Jessica. Jessica snatched it, then slowly got up, taking care to cover her backside with the purse. 

Amanda watched as her friend waddled over to the bathroom stall, the inflated diaper visibly outlined in her pants, and chuckled while biting her lip.

Jessica jumped into a stall and locked it as fast as she could. There was one other lady with black shoes in the stall to her right, which Jessica was annoyed by but had no other option. The bathroom was much quieter than the restaurant, and when she sat down on the toilet seat, her diaper squished and crackled loudly. She cringed, stopped moving, then reached slowly into the bag. There were two diapers in Amanda’s bag, along with baby wipes and powder. Jessica rolled her eyes and let out a sigh, then pulled out the new padded garment. It crinkled in her hands, which made her pause again out of fear of the lady hearing. 

The alcohol must’ve kicked in a little, because after that paused she realized that the lady beside her would likely never see her face or make a comment even if she did. So Jessica just thought ‘fuck it’ and rapidly unfolded the diaper. When it was completely open, Jessica became very aware that she had been sitting on the toilet with her pants on this whole time. She clenched her jaw and frowned, slowly undid her pants to slide them down. The added thickness of the wet diaper made it much harder to pull her pants down as it was to put them on. She had to tug aggressively on her legs to get them off, and when finally they were around her ankles, the lady next to her coughed gently.

‘She’s been in here for a long time’ Jessica thought, then drew her hands to the sticky tabs. These were the loudest to get off, and even after she slowly dragged off the first one, pulling them off quickly wasn’t exactly easy to do quietly. Finally she was free, and she opened the diaper up and slid it off. The cook air on her damp skin was such a sweet relief, that she actually found herself letting out an audible sigh. When she looked down she noticed the start of redness around where the diaper had been rubbing, and found herself looking at the powder. 

‘Well, might as well save myself from physical pain if I can’t save myself from emotional pain’ she thought, and put the dirty diaper behind her on the back of the toilet. She slid the new diaper under her legs, and began to powder her bare crotch. The powder was incredibly pleasing on the skin, and she found herself putting more and more on until all of a sudden-


Jessica’s blood went cold and she could hear her heart start to pump in her ears. She turned to see the yellowed diaper flat on the floor, and halfway into the lady with black shoes stall. In a panic, Jessica reached over to grab it while still holding the powder. She grabbed the diaper, but sprayed baby powder all over the black shoes.

“Are you fucking serious?” the women said, annoyed.

“I’m so sorry I...I’m severely incontinent?” Jessica lied, even though it didn’t make her feel good to say. The lady finally got up, flushed and left the stall. Jessica pounded her hands into her face, growled a moan and finished taping herself up. Emotionally beaten down, and terribly hungry, Jessica pulled up her pants and left the stall. She immediately noticed the difference between having powder on and not, which made her grow half a smile. As she was washing her hands, she noticed a bag on the counter top. Before Jessica could think about it, a girl her age walked into the bathroom, and she recognized her right away. 

“Jessica?” The girl said.

“Hi...Katie...How’re you?” Jessica stumbled out words, and looked to Katie’s shoes. They were black, and covered in slightly brushed off baby powder. Color left her face as she knew what Katie was realizing.

“Good...just, left my bag.” Katie responded awkwardly, then made a casual glance to Jessica’s butt. The diaper was sticking out the back and giving her butt a more plump look than Katie was used to Jessica having. Her eyebrows raised and her mouth was open. “I’ll...see you at the party later Jess…” Katie said and left in a hurry. 

Jessica just stood still, the water flowing over her hands. When she finally came to her senses and left the bathroom, her food was at the table already.

“What took you so long?” Amanda asked, “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“I just saw Katie Lang in the bathroom” Jessica explained.

“Oh!” Amanda said pleasantly, “what’s wrong? She not coming tonight?”

“I...may have just told her I’m...incontinent.” 


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