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 Before I even opened the door I was bursting. It was hard enough to stumble up the stairs, get my keys and open the door quietly while drunk, let alone doing that while fighting off the unforgiving urge to piss. Finally I was in, and while not as graceful as I thought I could be, I don’t think I was loud enough to wake up my step-mom. 

I had only turned 18 a few weeks ago, but since majority of my friends already were, there were a lot of parties and drinking nights to attend. My dad HATED me staying out late and drinking, but he was out of town for the week so I figured I could get away with going out. My step-mom was a cold bitch sometimes, but she was also a heavy sleeper and kept a pretty strict 10:30 bedtime. It was 2am now, so she should be long asleep now. 

Or so I thought, because as I finally got my shoes off and started my way to the stairs, a light came on, and a voice cut the evening silence. 

“Annabella. What have we told you?” Kate’s voice was falling on drunk ears, but the sight of her made me instantly roll my eyes and groan. 

“I told you it was Emily’s birthday tonight.” I slurred, and rolled back on my heels still gripping my crotch tight in desperation. 

“I don’t care what you told me, even if you did tell me. It’s way passed your curfew and you have school in the morning.” She scolded, her arms crossed in her nightgown. 

As much as I would’ve liked to have argued, I could feel my control slipping. A small spurt of pee escaped into the crotch of my cotton panties, and I felt around to see if it soaked into my jeans. I must’ve looked really odd to Kate who was already short of patience.

“Hey! I’m talking to you!” She raised her voice.

“I know I know, I’m sorry you can tell daddy and he can have a go at me tomorrow, I just really need to-”

“Oh no, you think just because your fathers away you can just do whatever you want without consequence? I have work in the morning and I would’ve much rather have just gone to bed and not have to spend all night waiting around for you.”

“I just really have to-” Another spurt slipped out before I was able to clench again. This one was longer, and I could feel the wetness between my thighs as the pee finally saturated my jeans under my hand.

“I. Don't. Care. I waited until 10:30, figured you would be a little late anyway. Then I called you; no answer. I waited until 11, called you; no answer. Then I started calling every 15 minutes until 12:30 rolled around and I gave up on calling. So I waited. Finally, here you are, 5 hours passed curfew. Where is your phone? You seem to be so attached to it except when I need to get ahold of you?”

My phone had died before lunch, but since my dad was away and I was with my friends, I didn’t bother to charge it. That was the least of my worries now though, a third spurt escaped, this time a stream that hissed against the denim and spread down the back of my legs, stopping just above my knees. Kate couldn’t see it from where she was standing, but I could certainly feel it, and dread washed over me as I knew that was the last time I could stop it. 

“It died, I’m sorry now if you will just excuse me for a minute so I can p-”

I tried to push passed Kate and head straight up the stairs, but her hand caught my arm firmly and tugged me in front of her so our faces were inches apart. I felt the fury in her breath and her fake nails dug painfully into my arm, then I felt a shift in my body, and my bladder stopped screaming. 

“I am not to be simply pushed aside when you’re done with my like one of your boyfriends. I may not be your real mother, but you live in my house, and you will respect my rules. I stuck my neck out for you to get you some good college interviews but so help me god if you can’t get a grip on your life and start acting like a grown woman then-”

She stopped as soon as she heard it, which was moments after I started to feel it. Piss rushed out of me with tremendous force, soaking my pants and running down my legs to the floor. A puddle quickly formed and my pants started dripping’ that’s when she heard. Her arms released me and she stepped back away from me, watching in pure shock and disappointment. I felt so small, like a child having an accident. Except this wasn't a child-like accident, this was an accident only a woman who had been out drinking all night could have. I peed for what felt like an hour, but was actually 2 whole minutes of straight pissing. Kate watched the whole time. 

By the time the last drops had eagerly voided me, I was standing in a puddle that was a meter on either side of me. My eyes were wet with tears and my I was breathing in heavy embarrassment and relief. After a long silence, Kate finally spoke up.

“You know what, this is perfect” she said thoughtfully. I frowned, confused.

“What? This was an accident that only happened thanks to you!” I raised my voice through tearful sniffles.

“No, I intimidated you and you pissed yourself like a little girl. Not the grown woman that I thought you could be, but a child who wets themselves at the slightest bit of confrontation.”

“Wha...What!? I have been drinking Kate this is a drunk accident they happen all the time I-”

“Oh so this happens all the time?”

“Well I...No I meant...not always I-”

“Don’t move, I don’t want you spreading pee anywhere. I’ll be right back.” With a smug smile, she turned around and went up the stairs. I stood there, awkward and cold, my pee soaked pants sticking uncomfortably to my legs and my feet splashing around in the warm puddle I left. After a minute, Kate comes back down the stairs with a towel under her arm and her phone in her hand. 

“Thanks..” I say softly and reach for the towel. Before she lets me grab it though, her phone flashes for a picture and the color left my face. 

“Wha….delete that!” I blurted out, and she snapped another one, and another. I tried to reach for her phone but my drunken legs betrayed me and I slipped in my piss puddle. I felt the liquid soak into my shirt, and all over my arms and back. Kate took another picture. 

“Okay, NOW you can take this towel” She said and threw the towel on top of me on the floor. I ripped it off my face in anger and started mopping myself up. Suddenly a crinkling sound grew louder from where Kate was standing. I looked up and saw she was holding something, something square and white. It was a diaper. 

Kate squished the padding with her hands over and over to draw my attention to it, until I was staring right at it and said “What is that for?”

“This, my little girl, is for you” she said as she leaned down to meet my eyes as I sat mopping up my pee. 

“You’re not serious”

“Oh I am, I have been waiting to do this for a while now. You see I’ve always thought the idea of diaper discipline is criminally underused by parents, especially on naughty, uncaring kids like yourself. Since I had no kids of my own I never got the chance to try it, but with you…”

“No. My dad wont allow it” I said, disgusted. 

“Oh you’re right” she said, standing up “and for the longest time he didn’t let me. But now, since you confessed to me you’ve been having accidents anyways…”

“I didn’t say that!”

Kate pulled her phone back up and pressed something; suddenly my voice came through saying “this is a drunk accident they happen all the time”. She recorded me, and took pictures. I was toast.

“Now hurry up and get that floor dry babygirl” Kate said, “I want you powdered and padded before bedtime.”


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