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June stormed passed both Brittany and I and waiting outside the room. Brittany looked at me with concern and I awkwardly pulled my pants up over my diaper while wiping away tears. I wished her timing could’ve been better as now I had to do this whole damn tour with a sagging diaper, but I think that was the least of my worries right now. June could ruin everything, I needed to figure something out and fast.

“Okay so obviously these are your room, you’re next door to Yara and Lilly’s room and Taylor and Michelle’s room. At the end of the hall is the bathroom” Brittany started explaining, but June cut her off.

“Why do we need a bathroom? Aren’t we all pissing and shitting ourselves anyways?” She said with annoyance. Her arms were crossed and it looked like her eyes were shrouded in darkness. I didn’t dare look at her for longer than a glance. Brittany paused at the interruption, cleared her throat and answered the question.

“You need to shower don’t you? Wash your face? Do your makeup? Brush your teeth? Or are bathrooms only for pissing and shitting where you’re from.” June gritted her teeth, even more irritated with the way Brittany shut her down. She remained silent as Brittany continued the tour.

“Next to the bathroom is the supplies cabinet. There you can find all matter of necessary items including diapers, powder and wipes. It is restocked daily so there should never be a shortage.”

“Well ain’t that a relief” June snarked. I turned and looked towards her in disbelief. Was she trying to get herself kicked out? She obviously didn’t care…

Brittany ignored the remark and continued on. An idea popped into my head that I immediately shot down, but then considered with sadness. Sabotage. 

If I was going to have a good time here, with great marks and good pay, a whole family of new friend, then I needed to play alone with this game. I even wanted to play along, the whole thing excited me. However June didn’t share my enthusiasm, she hated the whole idea before even giving it so much of a chance. Sure she put the diaper on and said we’d do it together, but it was all becoming more and more clear that she was not going to be happy here. And what kind of friend would I be if I was the reason for her unhappiness.

I wasn’t even listening to the tour anymore, I was thinking of an idea. I needed to talk to Brittany alone, and I had just the idea.

“Excuse me Brittany” I barged in on the discussion abruptly. Brittany stopped and smiled. 

“What’s up Amy?” 

“Is there somewhere that I could change? I feel like I need to go again and well this diaper is...at its limit I think” I hung my head, embarrassed by the sentence I just uttered. With my eyes on the floor, I saw Brittany’s feet come close to mine and I lifted my blushing face to see her standing close to me. She grabbed my hand. 

“Of course, this way” Brittany said and started leading us to a room near the kitchen. I could feel June’s eyes like daggers in the back of my head, as she crinkled in her diaper behind us. We got to the room and Brittany held the door for us. June was about to follow in but I stopped her.

“Oh actually I was hoping you could change me?” I asked suspiciously. Brittany looked to June, and smiled. 

“Of course, always happy to help” and she closed the door in June’s face. Now her and I were alone.

She laid me down on the changing table in the middle of the room and started to gather the material. I started to lower my pants and mustered up the strength to say what I came here to say. 

“Brittany...I actually wanted to talk to you about something” I said shyly.

“I figured” she said knowingly “you aren’t that difficult to read, June sees it too.”

“Yeah...about June.”

“She’s a problem, she could get herself into trouble if she keeps this up, or worse...drag you down with her.”

She started removing the tabs on my diaper, methodically one by one. She was a real expert at diapering now, having been in one and doing other girls diapers for years. 

“I don’t want to go down with her, in fact...I was hoping we could come to a deal”

Her eyebrow rose and she glanced up from her diapering. “I’m listening.”

I swallowed hard. “I think, possibly, that it would um...be best if we ah...let June go.”

Brittany laughed. “You think she can just leave? She’s under contract.”

“I know but think about it. It’s been barely a day, the dean clearly doesn’t want her here as much as she wants to be here herself, she can stay under contract for nondisclosure but live her normal college life without diapers, without here.”

“Who’s to say she won’t break her contract and expose us, expose you?”

“Because I’ve been her best friend for forever, and while yeah I’m kind of going behind her back here and that could be a problem, I think that at the end of the day she still won’t want to hurt me, and by extension all of you.”

Brittany finished my diapering in thought. When she finished the last tab, she said “the dean would have to agree to it.”

“Of course, call him. The sooner we get this over the better.”

Brittany watched me pull up my pants over my fresh diaper and stood close to me.

“Look, I haven’t really liked either of you. The dean favors you and I can’t get in the way of that, one day I think he wants you to take over for me.” I hung my head, awkward and submissive. “I will say though” Brittany continued “I respect what you’re doing for her, she doesn’t belong here, you do.”

I nodded. A feeling of relief washed over me, and I felt my nerves start to wash away. 

“Now you get to diaper me; my diaper just got heavy so  I think I just messed and wet, plus you need the practice anyways.” A foul smell washed over the room, coming from Brittany’s dirty diaper. I couldn’t help but laugh, and she smiled at me, this time genuinely happy. 


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