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I woke up and it was any other day; or so it felt that way. The night before was a blur, I couldn’t remember what actually happened or what was a dream. I remember walking alone on the trails from my mom’s house to my dad’s when I had come across an artifact. The walk home was definitely real...the artifact felt like a dream...but was it? The last thing I remember was it glowing brilliantly and then penetrating me with glowing blue smoke. Then I woke up here. No it had to be a dream, but it felt too real…

I got up and threw on some pajamas; I could hear my dad rummaging around downstairs and figured I would try to persuade him into making breakfast. He was already having cereal when I got to the kitchen, so playfully I asked “So, you making waffles this morning?” 

He got up abruptly and said “I’m making waffles this morning”, then started gathering ingredients. Pleasantly surprised, and not at all suspicious, I sat down and pulled out my phone. When I unlocked it, a video started playing loudly. A girls voice moaned desperately while trying to hold onto control of her bladder, ultimately leading to her wetting her jeans. I quickly closed the video and turned down the volume; It was likely from last night before I went to bed. 

Looking up and blushing, I noticed my dad hadn’t moved. He was probably just not dignifying it with a reaction, but I said “That was nothing” just to be sure. 

He turned and said, “That was nothing” and continued cooking. That was when I started to get suspicious. My eyebrows scrunched with confusion and I stood up, then walked towards him slowly. He didn’t even turn to me, he was cooking almost robotically. 

“Stop cooking” I said, and he stopped dead, freezing in place. I staggered back, startled and covered my mouth. “Dad is this some sort of joke?” I asked.

“No. I can tell a joke if you’d like” he said. At this point I was freaking out, and all I could see in my head was the blue glow of the artifact I found. “Oh my god” I whispered, “I can control you.”

My mind was running at a million miles a minute, trying to comprehend what was happening and remember the night before. Nothing was really coming to me, but the thought came to try and release my Dad from the commands. I stood straight and said “Release”.

My dad’s shoulders relaxed and he took a deep breath. He turned to me confused and said “How...did I get over here?” 

Quickly I said “You were sleepwalking I think, I have to go” and ran upstairs to change. I looked in the mirror for a long while, feeling myself to see if anything had changed. Nothing, just a small scar on my chest. It was blue. Panicked, I covered up in fresh clothes, grabbed my car keys and ran out the door. 

I didn’t leave immediately, just sat in the car nearly hyperventilating. “I can control people. I can control people. Oh my god” I kept repeating. I pulled out my phone and saw the porn I was watching again.

I got a promiscuous idea. Part of me felt a little wrong in my thinking, but the other part of me was onto accepting the fact that I could do whatever I wanted now. I checked the schedules at my work. 

She was working. 

The girl of my dreams, Samantha. We had gone to the same school together all the way through grade school, always had the same classes and even worked at the same place for several years...but somehow I still felt she hadn’t noticed me. Not anymore. 

I skid off the driveway and hellbent it to the retail store we worked at. I parked and strutted in. There she was. I was nervous, and even hesitated walking up to her. Even though I could do anything, I was still shy. Finally though she saw me, and smiled. She said “I didn’t think you worked today?”

“I don’t.” I stood awkwardly...waiting for the courage. She looked at me confused.

“Hello?” she said.

“Wet yourself” I said.

I couldn’t believe what I had just done. It felt so wrong, so weird to say out loud...but after a half minute of silence, a dark stain started to grow down her legs. My eyes widened. I could hear the hiss of the piss flowing furiously out of her. A puddle formed around her feet and her socks and shoes filled with pee. When it looked like she was nearly done, I said “Release.”

“Oh Sam...are you okay?” I followed up with. She looked down in horror and covered her legs. Tears formed in her eyes.

“I…I...I didn’t even feel it!” she stammered. I walked up to her and put my hand on her shoulder.

“It’s okay, you can expect this to happen a lot now that you don’t have any bladder control” I whispered another command. Her eyes went dead for a second while her mind received the message, and then back to embarrassed grief.

“What should I do? Julie is going to be so mad, we’re already understaffed...what if she doesn’t let me go home?” 

“You know what you should do?” I asked, and she perked up to listen. “You should mess yourself too.” Again, she listened and obeyed. Her nose curled as she pushed out a massive load into the back of her jeans. I watched again in amazement as the back of her pants expanded with the mess, and felt myself getting turned on. 

“What’s going on here?” a voice came from behind me. I turned abruptly to see Julie, our manager, standing sternly, arms crossed and face cold. 

“Sam had an accident, or...two accidents” I said being coy. Julie walked up to Sam and scoffed.

“What are we going to do about this huh? I should have you fired!”

“No please! I don’t have control of my bladder!” Sam begged, the word choice to my pleasure.

“Well I can’t have babies working on my sales floor” Julie said.

“Yes you can.” I commanded. Julie froze, and listened. “In fact, you’re a big baby anyways too right? You wet and mess yourself all the time. I think you need to run over to the pharmacy and buy the thickest pack of diapers you can find, get one for Sam too. Make sure you tell them it’s for you since you’re such a big baby who can’t hold her pee or poop. And when you finish explaining all that, you can show them by wetting and messing yourself right there in the store. Got it?”

“Got it.” Julie said and ran off to the pharmacy across the street. 

I looked back and smiled at Samantha whose legs had gone cold and clammy. “Hey Sam” I said, and her head perked up in attention. “You love calling me Daddy right?”

“Yes Daddy.”

Hearing that was bliss. How could anything possibly go wrong anymore...


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