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You had it all planned out, you even knew what your local pharmacy had in stock before you even left to go get them. Finally, the diapers. 

The things you had worked so hard for her to get into. Truth be told, you had confessed to her once before that you were into them. It was a drunken night and she didn’t remember the next day, but you will never forget the way she shamed you about your weird fetish. After that you didn’t mention it, but you were always eager to have your revenge. 

You pulled up at the pharmacy and walked directly to the aisle you knew you could find them. First you grabbed the Goodnites, the ones for teens but large enough to fit her. Then you went to the incontinence section and grabbed the adult diapers you had picked prior. They were thick as they come, had tabs just like baby diapers, and would undoubtedly be difficult to hide. 

Then on your way out you grabbed a few essentials like powder and wipes; you even considered picking up a trash bin just for diapers but you thought that might be a little overzealous for just starting out. Your cart was full, and your heart pumping. There was no self checkout so you had to have someone ring them through. At first you were nervous about what they might think, but after the girl started scanning, you realized that nobody cares or will remember this encounter the second you leave. You had your bags, and were on your way back home.

By the time you got back she was just getting out of the shower. ‘Perfect timing’ you thought, and started laying out your purchases on the bed. You couldn’t have been more nervous, all your hard work led to this moment. She walked in the door and saw you standing there, then froze. 

“Hi baby,” she started, cautiously, “back so soon?” She saw the bed covered in diapers and stepped forward, her face showing her confusion clearly.

“Okay I know what you might be thinking, but hear me out.” You started.

“You got me...diapers?” She asked aggressively.

“Yes. Diapers. Baby you have been having accidents like this-“

“For 2 days, we haven’t even seen a doctor or know if it’s an issue long term, I don’t know why you would spend all this money on this stuff when-“

“Baby. Think about it. Your accidents were abrupt, without feeling, you literally shit and pissed yourself in a public park earlier.”

“Yeah, but, we don’t know if that’s gonna KEEP happening…”

You could tell what you said resonated with her, like she had pushed the accident that just happened into the deepest, darkest corner of her mind already. She was struggling for an excuse to not be diapered, you expected that. 

“Okay how about this” you start to reason, “these goodnites are small and thin and will fit you nice and snugly. They’ll feel like your underwear but a bit thicker, if you wear these for me and you done have another accident, it won’t really be a big deal. But if you wear them and you DO have an accident…”

You gestures to the adult diapers and her eyes followed. She hunched over in depressed defeat, walked over to you and grabbed the pack of goodnites from you. After examining them, she ripped the packaged and dropped her towel. You watched as your fully nude girlfriend pulled a goodnite up between her legs and over her crotch and butt. 

Excitement swelled inside you. It was like this moment was happening in slow motion. You stared at her, admiring her and trying to hide your arousal, until she sighed and spoke again.

“I think this is a bit silly, but you’re right. These aren’t bad and if something does happen they should at least help with that embarrassment. I just hope I don’t ever need those big ones.”

“We’ll see baby.” You knew that she would, those goodnites will hold about a third of the volume of accidents she’s been having and will continue to have. You’d have her fully diapered in no time. 

She started dressing and you grabbed the baby powder.

“No way,” she said, “I don’t need that.”

“Suit yourself, but I don’t want you coming up in a diaper rash.”

You got nothing but daggers for that response, then put the powder down. She’d come around on it, the hard part was done. She was diapered. 

“What do you want to do now?” She asked you once fully dressed in fresh clothes.

“Well I was thinking we could maybe go to a movie or something?”

“Not today baby, to be honest I am too embarrassed to go out in public again today, especially now that I’m wearing...diapers.”

“Hey,” you said, then you walked up to her and hugged her, then playfully patted her padded butt. “They’re goodnites training pants, totally different then diapers” you joked playfully. She still wasn’t amused. 

“Fine, we’ll just watch a movie here. How about some popcorn?”

“Sounds good baby” she said and kissed you on the cheek. “Thank you for taking care of me, you’re perfect.”

You blushed and kissed her forehead. “Anything for my baby girl” you said, playing with the name. 

She went to the couch and picked a film and you went to make popcorn. You tried to think of a way to get her to take some of the medication again, but figured you would leave it and see what would happen naturally.

About halfway through the film, she shot up in her seat and put her hands to her crotch. 

“Oh no…” you said trying to be concerned for her. She stood up abruptly and you noticed her goodnites had already started leaking out of the back of her pants, leaving a wet spot on the couch. But it kept coming; she stood there in front of you, her eyes watering, and a big wet stain expanding down her legs, leaving a dry patch in the shape of the goodnite she had been hiding under her clothes on her butt. 

She looked to you in desperation, “I thought you said they would protect me?”. You went up and hugged her.

“They’re only meant for little leaks and small accidents, not full on accidents like you’ve been having. For that, you need the big ones.”


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