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*This started out as a one shot but I just got so into it that I had to make more, should be a 3-5 chapter mini story*

Today was Jessica’s special day; the day more than any other she looked forward to the most all year: her birthday.

All her friends were coming over later for a party, but first, her best friend Amanda was coming over to give their annual joke gift. Amanda and Jessica had been best friends since kindergarten, and have been like sisters ever since. They were always together, and even after the two started university, they worked their schedules to be together as much as possible. 

After a few years of normal presents, the girls decided to always have one joke gift that they would have to use before they got their real gift. For Amanda’s last birthday Jessica got her a jock strap that made her appear to have a bulge in her pants the whole night of the party, so Jessica was ready for Amanda to give her something just as humiliating if not more. Usually it was a balance, the more humiliating or annoying the first gift, the better or more expense the second one will be. It was a fun game, and it was really what made her birthday her favorite time of the year. 


The doorbell rang for a second, but Amanda let herself in anyways. “Heeeyyy!” She said as soon as she saw Jessica. “Happy birthday girl! How does it feel to be as old as me?”

“Ha! You’re still older” Jessica said as the two hugged. Jessica noticed the two large gift bags Amanda had brought with her. “So...What’s in those?” 

“Well why don’t we find out shall we?” Amanda kicked off her shoes and the two sat on the floor of the living room, then she handed Jessica the first large package. Jessica was grinning ear to ear; her heart was racing with excitement and after a moment's hesitation, she tore off the tissue paper to reveal what was underneath. When she saw it, she nearly stopped breathing.

“No.” Jessica gasped.

“Yes!” Amanda started giggling.

“Babe this is way too expensive!” Jessica pulled out a brand new Nintendo Switch for them bag, something she had been wanting for ages. “Oh my god, and games?”

Amanda just smiled and laughed. Jessica could’ve nearly cried, but instead she threw herself into her friends arms and held her. 

“Thank you” she said.

“Oh don’t thank me yet, it’s not yours until after you use all of these.” Amanda broke free of Jessica’s hug and presented her with the other big bag. Still overcome with glee, Jessica didn’t even consider how bad it could be. As she pulled back the wrapping paper though, her face went from smiles to confusion. Inside was a plastic wrapped, somewhat square packaged that was a bit soft to the touch. Jessica pulled it out and examined it.


Amanda burst into laughter while Jessica stared blankly at the packaging. They read ‘Maximum absorbency briefs’ and looked like baby diapers just blown up to adult size. Finally Amanda caught her breath and explained.

“Bigger gift, bigger joke” She said through chuckles, “and I mean ALL of them, not just tonight at the party.”

Jessica’s heart sank and she her excitement was gone. “You’re not serious” she said blankly. 

“Oh I’m dead serious. If you want your Switch, you need to wear AND use every. Single. One.”

“What do you mean...and use…”

“Oh my god you know what I mean, use them how they’re intended! You know, pee and poo!”

“Jesus, no!” Jessica pushed the diapers aside, and then her eyes were drawn to the console. 

“You know you want that. It’s right there! You can have it! Just gotta… wear diapers for a few days!”

There was a long moment of silent contemplation. Jessica looked back and forth between the diapers and the Switch, before she finally threw her hands up.

“Fuck it, give me the diapers.” 

Amanda clapped and smiled then passed Jessica the package. When it was in her hands again, she started to regret her decision but knew it was final. 

“Well, what're you waiting for?” Amanda questioned. 

Jessica looked at her sharply. “Now?!” She exclaimed, her shoulder sunk in defeat. 

“Um yes now, you’re wearing those 24/7 until there’s none left to wear if you want your gift.”


“No? Hm. Must’ve slipped my mind” Amanda was playing with Jessica, knowing now the power she had over her. This was the fun game the two played on a birthday, but Jessica was starting to think her friend had taken it one step too far this year.

Begrudgingly, she took the package and stomped her way to the bathroom. She stared at it and shook her head. “This is so stupid” she whispered, then ripped the corner of the packaged. It was packed snuggly, and she took notice of the x14 in the plastic as she tore. ‘14 diapers to wear, how many days is that?’ She thought ‘I don’t even know how many times I pee a day, like five? So that’s three diapered days. Great.’

She pulled out the white, crinkly garment and unfolded it to examine. It was definitely maximum absorbency with how think it was, but it wasn’t too big for her considering the size of the waist. Jessica dropped her pants, then her panties and felt the need to pee. She wasn’t sure if it was just psychological with her dropping her pants in the bathroom, but she sat in the toilet anyways. As a trickle of pee started to hit the water, she stopped it abruptly and stood up. ‘What am I doing’ she thought ‘if I want to get through these diapers, I should be saving my pee for them!’

With her pants and panties still around her ankles, she spread her legs and put the diaper between them. They needed to be taped up, and after standing and struggling with the tabs for a few seconds, she lied down on the floor and taped them up with ease. 

“How’s it going in there baby girl?” Amanda said mockingly through the door.

“Fine!” Jessica called back with exhausted annoyance. She was finally snugly taped up and back on her feet. The diaper fit nice, all things considered. When she finally pulled back up her panties and pants she thought they made her butt look bigger, with better curves. However that didn’t change the fact that you could see the outline of the diaper so clearly Jessica wondered with she even bothered putting her pants back on. 

She sighed, grabbed the package and opened the door to see Amanda there waiting for her. Amanda looked straight down to her crotch and saw the diaper outline.

“Oh. My. God.” She was so happy and shocked it looked like her eyes would pop out. “I can’t wait for the party now!”

‘Right, the party’ Jessica thought with dread, she had forgotten about the party. 


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