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By the time I finished diapering Brittany, we had come up with a plan for June. Brittany was going to call the dean and try to convince him to let June leave without any consequence, and write up a contract for her that binds her to her silence about the sorority with expulsion for her AND me if she breaks contract. It was a bit of a risk on my end, but one that needed to be taken. She didn’t belong here.

When Brittany and I left the room, she was sitting on the floor sulking impatiently. 

“Can we finish up this tour already? I need to find a toilet soon for-” June stopped herself, then banged her head against the wall in frustration. She was obviously going to say she needed to poo, but there was no bathroom privileges for her here; at least, not for now. There and then I lost any doubt that the plan Brittany and I mustered up was the right thing to do. June wasn’t like me, she couldn’t spend her college years and possibly beyond in a diaper. I on the other hand was starting to really like them, and feel comfort in them. 

June got to her feet and followed behind Brittany and I for a minute before Brittany stopped abruptly, and turned to us. 

“You know, we’ve seen all there is to see anyways, why don’t we call it here and you two can go and mingle with the rest of the girls hm?” Brittany said; I knew full and well she was eager to make that phone call to the dean, and this was her quick method of getting to that. June rolled her eyes and I nodded politely, giving a look of knowing to Brittany. 

June began storming back to our room and I had to jog to catch up to her. Just as we got to the room she slammed the door, which I had to then open and follow her in shocked embarrassment. I walked in and closed the door gently behind me.

“June what is wrong with you? People could hear that and think...wait what are you doing?”

June was stripping her pants and pulling at the tabs of her diaper, attempting to remove it. 

“I cant do this Amy, I’m not shitting myself in this fucking place. I pissed the damn things, but I am not shitting myself no way.” She said angrily. I ran over to her and held the tabs down.

“Stop, if someone sees, you know what would happen!”

“Who’s going to see, your new bestie Brittany?”

“What? She’s not-”

“Oh don’t bullshit Amy, I heard you two chatting and laughing in that changing room. All giggly and fun like two precious diaper girls. Now let go of me or I think I am actually going to shit myself.”

“June please...you don’t understand I-”

“Take your hands off now, it’s coming out Amy!”

“You need to keep this diaper on for just a little bit longer, I’ve been figuring something out for you!”

June paused, then spoke softly.

“What do you mean? You’re...trying to get rid of me, aren't you?”

“That’s not the way I would put it, I would just say...trying to do what’s best for my best friend!”

“Oh my god, you are getting me kicked out aren’t you? That’s what you were talking with Brittany for so long about! Isn’t it? I can’t believe you Amy, to say you were my fr-”

All of a sudden June stopped talking, and a sound of shifting padding cut the silence. June’s face reddened with embarrassment and rage. She accidentally shit her diaper. 

The diaper sagged and she pushed me away hard, knocking me to my butt. Thankfully the extra padding made my fall a little easier, but the action hurt more than my bottom. June stared down at me, her diaper sagging between her legs, with unbearable disdain. She hated me. 

I couldn’t stop the tears from coming. I felt like a horrible person for making her angry, but also knew deep down I was doing it for her own good. Through the tears I looked up and raised my voice.

“Fine okay? Brittany and I have a plan to get you to leave the sorority peacefully, without consequence. I’m putting my neck on the line so YOU can leave this place which is apparently your own personal hell.”

“Yes Amy I admit, I hate it here. I had a bad feeling from the start but you dragged me in anyway. Now you’re telling me you’re getting me to leave? What was even the fucking point? I’m here, for YOU, in a diaper full of my own shit and probably expected to shit myself again. I NEVER want to piss, shit, or ever sit in this fucking thing again!”

June tore off the tabs and the diaper fell to the floor. The messy diaper thumped and the smell grew more terrible. We were now both yelling, and gaining the attention of the rest of the girls.

“I know, I’m sorry June but I am figuring it out...Just get another diaper so we can avoid any problems-”

June stomped over and pointed a finger in my face.

“I am not wearing another diaper even if I have to move to another fucking state to go to school. At least then I will be far away from YOU!”

The door swung open as Junes words cut into me. We both looked to see Brittany standing in the doorway. She cleared her throat.

“June, Amy, the Dean would like to meet with you.”

I looked back at June and mouthed ‘Diaper’. She understood; for in that moment she saw the consequences flash before her eyes. It was an easy thing to get angry and say ‘never again’, but when faced with the actual chance to make the ‘fuck you’ statement, she caved. June angrily walked over and grabbed a diaper, wipes, and powder and laid down on the bed. She looked over to Brittany and in the most cutthroat of tones said “Give us a minute.”

Brittany nodded and left the room, I carefully got to my feet. June stared at me, her bare ass with shit marks raised to the sky. 

“Well come on then, clean me up.”

I walked over slowly and gagged at the smell of the dirty diaper and my friends shitty bum. I knew she was doing this to punish me, but it’s not like I wouldn’t have had to do this eventually...and well after tonight, maybe never again on her.


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