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This is an extension of a ONE SHOT of the same title as voted by the people, part one can be found under the new tag YGA.

It hadn’t been comfortable sleeping in her piss all night, but you managed to get to sleep and before you knew it, you were waking up to the sound of her crying. This time it wasn’t screaming, just soft sobbing and exhausted moans coming through her pillow.

“What’s wrong baby?” You pretend to feel the wet bed for the first time and lift the covers. “Oh no, not again.”

“I don’t know what’s happening,” she said through her tears, “I must be sick or something or have a bladder infection!” 

“I don’t know, does it feel like somethings not right?” You ask sweetly, trying to calm her.

“No...but it could be and I just don’t feel it!” She tried to reason, but she couldn’t even convince herself she was sick; you could see it in her eyes.

“Do you want to book a doctors appointment then? I could take you over” You asked.

“Yeah maybe...oh wait. It’s Sunday, my doctors will be closed today.”

“Okay well tomorrow then?”

“Um...no I work tomorrow” she said starting to sulk more. The tears had stopped but the embarrassment was still there. 

You knew her schedule exactly, which is why you started the process over the last few days. You started with the medication, used just to make her pee more and more, wearing down her bladder. Then you started the hypnosis; the first one used just to have her susceptible to the suggestions, then you gave her the bladder incontinence suggestion. That was the first night she wet the bed, and last night you topped it up with a bowel incontinence suggestion. You haven’t seen the effects yet, but your audio files were working wonders already, you didn’t have any doubts.

You had to pick the days carefully. The first day she wet herself and the bed would be considered a fluke, a freak accident. The second time it would be a concern, maybe she’d like to see a doctor...but she couldn’t, because it was Sunday. Then Monday and Tuesday she worked during the open hours of the clinic; couldn’t go then either. 

Finally by Wednesday she could go but by then, you’d have her ready. 

“Well hey, you can spend the whole day here, relax, and I’ll take care of you. I’ll go make breakfast, you quickly wash up then through that stuff in my washing machine. Pancakes okay?”

She just looked at you and nearly started crying again, then leaned over and hugged you tightly. The puddle of piss squished under her butt and you hugged her back while trying not to get turned on.

“How are you still with me, I’m a mess”

“You’re my mess” you said, and kissed her cheek. Then you got up and started breakfast; you heard her getting into the shower and grabbed the medications from the cupboard behind some spices. This time you added a little extra to get her bowels moving, and test your new additions to her ‘training’.

When she was out of the shower you had everything ready for her. Pancakes, fruit, coffee, juice, everything to impress. And it worked, she was stunned.

“Oh my god, you're too much” she said, her hair still wet from the shower. She was wearing a light blue pair of jeans and a white top that really outlined her perfect figure...and would really show any accidents.

She devoured every bit, and drank every drop. You watched on happily, awaiting the inevitable. 

“How about we go for a nice walk in the park after we clean up? It’s so nice out today and it may be good for you to get some fresh air” you asked her.

“That sounds like a great idea! I’m gonna use the bathroom first then we’ll go okay?”

You nodded, and almost laughed at the idea of her trying to go to the bathroom. Your conditioning for her included the fact that toilets were almost foreign to her now. She didn’t know how to use one, just what they were for. Even if she could get to sitting on the toilet, it would be impossible for her to push anything out. She couldn’t control the muscles to do so.

You heard her close and lock the door, then listened while you loaded up the dishwasher. She was talking to herself quietly, you could hear the confusion in her voice, then the toilet flushed. She left without using it, then came out with a confused look on her face. 

“You okay?” You asked.

“Huh? Oh, yeah I’m good! Sorry. Let’s go!”

You started putting your shoes on and she tried to do the same, but got confused by the laces. She crossed them and twisted them...but didn’t know how to tie them. 

“You need a hand baby?” You asked her, hiding a laugh. 

“Um.. yes please” She said in a shy whisper. Her cheeks flushed with red in embarrassment as you tied her shoes for her. This was working even better than you thought.

The park was only a 10 minute walk away, then about a 40 minute walk to circle it and come back. It was a beautiful sunny day, lots of people out walking their dogs or on bikes, kids playing in the parks and moms walking with strollers. You held your girlfriend's hand and soaked in the sun, anticipating the upcoming accident.

At just about the halfway mark, you heard her tummy shift loudly. She perked up, surprised and looked down. 

“You okay?” You ask.

“Fine, just that delicious breakfast going through I think!” She said and smiled at you, leaning in. 

A few steps later, there was another noise from her tummy. She didn’t comment in it so you didn’t either… but then there was another, and another, and another, until suddenly she stopped. 

You kept walking but her hand tugged you back. Her face said it all, red cheeks and tears forming.

“What’s wrong baby?” You asked, pretending not to know that the back of her pants was filling up with shit.

“I….I...just.. oh no!” She whispered for a moment, then gasped and looked down. A stream of piss trailed down her jeans abruptly as her bladder gave and voided in the middle of the park. Now she was soaking wet, and the mess even more apparent. 

“Oh god baby, what’s happening?” You said, looking around at the people watching the accident unfold. 

“I just pissed and shit myself what do you think happened!” She said through angry and embarrassed tears. “Let’s just go.”

She turned around and stormed back the way you came. People gasped and stared as she walked by, noticing the wetness first then being even more shocked by the mess at her butt. She didn’t say a word until you got back inside 20 minutes later.

“I’ve never been more embarrassed in my life, what did you put in those pancakes?” She said furiously. 

“What? Nothing! The pancakes had nothing wrong with them, I don’t know how you could accuse me after everything that’s happened already” you said defensively.

“What do you mean everything that’s happened?”

“Well...baby...you have been having accidents the last few days. I don’t think this has anything to do with me.” You knew that to be a lie, but you couldn’t reveal that. 

“I...you...what...I’m sorry” She threw herself into your arms and sobbed. “I’m sorry you’re right, it’s not your fault I just...I just don’t know what’s happening to me.”

You held her and stroked her hair. This was going all too well.

“Look, you clean yourself off and I’m going to run to the pharmacy and grab something that might help okay?”

“Like what?”

“You’ll see”


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